Challenges > Challenges

Challenge #865, SiMpleTonTRiCkCiTy

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--- Quote from: Danger135 on February 25, 2024, 07:24 PM ---Is any difference between MEXI and ARCH? I do not see any.

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Arch performs over pillar, mexi - over another obstacle.


--- Quote from: flashR on February 25, 2024, 09:23 PM ---Arch performs over pillar, mexi - over another obstacle.

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This is the correct answer.

It's like, arch over vertical lines in Big RR.

Mexi over for example, an entire island in a Roper.


--- Quote from: Rocket on February 25, 2024, 06:07 PM ---1st run, 796... not interesting xd

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That's a nice run, submit it!

--- Quote from: flashR on February 25, 2024, 09:21 PM ---Thanks for this challenge, nice map! These pinball, mexi and double dragon knocked me out of tempo :D

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Glad you're enjoying it. :) Yeah, those tricks are hard. I think this map's great way to practiise them. :D

There is a sad story about last 2 tricks that got me mad...  :D I have come when timer was 590 and spent 14 minutes for last 2 tricks lol what a shame.


--- Quote from: flashR on February 25, 2024, 11:19 PM ---There is a sad story about last 2 tricks that got me mad...  :D I have come when timer was 590 and spent 14 minutes for last 2 tricks lol what a shame.

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Oof very bad luck, but also, your Shadow was invalid 💀

Check this image:

As you can see in the frame-by-frame analysis, your rope is not attached to the cyan part of the crane, but to the part highlighted in red (as you can see in the crane image in the middle).

Pay more attention to your Shadows in your future runs!


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