Files > Files

File #2208, Cosmic Terrain

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The original texture uses nearly half of the palette which most of the 32 terrain objects share, so there won't be much room for new colours.   I've attached the full 113 colour palette file for the terrain (112 + transparency).   If you force your new texture to remap to that palette, all objects and background etc will work perfectly.

I was also curious if it's possible to extract asteroids debris.spr. I've used the old ones from the TERRAIN GUIDE FILES before for breaking bad crystal meth look. I wonder if I can't extract it because SpriteEditor doesn't extract terrains made with it properly.

And btw, I wonder if text.img icon counts toward the color limit?

You can extract to PNG using SpriteEddy:   You'd then need to create the .spd with the frames and dimensions.  I've attached all of the files to save you the trouble.

The Text.img icon is separate to the terrain, it's only used in the land generator screen, max of 17 colours (including transparency)


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