Quote from: Mega`Adnan on June 28, 2017, 02:43 PM
My browser (Firefox) gives me a warning sign ⚠ about insecure images. Also, when I go to home page of TUS, it takes like 6-8 seconds to load.
Yes, I can confirm that the main page takes a while to load, like said in the previous comments. Other pages work fine, only the main page is so slow.
You get an insecure images warning, because many images on the site, especially in forum posts, signatures and avatars, are externally sourced, with some of them using HTTP links. The only way to fix this problem is by setting up resource proxying. Any http element would be cached by the website, so your machine wouldn't load the insecure http images directly, but instead the site caches it for you, and you load it from the site cache. If the website can provide sufficient cache storage, this could be looked into but isn't mandatory. The biggest part of https is being able to authenticate and communicate (PMs, etc.) securely.
If you have the HTTPS Everywhere extension installed in your browser, there's a hardened mode ("Block all HTTP requests"). This would block any http elements on the website. Also, where possible, https connections may be used for images declared as http. So only a small percent of images would actually be broken.