TUS v3 has started. Due to its big size, I'll be releasing it in parts. This one is the very first. It was the most cumbersome but it is finally here. My estimation is roughly 4-5 parts total.
Please note that:
- There WILL BE bugs but they should get resolved soon as I'm actively coding TUS. Please DO NOT report bugs in this topic. You can report them in the
bugs board.
- Some features may NOT work or may be too simple. Again this is in beta and everything you see CAN be changed.
- Don't be shy. You can shape TUS 3.0 as we go on. Anything is subject to change.
Below is the list of changes (not all but notable ones)
I have a vision.Beta 1 (current)
- TUS v3.0 uses a new official logo. (Done by
- SMF forum is upgraded to its latest production version. (from 2.0.19 to 2.1.4)
- Posts can be liked. (later it will turn into reactions)
- Two factor authentication is added.
- Text editor can now go fullscreen.
- Ukranian language added.
- TUS won't view adult content automatically anymore. Before it used to show it automatically to users who were at least 18 years old. Now to view adult content, users must enable it in their account settings page. Off by default.
Big Billy's design "TuT" has been added to themes.
Wiz's design "Contemporary" has been added to themes.
- 6 designs of TUS are now 1-click accessible from the site footer. Each button shows the design main color.
- All designs of TUS are now "responsive" meaning they are mobile/tablet friendly. They adjust their content according to the user's device size. Almost every page of TUS has been tuned to get displayed properly on different screen sizes.
- Max width is defined for all designs of TUS. It is to allow users with wide screens to control the maximum width of TUS. This value is design-based. Each design have its own value.
- New page called "manage" has been added to groups. Users can manage all of their clans/communities on this page.
- Community limit is increased from 2 to 5.
- Only 2 communities will be viewed on the user card. Users can choose which 2 from the manage page. (by pinning the desired two)
- Country flag is split into 2 values. "Nationality" and "Display country". These settings can be found in your profile page.
-- Nationality can't be changed by the user but it also WON'T be viewed to public. TUS uses this value
only to keep statistics. (e.g. league match win/loss statistics)
-- Display country is what the public will see. It is editable by the user. Users can pick any country flag they want.
-- Both nationality and country flag can be removed. Users can choose to have no country at all. The removal of the display country can be done by the user (and can be changed back). For the removal of the nationality, they have to contact me.
- TUS uses a different search engine now. All types of searches on TUS has been rewritten and several bugs has been fixed. Some notable ones:
-- Fixed the timeout bug. That is when after 30-40 seconds, search would fail.
-- Fixed the single-quote bug. When a search phrase contained a single-quote, no results were found.
-- Fixed the bug where even though the content contained a phrase but it was not included in the search result.
-- Replay search bug is fixed.
-- The search time has been heavily optimized. Most search queries should take less than a second.
-- Member auto suggestion searches now also look into the user WN nickname field.
-- Search tags are added to files section.
-- Search tags are added to schemes section.
-- Searching in cups/tournament now also looks into members who joined those cups/tournaments.
-- Searching in challenges now also looks into challenge records, challenge maps, challenge schemes and members who participated in those challenges meaning:
--- You can search a member name in challenges and list all of the challenges they participated.
--- You can search a map name in challenges and find challenges with that map.
-- You can search within mappacks now.
--- Search will look into mappack's title, description, folder names and even maps' titles and authors inside those mappacks. That means:
---- You can search a map title in mappacks to see which mappacks contain that map.
---- You can search an author name to see which mappacks contain that author's maps.
- A live server is setup. This live server is currently handling live notifications and it is used for live chat. Later on it will also handle leagues match makings.
- Notification system has been added.
-- Number badges.
-- Live notification bar. System displays a slide-in notification as soon as they arrive.
-- Notifications quick popup menu. (user panel => alerts)
-- Mentions support. You can mention any member by @USERNAME.
At the moment these notifications will alert you on TUS website but later on, they will send a push notification to TUS app.
There's a long list of notifications events which you can enable by going to your alerts settings page. By default almost all of these notifications are turned off but you can choose to receive more notifications in 2 ways - Global or user-based:
-- Global notifications happen when: (The following list is located at user panel => alerts => settings)
--- A new flag file is submitted.
--- A new grave file is submitted.
--- A new mission file is submitted.
--- A new custom terrain file is submitted.
--- A new soundbank file is submitted.
--- A new replay file is submitted.
--- A new fanfare file is submitted.
--- A new program file is submitted.
--- A new scheme is submitted.
--- A new map is submitted.
--- A new BIT map is submitted.
--- A new PNG map is submitted.
--- A new desired map type is submitted.
--- A new mappack is submitted.
--- A user marks your map as their favorite.
--- A user inserts your maps into their mappack.
--- A new challenge is submitted.
--- A new challenge type (TTRR/Bungee/Trick/Misc) is submitted.
--- A new challenge record is submitted.
--- A new challenge record type (TTRR/Bungee/Trick/Misc) is submitted.
--- A new challenge record has been submitted that caused your position in the table to change.
--- A new cup/tournament is submitted.
--- Your joined cup/tournament status has changed. e.g. Signups are open or groups are paired...
--- The winner of a cup/tournament is determined.
--- A new match in cups/tournaments is reported.
--- A new match in the cups/tournaments you've joined is reported,
--- A player has reported a game against you in leagues/cups/tournaments.
--- A new match in leagues has been reported.
--- A new specific scheme in leagues has been reported.
--- The winner of a league playoffs is determined.
--- A new clan/community is registered.
(Let me know if I missed something.)
-- User-based notifications: (social media concept)
--- You can follow members to receive notifications only when your favorite members submit a new content. The follow button can be found on members's profile pages.
--- You can also customize your user-based notifications. e.g. only receive notifications when the user you are following submits a new map, but not a new scheme.
--- A new page to show following/followers list is added to users' profile.
- Fixed a bug on leagues/cups/tournaments game page where the order of replays/maps were shown incorrectly.
- Added a icon button to hide game replay chat. This button is only available for the players of the game. This allows a user to hide the game chat if they think it contains their sensetive info. By hiding the chat, it won't be visible to public nor it would appear in replay search results.
- A bug on challenges giving more points than it should has been fixed and the entire stats is recalculated. (the bug was giving double points to players who participated in both periods of a challenge. live/expired)
- "Original authors" field are added to schemes. You can now specify multiple authors for your submitted schemes.
- "Public" attribute of schemes is now changed into "disable" and the value got reversed. You can submit your scheme but mark it as disabled. This stops the system to send notifications upon first submit. When you enable the scheme for the first time, the notifications will be sent.
- Maps' thumbnails logic is improved.
-- Thumbnails uses a fluid grid system.
-- Scrolls on maps' thumbs are removed. Maps' thumbs now display the whole image.
-- Thumbnails' tools are moved to top.
-- Optimized hover and map selection effects.
-- Mappack icon is added to the tools.
- Medias such as maps or images can now be opened in fullscreen with 2-10x zoom and
free panning.
- The old bug about favorite maps is fixed. The favorite feature of TUS maps is now fully functional.
- A new page dedicated to your favorite maps is added. It works similar to a mappack. Your favorites archive is actually a mappack but with favorite perks.
- Maps download queue is completely removed.
- Mappack center and favorite center (those bars at the end of map database) are removed instead they are now a popup. Their text-based tools are changed into VISUAL folder structure.
- All map tools like zoom, download, mappack, favorites ... are now available on ANY page that contains a map. (before some pages like league games, challenge page or the map page itself didn't have those tools)
- Files section now accepts adult content. Adult content must be marked upon submitting.
- Chat (messaging)
-- Both previous systems of PM and IM of TUS are completely removed and a new messaging system is rewritten from scratch.
-- Your old PM/IM messages are merged into one and put together sorted by their timestamps.
-- Live messaging system. Your messages are transferred via TUS's live server and they are sent as soon as possible.
-- Custom private group between any members. No need to be in same clan/community/country. Any random group of members can have a private chat group.
-- If in the old PM, you had CCed some members, now those conversation is also available in the new multi-user private chat group. The subject of those messages is now the new chat group name.
-- If you had set a subject for your old PMs, those messages are now accessable via the chat search. If you search for those subjects, you can easily find those messages.
-- Clans and communities private chat group
-- Public channels. These are public rooms of TUS accessible for all members. The old public shoutbox messages now lie in TUS's main "Public channel".
-- Typing indicator is added. (member is typing...)
-- Message read status. Clock for pending. One tick for sent to server. Double tick for the message being received in the target's device. Blue double tick for the message being read.
-- Offline handling of messages. If for any reason you've lost your internet connection, you can still submit your messages. They will get queued up and will be sent when you get online again. Your browser/app must stay open for this feature to work. Closing your browser/app will count as discarding your submitted messages.
-- Ability to modify or delete your messages. You can modify your messages up to 24 hours after submission but you can delete your messages anytime. No time limit for removing messages.
-- Ability to search within all chat messages. The search looks up in all public channels and your own private chats.
-- Ability to reply/quote messages.
-- Ability to forward messages. Multiple messages to multiple members.
-- Ability to multi-select messages to delete/forward or copy the those messages into clipboard.
-- File transfer system. You can send any type of file. 100MB limit per account. Worms related files don't count as your storage limit. That means schemes, maps or replay files are on the house.
-- Chat group images and videos are listed in a gallery. You can jump between medias of the gallery.
-- Ability to hide media. By default images/videos are loaded as soon as they are within the viewport. However you can disable the auto-load and only view them if you click on them. This option is also in the chat theme settings.
-- Keeping track of unread messages. System shows the number of unread messages.
-- New messages have beeps. Customizable via chat theme menu.
-- Each chat group now acts as a contact. You can pin contacts to top and you can mute or block them.
-- Weapons background. They wiggle as a loading indicator. They can be removed in chat theme settings.
-- 3 chat templates available. You can change your chat look in the chat theme settings. Default looks like discord. There is chat style which looks like Whatsapp or Telegram. There's also an IRC looking chat template.
-- BB Code support. Same as the old shoutbox, the new chat system is also BB code based.
-- Link detector. If you paste a link to an image or a youtube video, system will detect the link and ask if you want to send as an image/youtube/link or plain text.
-- Buddies only. By default anyone on TUS can send you messages. You can restrict this behavior to only your buddies. If set, random TUS members can't contact you via the live chat. This restriction is only applied to new conversations. Members who had sent you messages before won't get restricted.
-- Custom mentions support. You can wear up to 10 custom mention tags. Members can set their mention tags themselves. It doesn't require any permissions.
-- Mentions history. TUS keeps a list of your latest mentions. If for any reason you missed the message you were mentioned in, you can check mentions list. You can also clean up this list anytime.
-- Infinite scrolling. Unlike the previous shoutbox that used to show only the latest 50 messages, the new one loads more messages as you keep scrolling back or forward. So there's no history page for chats. You can access the entire history via the same chat window.
Upcoming beta 2 & 3:
- I'll be releasing TUS Window desktop and TUS Android application. I had shared the following preview with a few friends. It's a very old preview of the TUS desktop app:

- I'll be releasing the new league with its match making system. New maps and schemes structure to go along with that.
Can you see?