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W:A playstation port bonus schemes


Hi, I found you guys through an article I saw about W:A still receiving updates which I thought was awesome! I don't currently play on PC but have played on PlayStation. There isn't too much info online about this particular port, most sites copy and paste info about the PC version such as cheat codes etc. I do know that the PlayStation has 7 bonus schemes unlocked by missions/training. Has anyone here ever played the PlayStation port enough to unlock them? If so what do the schemes have and which is best?


Hello Aragworm, welcome!

We're all PC players and W:A on PC has evolved from the original game by inventing lots of schemes. I don't know the answer to your question, hopefully some of the members do. If you like W:A, it definitely worth a shot to try it on PC. You won't regret it.

Hi MonkeyIsland,
Yeah I figured you're all primarily PC so I put my post in the most off-topic on-topic area lol I'm hoping since you're all worms veterans someone here might have played a few other ports! Obviously, I'll likely unlock them all myself eventually but it might take a while since I'm fairly terrible!



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