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Author Topic: Checking times in RR  (Read 11275 times)

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Offline TheKomodo

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2012, 08:49 AM »
Making draw for a newbie like me is awesome.

I read this and didn't want to read the rest lol...(But I did)

This isn't the salvation army, TUS isn't a charity, making a draw for a noob is just giving false hope, and like I have already said, it goes against the laws of physics...

Offline Flori

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2012, 08:51 AM »
Making draw for a newbie like me is awesome.

I read this and didn't want to read the rest lol...(But I did)

This isn't the salvation army, TUS isn't a charity, making a draw for a noob is just giving false hope, and like I have already said, it goes against the laws of physics...

Why you don't lame shot in bng if Tus isn't a charity ?

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2012, 08:53 AM »
it seems like every time a scheme change thread is made, an argument is made that basically says keep the scheme the same to help newer players, to give them so luck/hope, etc... maybe it is time to start making changes that favor the more skilled player instead of the worse player - LIKE ANY COMPETITIVE GAMING LEAGUE WOULD DO. other games don't need to cradle the new players by molding the game to fit them. like any game, new and bad players will get better with playing a lot.  winning a game by a fluke does not make a player better
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 08:55 AM by ShyGuy »
  <-- my brain when I clan with avi

Offline Tomi

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2012, 08:55 AM »
Yea komo unfortunately I can see this every day here... seriously.. a lot of guys are more serious here than in real life.. I go here to have fun with this game, not to be a f@#!ing politician hehe.. But as I can see in every day, you guys try to kill the "fun" from all the schemes :/

I agree that this would be good for pro players, but I don't like the idea. It is just my opinion, you don't have to read it :D And I won't be angry with anyone if this rule will be applied ofc ;)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 08:57 AM by Tomi »

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2012, 08:57 AM »
Yea komo unfortunately I can see this every day here... seriously.. a lot of guys are more serious here than in real life.. I go here to have fun with this game, not to be a f@#!ing politician hehe.. But as I can see in every day, you guys try to kill the "fun" from all the schemes :/

I agree that this would be good for pro players, but I don't like the idea. It is just my opinion, you don't have to read it :D

There is a free league for more luck based, fun schemes.  Also, anyone can host a game for fun on wormnet.  The play-for-fun players already have all those options, I don't see why they aren't happy with those and feel the need to constantly prevent change to the competitive league
  <-- my brain when I clan with avi

Offline Tomi

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2012, 09:05 AM »
No, you misunderstand me.. I like playing competitive, but I like if I have fun while playing competitive ;) (Maybe that's why I'll never be a good player, but who cares ;D) It's so simple.

But this thread is not about me.. I just wrote my opinion, let's stop this ;) I'm looking for what the end of this thread will be :D
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 09:08 AM by Tomi »

Offline HHC

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2012, 09:07 AM »
Hmm.. there's only 10 to 20 players who play as seriously as Mablak & Random & co do. I don't care much for their penis contest, and neither do a lot of other players. If they want to have their own league where they can notch nades, calculate trajectories and measure times by the second, fine, np with that. But why does it have to be the league with all the popular schemes in it? At least give the lighter players a better alternative then than a league with schemes only a handful of people like to play  :-X

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2012, 09:08 AM »
I seriously doubt the amount of fun people have now will sharply decline with minor scheme changes like this. besides, what constitutes as "fun"?  it's a subjective term.  rather than base schemes on something subjective, we should base them off of objective things that make sense
  <-- my brain when I clan with avi

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2012, 09:12 AM »
Hmm.. there's only 10 to 20 players who play as seriously as Mablak & Random & co do. I don't care much for their penis contest, and neither do a lot of other players. If they want to have their own league where they can notch nades, calculate trajectories and measure times by the second, fine, np with that. But why does it have to be the league with all the popular schemes in it? At least give the lighter players a better alternative then than a league with schemes only a handful of people like to play  :-X

If you can use notching as an example of an extreme end (the very skilled end), then so can I with the current rules of ttrr.  You guys want to potentially make the winner of a ttrr the loser to preserve draws because you think they are fun.  That's a pretty extreme "fun" based policy.  

If people could program their own program to play a ttrr (this is hypothetical, of course), I would even favor that over keeping a rule that makes the winner the loser.  

There is a rule that can make the winner the loser.  In a competitive league. just think about that.  No matter how much you love draws, fun, happy times, NOTHING justifies that logic.  

EDIT: statik, i'm sorry, but your analogy with football referees is completely invalid.  football is not about racing.  If you were to compare real life racing games to ttrr, the methods would favor the change Mablak proposed.  Olympic racing events, nascar, horse racing, they all use precise cameras to see who won.  A great example of this can be found in the last summer olympics with Michael Phelps and with old fashion photo-finishes.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 09:22 AM by ShyGuy »
  <-- my brain when I clan with avi

Offline HHC

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2012, 09:24 AM »
Well, personally I can't be arsed to check replays to see which team was 0.1 of a second faster. It's just too much 'paperwork'. I don't have a problem though if my opponent wants to check it.
It's just the whole mentality that bugs me. It's a game for crying out loud, if you want to be a professional gamer go play starcraft or warcraft or other shit people play for money in Korea. Nobody gives a shit if you are number one in a 15-year old game that only a few thousand people play and most of whom live in Siberia.
The vast majority here plays it as a hobby in the evening and they just want to have a good time.
It is sad for people like me that both the competition ánd the schemes themselves have been ruined by people who only care about winning and being the best and who go to ANY length to achieve that goal.

It all started with 'minor scheme changes', it ended with BnG developing from a challenging and fun unanchored game to a dumb, boring shitescheme where people lame and cheat like there's no tomorrow.
Can you blame me for saying 'no ty' to yet another scheme change that the 'pro's' want to ban out any little piece of luck or randomness that might jinx their perfect recs, but a change that nobody else really wants?

Mablak can go f@#! himself. There I said it.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #40 on: June 26, 2012, 09:29 AM »
Yea komo unfortunately I can see this every day here... seriously.. a lot of guys are more serious here than in real life.. I go here to have fun with this game, not to be a f@#!ing politician hehe.. But as I can see in every day, you guys try to kill the "fun" from all the schemes :/

Straight away you are completely wrong, we ALL understand EVERYONE is entitled to play for fun in a competitive League.

But when the dust settles and life continues... It's a League, the aim is to win, the rules should be justified and as fair/real as possible.

At the end of the day, no matter the rules, you would all still play for fun if you play for fun, or serious if you play serious.

Oh flori, I wrote a MASSIVE post but thought it'd be better to PM you cuz I know right away people gonna moan like shit, got carried away and totally off subject lol.

Offline Flori

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #41 on: June 26, 2012, 09:39 AM »
Well, personally I can't be arsed to check replays to see which team was 0.1 of a second faster. It's just too much 'paperwork'. I don't have a problem though if my opponent wants to check it.
It's just the whole mentality that bugs me. It's a game for crying out loud, if you want to be a professional gamer go play starcraft or warcraft or other shit people play for money in Korea. Nobody gives a shit if you are number one in a 15-year old game that only a few thousand people play and most of whom live in Siberia.
The vast majority here plays it as a hobby in the evening and they just want to have a good time.
It is sad for people like me that both the competition ánd the schemes themselves have been ruined by people who only care about winning and being the best and who go to ANY length to achieve that goal.

It all started with 'minor scheme changes', it ended with BnG developing from a challenging and fun unanchored game to a dumb, boring shitescheme where people lame and cheat like there's no tomorrow.
Can you blame me for saying 'no ty' to yet another scheme change that the 'pro's' want to ban out any little piece of luck or randomness that might jinx their perfect recs, but a change that nobody else really wants?

Mablak can go f@#! himself. There I said it.

+1000 Thats exactly what i think.
bng notch, repeat hits, ropers top hide.. i hate all of this

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #42 on: June 26, 2012, 09:42 AM »
I don't mean any offence but it just seems to me like you are the type of people who generally prefer an easy life then.

Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #43 on: June 26, 2012, 09:48 AM »
hhc, despite your complaints about other schemes, there is not another scheme out there where a player can lose the game even if he was empirically more successful at achieving the main goal of the game than his opponent.  I'm not even talking about a case where someone could play better than someone and then lose by accident (like a self hit).  I'm talking about  1) here is the main objective of the game, 2) both teams used all their runs, the game is over, let's see who is faster, 3) the team that was physically faster loses the game because of a rule.  There is no other game like that.  

it's also strange that you complain about schemes turning into boring lamefests (and tbh, this only really applies to bng, which is STILL SUBJECTIVE ANYWAY), yet you won't even allow the people the option, the chance, the opportunity to look at times precisely, which is shocking because if someone wins the game according to the scheme description, they should win the game.  

I just don't understand it when people say this change is congruent with the "must win at all costs" attitude... if a team is cumulatively faster, they should win, isn't that the rule of the damn scheme?  Asking for a change that will honor the real winner isn't "going ANY lengths to achieve a goal".  If a team is cumulatively slower than another team, it should never win, that is just f@#!ed up.  it's a god damn racing game.

and come on HHC, you can't be arsed to check a replay? it's not like this situation will happen every single ttrr game.  Also, ttrr is the quickest league scheme, there is plenty of time to play a ttrr and check a replay if need be
  <-- my brain when I clan with avi

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Re: Checking times in RR
« Reply #44 on: June 26, 2012, 09:49 AM »
Hmm.. there's only 10 to 20 players who play as seriously as Mablak & Random & co do.

Plenty more however that are playing with the goal in mind of reaching that level.

Quote from: HHC
If they want to have their own league where they can notch nades, calculate trajectories and measure times by the second, fine, np with that.

I think a healthier alternative for the league, rather than all the good players leaving (how can you think this is a good idea?) is that the people that so much despise competition started playing funners instead of league games.
MonkeyIsland, my friend, I know your english is terrible and your understanding of society limited. However, in real life, people attack and humiliate others without the use of a single bad word. They even go to war with lengthy politeness. You can't base the whole moderation philosophy of a community based on the use of bad words and your struggle with sarcasm and irony. My attack to Jonno was fully justified and of proper good taste.
Eat a bag full of dicks.