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Author Topic: bodybuilding forum  (Read 29696 times)

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Offline TheWalrus

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #60 on: June 07, 2012, 04:54 AM »
Heres a good pic of me right now i snapped,

I'm not as rounded as the rest of the fellas here, but at least im not wearing a bra anymore, and the ladies aren't exactly cringing. 

Offline TheWalrus

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #61 on: June 07, 2012, 05:00 AM »

That's awesome dude.  Huge congrats on your progress and I have so much respect for you, between the injury, rehabbing, and then your progress to where you are at now.  That is huge and takes so much dedication and heart.  Nothing but respect to you.

The numbers are nothing but that... numbers.  Of course it's fun to compare, but hell, if I could have the same results lifting at lower weights, then I would absolutely love to do that.  I'm only 'so high up' here  from the time I've put in, and of course natural progression .

Yep, I was a beanpole back from ages 13-20... In my 20s I was around 185-190... then after breaking up with my gf of 4 years, I let myself go pretty hardcore.  Got to 198lbs when I realized, holy shit, I am a fat f@#!.  Of course 198 wouldn't be bad, but I have to imagine I was something like ~30%BF.

I've been working out and eating healthy religiously for over 2 straight years now.  Would love to know what I'd look like, if I didn't drink so much... Lately I've try to cut it back hardcore, but Summer makes it difficult...  Right now I have been getting BF% readings between 9-11% with calipers, and upwards to 13% based on scales.

edit:  Forgot to say thank you for the kind words; greatly appreciated.
yeah it is what it is when you have money and live in a big city.  i feel like a lot of people here cant really relate, when i lived in downtown chicago it was going out to restaurants every night, and drinks after.  Once it warms up in the big two (CHI, NYC); theres a festival every weekend, an event with an excuse to fire down food, when during the winter you can just go home on a daily basis.  I feel like when i get back to chicago in a week, people are just going to be hammering me to go out and eat nasty food and pound down mixed drinks on a daily basis.  Problem being, I dont want to kill all the progress ive made here in tucson.

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #62 on: June 07, 2012, 06:04 AM »
you look like you are sucking in, Walrus :P

shady, I was always under the impression that supplements were a huge waste of money... also read many articles saying that most of studies involving supplements were done by people who were hired by the supplement industry... doesn't sound very trustworthy. 
  <-- my brain when I clan with avi

Offline cOke

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #63 on: June 07, 2012, 07:22 AM »
i guess we will hear from shady but from what i see multivitamin, fish oil and creatine esp all have plenty of research on the benefits and should be a given

protein as a supplement as in to supplement what you can't get in your diet from real foods same as bcaa's and glutamine

cla is a fatloss substance that i believe has okay research but these things arent necessary an can cost a load

tbh its fkin confusing all the research i agree.. especially when you see long lists that say "may help with blah blah", a lot of stuff has no conclusive evidence but the top three are pretty much accepted

if you eat right and lift heavy you will see results regardless of supplements

Offline TheWalrus

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #64 on: June 07, 2012, 07:57 AM »
you look like you are sucking in, Walrus :P
f@#! ya im sucking in, what do you think men have been doing in self-pics since the beginning of time?  You ever taken a picture for a woman that wanted one?   You suck that shit in and take the picture.  It's a cute idea that i took this picture just for TUS, but unfortunately, thats not the case, the other pics are NSFW.

EDIT:  And for the record, about half the stuff shady has is beneficial, the other half, oversold as beneficial.  Creatine, protein, fish oil (fantastic minus the burps), multiVIT, beyond that, the stacker is garbage, might as well stack some deca with annabol, i did a cycle in high school to get big.  I wish i had the money to get all that stuff though, i just use protein.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 08:28 PM by TheWalrus »

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #65 on: June 07, 2012, 08:21 PM »
Madog is correct and on point for the most part.

I haven't had a moment to respond to this thread from my computer, but will be back shortly and give a more detailed response.

Offline nino

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #66 on: June 07, 2012, 08:30 PM »
Creatine gives you nice results, for me it is the most efective supplement

but really nice and impressive results...only with steroids and hard work. = /
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Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #67 on: June 07, 2012, 11:25 PM »
you look like you are sucking in, Walrus :P

shady, I was always under the impression that supplements were a huge waste of money... also read many articles saying that most of studies involving supplements were done by people who were hired by the supplement industry... doesn't sound very trustworthy. 

He posted a progress photo, which takes balls.  Who cares of what he is doing or how he looks.  It's motivation for him, myself, and others - ya know? 

As far as supplements being a waste of money... That's all relative to what you believe your money is worth lol.

As far as supplements being bullshit... some are, no question about it.  Those are the ones that don't do well and aren't reviewed by hundreds etc.  The supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar industry; there are bound to be thieves in there.

To go as far as saying all supplements aren't effective or do as promised is a blanket statement.  That's certainly not true.

Madog was pretty much on the money when it came down to breaking down my stack.

Everything I am currently taking [with the exception of OxyElite, which I haven't started taking yet], are all natural dietary supplements that you get from food.  The problem is when you're an athlete or working out in a gym, in order to receive the proper amount of nutrients and vitamins, you'd go broke based on cost of food, and you'd be sick as a dog to eat that much.

Protein, Creatine, BCAA's, and Glutamine have all been researched and tested for decades now.  They are effective; and they 10000% provide results.  That being said, the results vary from person to person - but they're all COMPLETELY beneficial to athletic training.  Protein and creatine work hand in hand to build muscle, and delivery hydration to your muscles.

BCAAs/Glutamine help with recovery of muscle [since working out is tearing/ripping muscle and letting it rebuild], as well as they slow down the rate at which your body burns muscle... So by taking these, the rate at which muscle burns becomes even slower even if the rate at which you're burning fat increases.

CLA is heavily researched, but results vary completely.  It typically comes naturally from salmon, but by increasing the dosage, studies show that it has anti-cancerous properties, and is a natural fat burner.

Optimen is in my mind, the best vitamin on the market.

Also I disagree with nino to an extent on roids; which I have no problem going into further detail to discuss when I have a bit more time.

I haven't ever taken them; but I wanted to and considered it in the past... I researched heavily, and know quite a damn bit about them considering a lot of my friends have taken them, and my extended family is comprised of all heart surgeons and gastrointestinal surgeons...

After extensive research I became against using gear like that and the only time I can sympathize and agree with people using them is when it's directly correlated to one's income and/or under the guidance of an endocrinologist due to a disability to produce sufficient hormone levels.

Edit:  Forgot to mention that fish oil is a completely proven supplement as well.  There is a laundry list of benefits that fish oil provides... Things such as keeping your joints lubricated, anti-cancerous properties, preventative of heart disease/alzheimers... the list is huge.  Def worth taking regardless of whether or not you burp up fish smells.

Optimum Nutritions fish oil pills do not have a taste or a smell whatsoever.  I never burp up anything like that.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 11:33 PM by shadymilkman »

Offline avirex

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #68 on: June 08, 2012, 12:16 AM »
ae komomilkman! huahauha

and.. nah, could not take a better pic.. took it from my phone, only kind of camera i own....

not sure why its as blurry as it is though, i took 2.. both came out shitty.. normally they are a bit better quality...

i wanna start working out again... but i can never get motivated...

once you get in a routine, its easy to keep it... but its hard to start :X

Offline nino

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #69 on: June 08, 2012, 02:13 AM »
shady, what i want to say @ steroids is... if u really wanna look big.. like arnold looked, ronnie coleman, jay cutler and many others u need to take them.. no way.. you and me may look strong near some wormers here..but we are just small rats near these pro bodybuilders... u know that.. they live for that ...

so what i mean is.. if u want to be 120 kilos all veins and massive as f@#! u must take it and train hard for years..

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Offline TheWalrus

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #70 on: June 08, 2012, 02:26 AM »
shady, what i want to say @ steroids is... if u really wanna look big.. like arnold looked, ronnie coleman, jay cutler and many others u need to take them.. no way.. you and me may look strong near some wormers here..but we are just small rats near these pro bodybuilders... u know that.. they live for that ...

so what i mean is.. if u want to be 120 kilos all veins and massive as f@#! u must take it and train hard for years..

i met jay cutler in florida, i need to find the pic and post it, i got a picture of both of us flexing with me looking all tiny haha.  ran into him in the airport.

Offline nino

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #71 on: June 08, 2012, 02:35 AM »
shady, what i want to say @ steroids is... if u really wanna look big.. like arnold looked, ronnie coleman, jay cutler and many others u need to take them.. no way.. you and me may look strong near some wormers here..but we are just small rats near these pro bodybuilders... u know that.. they live for that ...

so what i mean is.. if u want to be 120 kilos all veins and massive as f@#! u must take it and train hard for years..

i met jay cutler in florida, i need to find the pic and post it, i got a picture of both of us flexing with me looking all tiny haha.  ran into him in the airport.

haha nice m8, now tell me do you think you would get big like him only with proper food, suppliments and hard trein? no way xD
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Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #72 on: June 08, 2012, 03:37 PM »
Oh, of course it takes roids to get big like Coleman etc...

I thought you were generally stating that to look good, you need roids...

Jay Cutler of the Chicago Bears??

Offline nino

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #73 on: June 08, 2012, 05:09 PM »
ahh k. now we are talking the same language shady. hehe

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Offline TheWalrus

Re: bodybuilding forum
« Reply #74 on: June 08, 2012, 05:21 PM »
Haha shady, more so this:

Than this:

Although I would have rather met Jay Cutler of the Bears.

Jay Cutler was really big back in the early 2000's i think, im pretty sure he was mr. universe at one point.