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Worms Unlimited: DS Mode

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--- Quote from: Shadow-The-Worm on February 16, 2018, 03:36 AM ---
--- Quote from: STRGRN on February 15, 2018, 11:26 AM ---1. I'm pretty sure network support for the DS is discontinued

2. Can you stop f@#!ing posting these useless ideas since nobody is gonna realise them anyways

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Stop blinding out with Worms Unlimited. You are just so f@#!ing not determined to walt for it being awakened. They aren't pointless, you freaking hurry upper. You are just trying to leave me as the only determined for Worms Unlimited being awakened.

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I'm not blinding out with WU. I'd love if it became a thing someday, but I don't want to waste time on something that is extremely unlikely to happen.


Holey sheet, how to unsee it?  :D


--- Quote from: Shadow-The-Worm on February 15, 2018, 03:15 AM ---Heya. So, I have brought another idea regarding the non-weaponal part of Worms Unlimited. The details are, as always, below:
Ever wanted to see, what Worms are on a Nintendo DS? Now you can with DS Mode. The DS Mode is a simple option, which adds dual-screen look into the game and allows to emulate the DS stylus to extend the gameplay of Worms Unlimited further, allowing "Experemental" schemes to be played (these schemes require the DS stylus and microphone to play). Some examples of "Experemental" schemes are Blow Race, Blast Race, Painting Race. Along with DS Mode, this idea also adds DS Network Support, allowing PC and DS players to cross-play beetween each other. With the DS Mode and DS Network Support, Worms Unlimited will reach the heights, that even WA didn't. Controls other than Stylus are unchanged in the DS Mode. Replays are watched in a slightly diffrent manner compared to the original mode. The DS Map feature is also included as well, allowing to check the whole game map in one go by a press of a button.
So, what do you think? Should Worms Unlimited have DS mode?

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this version is down to party

Maybe this COULD work, but I'd think it would be much better to have Worms Unlimited be Worms Armageddon 4.0, which may take some time (they STILL haven't released 3.8 yet, and the time it has been since's release is long enough for you to grow old waiting.).


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