June 09, 2024, 02:35 PM


What new weapon/utility would you add to hysteria scheme? (voting for existing weapon/utility means that you want to limit it down)

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Author Topic: New weapons in hysteria  (Read 6119 times)

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Offline avirex

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #60 on: March 14, 2014, 08:57 PM »
The best thing to do for this community is not try to improve hysteria, but remove it from classic scheme... hysteria is going to ultimately kill the game we all love so much..

when most of us started our worming career, we thought worms was all fun and games, and got a big laugh out of shooting the bazooka, and uzi... and yes, no doubt that caught our attention, and kept our interest for a short time.. but if we had not discovered roping, and elite while playing online games, lets face it... no one would have stayed on worms for as many years as we have, some of us have over 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and more years invested...

it used to be that the newbs would come online, start out with normal games, then discover shoppas, then move on to wxw, then move on to ropers, and ttrr's, and have the drive to learn, and be the best!!

now newbs just come online, discover hysteria, and never want to invest the time into learning to rope, because hysteria is a 'fun' scheme, and they have the ability to beat legends, and pros in a very short time period of learning...  so the newbs just invest all their time into hysteria, and consider themselves forever legends (look at chelsea for example)

the major problem with this is, (im sure you see where im going with this) the scheme hysteria is not a scheme that will capture wormers for many many years!!! if we are lucky we will keep the newbs in the community for a year or two, then they will get completely sick of it.. and never come back to worms...

roping is the real deal, it has kept multiple players on wnet for decades, and still going... hysteria will never do that, and for this reason, hysteria is going to single handedly kill this game!!!

so if anyone loves the wonderful game of worms armageddon!! we need to act now, and act quick!!! remove the scheme from TUS classic, remove it from any worms related website, and never host another hyst in wnet every again, we can have deadcode and cybershadow release an update that will delete any hyst scheme file in everyones scheme folder, and we need to forget this scheme ever existed...  its the only thing we can do!! be strong wormers!!   say no to hyst!

sorry for long post :D
I agree that rope keeps people in worms. But removing hysteria from worms is much 1984, such George Orwell-ish, very big brother. xd I convinced my classmate to start WA. First showed him intermediate, cause its main shit in wa you know. Then showed shopper. He liked shopper. Because learning rope was more fun than learning default for him. After he learn shopper will teach WxW, Roper, Big RR to him. Meanwhile i will teach him ground schemes. I guess if i teached him hysteria first he may not interest with rope later.

But its not like if you not play any rope schemes, you will quit WA someday. For example chuvash plays ONL and TEL only, as far as i know.

please read this paragraph --

copy and paste: when most of us started our worming career, we thought worms was all fun and games, and got a big laugh out of shooting the bazooka, and uzi... and yes, no doubt that caught our attention, and kept our interest for a short time.. but if we had not discovered roping, and elite while playing online games, lets face it... no one would have stayed on worms for as many years as we have, some of us have over 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and more years invested...

as you can see, i did mention elite.. roping is not the only scheme that will catch peoples attention for many years, elite will as well.. its very strategic, there are some wormers that love the strategy based games, and there are some wormers who love the time and skill it takes to learn to rope...  and of course some love both, and all schemes.... but those are the schemes that keep people around forever....

im now saying i hate hysteria (even if i do) all i am saying is that its a scheme that will never progress, and its surely wont be a everlasting scheme, one to keep wormers around for ever, such as rope bases, and strategy based schemes have already proven to do....

think about it, if when all of us started playing worms, if Hysteria was the main scheme to learn and play, this game would already be dead.. there is no doubt in my mind!!   so, if we continue to let this scheme be in classic, and viewed as a competitive scheme worthy of practice, and league play.. it will ultimately kill w:a as we know it... mark my words.

Offline TheWalrus

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #61 on: March 14, 2014, 09:23 PM »
I agree with avi.  In rope schemes (not shopper) and elite there is a higher attainment level for overall skill.  You can only get so good at hysteria before you hit the glass ceiling and encounter diminished returns.  You can always rope faster, more consistently; or alternatively develop an aptitude for game planning in elite.  In hysteria, you inevitably encounter the usual stalemate, where a stroke of good luck with wind can turn the whole match around.  Without the ability to really get better, boredom sets in and I believe avi is correct when he says people who only learn hysteria don't stick around.  Hell, out of us wormers who have stuck around this game for 10+ years, its not a surprise that each and every one of us can rope.  The purely default players, the endos, psydomes, dweebs of the world have all left the game behind forever.  Even on wormnet, the names I see the most (or saw, more accurately) were the ones who play rope schemes.  Take it with a grain of salt, I guess.  I think the same can be said of shopper, you can only get so good.  There isn't any avid shopper players who play nothing but shopper year in and year out.  I don't think hysteria will kill worms.  But rope schemes will extend its longevity.

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #62 on: March 15, 2014, 02:36 PM »
In hysteria, you inevitably encounter the usual stalemate, where a stroke of good luck with wind can turn the whole match around.  Without the ability to really get better, boredom sets in and I believe avi is correct when he says people who only learn hysteria don't stick around.

Funny, when I was reading that part, all I could think of was how well it applied to Elite the way it's played today, on the hideous 95% terrain maps with horrible jagged surfaces everywhere.

Anyway, how can you guys talk about Hysteria's potential as a league scheme when it's played with four worms a side (or less) and on far too simple maps most of the time in TUS? It's like judging the balance of Roper based on how it plays on Gundam with one worm a side instead of on a complex destructible map with two worms and a dynamite each. :P :P :P

Offline avirex

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #63 on: March 15, 2014, 02:54 PM »
i dont think playing hyst on a more complex map is going to change the dynamics of the game in any way.. its still a game that anyone can learn in at a quick pace, it always comes down to 1 vs 1 in the end, and generally comes down to that one potluck shot, to determine the winner... the scheme is just not meant to be in league, even the people who 'invented' the scheme will agree with that.

and walrus, when you say "I don't think hysteria will kill worms.  But rope schemes will extend its longevity." isnt that slightly contradicting?? im not saying hysteria will kill worms with in the year... but rope based, and strategy games have already proven to keep wormers around for decades... i dont think hysteria has the potential to do so... 

KRD: i do like what you say here.. It's like judging the balance of Roper based on how it plays on Gundam with one worm a side instead of on a complex destructible map with two worms and a dynamite each. :P :P :P

its too bad W:A are so damn stubborn, they dont want to try any new roping scheme (technically old) its a damn shame too, worms2 invented roping, i think they should know how roping should be played... but instead, we play the scheme that w:a invented when the game was first introduced, and the players were noob to roping.... am i the only one (and i spose KRD) that see a problem with that?

Offline barman

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #64 on: March 15, 2014, 03:18 PM »
Elite the way it's played today, on the hideous 95% terrain maps with horrible jagged surfaces everywhere.
If you actually checked the recent maps in TEL, you would see that the majority of games is played on completely random maps. I've checked several games and didn't see too many ugly over-edited levels.
My WA compilation videos: 2007 2013
My photography work

Quote from: Statik
barman's fails are best

Offline Peja

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #65 on: March 15, 2014, 04:03 PM »
xrayez put quite some effort into this topic, it sucks trashing it.

if people are interested in another "remove hysteria debate"
they can post here:

would be nice if someone could move all the offtopic.
VoK: i have now beer so my rope will be perfect.
 VoK: will do ttrr every map under 30s

Offline avirex

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #66 on: March 15, 2014, 11:03 PM »
lol peja for forum mod!! +1 ! !


Offline Sbaffo

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #67 on: March 16, 2014, 10:38 AM »
The best thing to do for this community is not try to improve hysteria, but remove it from classic scheme... hysteria is going to ultimately kill the game we all love so much..

when most of us started our worming career, we thought worms was all fun and games, and got a big laugh out of shooting the bazooka, and uzi... and yes, no doubt that caught our attention, and kept our interest for a short time.. but if we had not discovered roping, and elite while playing online games, lets face it... no one would have stayed on worms for as many years as we have, some of us have over 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and more years invested...

it used to be that the newbs would come online, start out with normal games, then discover shoppas, then move on to wxw, then move on to ropers, and ttrr's, and have the drive to learn, and be the best!!

now newbs just come online, discover hysteria, and never want to invest the time into learning to rope, because hysteria is a 'fun' scheme, and they have the ability to beat legends, and pros in a very short time period of learning...  so the newbs just invest all their time into hysteria, and consider themselves forever legends (look at chelsea for example)

I agree with you, i may haven't be playng since a lot of years, but i quitely understood how this game and the community works. When i started playng i used spamming hysteria in tus for a long time, but meanwhile i was learning other schemes, and people today just play hysteria and shoppa, they don't even try to improve they skillz, that's why they only play these 2 schemes... imo there should be someone who learns the knowledge to newcomers, because most of people are too lazy for search through the web informations about this game. Most of the people dunno even why this game is incredible : the possibilty of challenge, i mean, i'm pretty sure everyone can learn to play rope schemes with just some training! If you just surrend when you try the first time to play a rr offline without keep tryng over and over, you'll never improve! Now, hysteria just broke it : don't tell me i'm wrong, every hysteria game is the same bullshit. As walrus said :

You can only get so good at hysteria before you hit the glass ceiling and encounter diminished returns.  You can always rope faster, more consistently; or alternatively develop an aptitude for game planning in elite.  In hysteria, you inevitably encounter the usual stalemate, where a stroke of good luck with wind can turn the whole match around.  Without the ability to really get better, boredom sets in and I believe avi is correct when he says people who only learn hysteria don't stick around.

Also, i think the new HAL league is ruining TUS Classic, since many people now can easily play hysteria (or aerial, i have no preferences about this scheme) without getting noob bashed in other schemes.

Are you really guys changing this scheme with adding in even more shit? Seriously, have you seen around these years some topics for change rope schemes or not? MI already gave you an opportunity to change it or to propose with the experimental season.

Keep it over guys, life gives you infinite choices, don't follow just 1 dream and do everything! I'm not studyng guitar for learn just 1 song, but for be the best everyhwere...


Sorry for posting my idea here, but the duty called me.

hyst is the best thing happened to classic league imo xD

you are 100% sure  ;D

btw. gtfo avi noob :D

Wow, so mature.

Offline Xrayez

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #68 on: March 16, 2014, 11:19 AM »
kkkkk, finaly I've managed it out, with recent ideas I made my version of competitive hysteria

cheerz  :)

Offline Hurz

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #69 on: March 16, 2014, 03:19 PM »
im playing worms since first version appeared. i dont rope.

Offline avirex

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #70 on: March 17, 2014, 12:42 AM »
hurz, if you read all the posts, i never said you had to be a roper...

but you have to know what worms is about!! like the strategy, and game play, to stick around... i did mention elite, im sorry i did not mention abnormal, and intermediate players, but i figured people would fill in the blanks..

hysteria is not a scheme with much substance, or brain activity.. i think everyone can agree to that... its not a scheme that will keep people around on w:a for years to come, so its a shame that newbs come to w:a, and thinks hysteria is the best scheme in the world, and dont care to learn anything else.. HYST WILL KILL W:A! mark my words ;D

Offline HHC

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #71 on: March 17, 2014, 12:51 AM »
hysteria is not a scheme with much substance, or brain activity.. i think everyone can agree to that... its not a scheme that will keep people around on w:a for years to come, so its a shame that newbs come to w:a, and thinks hysteria is the best scheme in the world, and dont care to learn anything else.. HYST WILL KILL W:A! mark my words ;D

Same thing ppl said about shopper  :-[

Yet shopper is maybe the best thing to get introduced to WA (you learn ropes & weapon use). Hysteria ain't so bad either, it's definitely more challenging for a noob than intermediate/elite cause you gotta press the buttons so fast. And they learn some BnG too. Not a big prob IMO, certainly not since players of hyst usually play other schemes as well.

I wonder what shape this league/TUS would be in without hyst. It's the most played scheme by far. I wouldn't be surprised if without it TUS would be a veteran cave of about 30 players lol.