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Author Topic: [Quit] HHC  (Read 1080 times)

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Offline HHC

[Quit] HHC
« on: April 04, 2010, 03:20 PM »
1. Are you male or female?

2. How old are you?

3. Where do you live (city and state)?
A town nearby Venlo in the southern part of the NL, province of Limburg.

4. What do you do for a living?
I'm unemployed.

5. What do you ultimately want to do for a living?
Don't have any big plans. Would be nice to have a job where I can mean something to others, even if it's some dumb office job.

6. What is your favorite book?
Hmm.. J.Andriessen - The Myth of 1918

7. What is your favorite worms scheme?

8. What is your favorite movie?
The discovery of heaven

9. Whose wormser do you admire the most ?
Hammy, he will always be my mentor.

10. Name your favorite hobby other than worms?

11. Are you married, single or seeing someone?

12. What's your reccord in alcohol ?
A few beers and a few wines and a long night above the toilet. I haven't drunk any in a long time, it's degrading imo.

13. What turned you onto worms ?
The ability to chat inbetween turns and the variability and depth of the game.

14. If you could have dinner with anyone living who would it be and why?
My invisible friend lol. I don't care much for company. If I had to pick one.. maybe my friend from highschool, though I guess he's all changed by now.. would it be o.k. to bring him back the way he was back then? Or maybe that girl that might have had a crush on me in uni..

15. If you could have dinner with anyone dead who would it be and why?
Hmm.. Pim Fortuyn I guess. I could tell him what happened after his murder and well, he's a wise man, he might bless me with some of his insights.

16. If you found $1070 dollars on the ground at a bus stop would you take it or attempt to find its owner? (be honest)
Find its owner or take it to the police. Id never keep it.

17. Beer, Wine, Mixed drinks, Straight Liquor, or No liquor at all?
White wine if I have to choose.

18. Quiet restaurant, Sports Bar, Fast food, or Eat at home?
Eat at home, on the couch, in front of the TV.

19. List some TdC members you have met in person.
Is Mini still in TdC? Lol. None else.

20. Suggest one change you would make to the TdC forums if you had that ability.
Decorate it with some oldschool nudes. And ban people, lots of people, just because I can.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 04:58 PM by zippeurfou »

Offline zippeurfou

« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 06:06 PM »
Thank you for your post.
Could you tell me more about this book :).
What kind of white wine do you like ? If you like fruit one I'd advise you Tariquet a good french wine :).
I need to find out who is pim fortuyn :).
about the nude part.. Well i don't think mi would like sorry :D

Offline Agneau

« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2010, 06:20 PM »
Really who created those questions! :|
i think he need to go in psychatric hospital!

Tell it it's u rash!

Offline HHC

« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2010, 06:29 PM »
Could you tell me more about this book :).

It's a study on WW1, it tries to give an explanation on various matters relating to the war. It's called the myth of 1918 because it disproves the allied claim that Germany had been completely defeated in the fields and thus deserved the humiliating peace treaty of Versailles. The author claims the Germans had been betrayed, because they had agreed to Wilson's peaceplan, which was more a treaty between equals. In the armistice that followed revolution broke out in Germany which completely cut off the front soldiers making any further resistance impossible. The French and British used this collapse to push through their own peace conditions, claiming as much as they could because they knew the Germans had to sign the treaty now. Thus Versailles became a very unfair settlement and the Germans were right in saying they had been betrayed.

What kind of white wine do you like ? If you like fruit one I'd advise you Tariquet a good french wine :).

Like I said I'm not much of a drinker, I've had just a few glasses of white wine and they tasted well (actually.. I think I drank it straight out of the bottle, but not sure :D).

I need to find out who is pim fortuyn :).
He's that ringwing dude who got shot a few years ago here in Holland. In foreign countries he's often portrayed as another Le Pen or Haider, but that's far from the truth. He was actually a very smart man who understood society and politics much better than any of his opponents IMO. Nor was he a hater like Wilders is today.

about the nude part.. Well i don't think mi would like sorry :D
I knew MI was prude!  :D

Oh ye, I love OMG cat

Offline zippeurfou

« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 11:09 AM »
I'll give a try to the book :)

« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2010, 03:22 PM »