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Author Topic: Advertise TUS  (Read 3047 times)

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Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2013, 01:14 PM »
Sometimes you remind me of the "Mothers That Stand Against Everything".

When I google that with quotation marks, I get no results - is this a cultural reference I'm missing? If you look at suggestions of projects, you can see 2 types.
1) People who make something themselves (WSE, WSC etcetera)
2) People who simply post a thread with "somebody should..."

Projects in the first category will almost always get my backing, because they are ambitious and want to make things better in this little corner of the internet that we inhabit. Not everything works out in the end, but we've gotten a couple of very good things out of it. Worm Olympics, Worms Map Database, Wormtube, TUS. I will almost always help people who actively want to get something positive done (within my capabilities, of course). Go ahead and ask around.

Projects in the second category.... not so much. It's people standing on the sidelines who tell other people what to do without doing anything themselves. In my experience, it usually comes from a sense of entitlement without having to put anything into it themselves.
It's easy to tell people what to do, and so it's easy to abandon such ideas. Just look at the WA promotion project. Free's been posting all over about how other people should do something to promote WA! Orange had his streaming channel (which was awesome while it lasted) and then it kind of fizzled out. Free has commented on the stream once or twice, but that's about all he's actually done himself (if you don't count telling/asking people to do something for him). Projects don't last if nobody has a stake in it.

Now that we got that out of the way :) Why should TUS be promoted on WN without promoting WO, WKB, wormtube, WSE, ONL, WMDB, Project X etcetera?
Best idea would be to promote WKB (if anything) on WN because it is also a way for new players to familiare themselves with the game mechanics of the game.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 01:23 PM by DarkOne »

Offline Free

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2013, 02:06 PM »
Sometimes you remind me of the "Mothers That Stand Against Everything".

When I google that with quotation marks, I get no results - is this a cultural reference I'm missing? If you look at suggestions of projects, you can see 2 types.
1) People who make something themselves (WSE, WSC etcetera)
2) People who simply post a thread with "somebody should..."

Projects in the first category will almost always get my backing, because they are ambitious and want to make things better in this little corner of the internet that we inhabit. Not everything works out in the end, but we've gotten a couple of very good things out of it. Worm Olympics, Worms Map Database, Wormtube, TUS. I will almost always help people who actively want to get something positive done (within my capabilities, of course). Go ahead and ask around.

Projects in the second category.... not so much. It's people standing on the sidelines who tell other people what to do without doing anything themselves. In my experience, it usually comes from a sense of entitlement without having to put anything into it themselves.
It's easy to tell people what to do, and so it's easy to abandon such ideas. Just look at the WA promotion project. Free's been posting all over about how other people should do something to promote WA! Orange had his streaming channel (which was awesome while it lasted) and then it kind of fizzled out. Free has commented on the stream once or twice, but that's about all he's actually done himself (if you don't count telling/asking people to do something for him). Projects don't last if nobody has a stake in it.

Now that we got that out of the way :) Why should TUS be promoted on WN without promoting WO, WKB, wormtube, WSE, ONL, WMDB, Project X etcetera?
Best idea would be to promote WKB (if anything) on WN because it is also a way for new players to familiare themselves with the game mechanics of the game.

Ey dont start lol, I did a lot of advertising on forums to get viewers for the stream, I was even ready to pay for CS and DC for finishing 4.0 faster, e-mailed T17 but as I got no support for the bigger plans I was developing, I gave up. When it comes to streaming, Orange knew from the get-go I dont have enough bandwith to stream.

Offline avirex

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2013, 08:10 PM »

Best idea would be to promote WKB (if anything) on WN because it is also a way for new players to familiare themselves with the game mechanics of the game.

do it yourself or we dont support you, ae?

i think ur post was pretty jackass-ish, to say the least.

Offline TheWalrus

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2013, 09:38 PM »
If you look at suggestions of projects, you can see 2 types.
1) People who make something themselves (WSE, WSC etcetera)
2) People who simply post a thread with "somebody should..."

do it yourself or we dont support you, ae?

i think ur post was pretty jackass-ish, to say the least.
lol avi thats because your posts always fall into category #2, hahaha.  Same with mine :(

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2013, 10:35 PM »
do it yourself or we dont support you, ae?

I can only speak for myself, of course. But yeah, sounds about right. There's nothing to back if all you're doing is asking/telling other people to do something. The success of a project is mostly determined by what you put into it, simple as that.

i think ur post was pretty jackass-ish, to say the least.

That's unfortunate, but it's still how I look at it and I don't plan on sugarcoating this.
I could've posted an old link by some jackass as an example to make my point instead (I think you might know him, his nick is DarkOne), but probably nobody remembers that, since it happened in 2010. And as much as a douche he was being in the first post, he did eventually get off his ass and did something. I guess it's live and learn.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 10:40 PM by DarkOne »

Offline avirex

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2013, 10:49 PM »
i agree with what your saying to a point....

i mean if its something with-in your means, and your asking others to do it, because your too lazy, then sure, no one will, or should listen....

but when pizzasheet suggest advertising on wnet, think he can do that???

or when i have the idea to make a streaming bot, think i can do that???

does that mean the ideas should never be mentioned, maybe others with the capability will think its a good idea, and get something going...

your post is kinda saying if you cant do it yourself dont even mention it... thats jackass :D

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2013, 11:19 PM »
Well avi is somehow right imo. :D
For People like avirex that has no skills in programming, making a bot like would require weeks and it wouldn't be very good. Also, sharing an idea make you understand if people actually would like it or not.
An example on this topic is my post about making a tus bot. No one answered it, so I can conclude that it's not worth doing it at all. Another example is the stream bot idea. The way it was thrown was like: 'let's have a stream bot it must be cool'. As I said and krd did, we have some doubt of its utility. What's the point in doing something if there is no use to it, that's the whole point of these topic in my opinion.
On the other hand, I can see what you mean darkone with people only throwing idea and not trying to make the thing happen if it is proved that it'd be useful.
As far as I am concerned, for the reason we said in the other topic. I don't think a streaming bot (the way it is said) would do any good.Moreover, judging by the lack of enthusiasm, I don't see a LeagueBuddy bot doing any good also.

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2013, 11:50 PM »
i agree with what your saying to a point....
i mean if its something with-in your means, and your asking others to do it, because your too lazy, then sure, no one will, or should listen....
but when pizzasheet suggest advertising on wnet, think he can do that???
or when i have the idea to make a streaming bot, think i can do that???
does that mean the ideas should never be mentioned, maybe others with the capability will think its a good idea, and get something going...
your post is kinda saying if you cant do it yourself dont even mention it... thats jackass :D

(removed some line breaks to make it shorter, but no other editing)
I realise it's a generalisation, which is subject to exceptions. You mention the streaming bot as an example, but I don't think I raged against that thread like a jackass (I think I only questioned why 'silly' bungeerace and other non-classic league schemes weren't good enough for streaming). I think I was actually quite curious what kind of thing could've come from that thread and KRD answered.

I understand there are limits to someone's knowledge that could limit them into doing things. I don't know much about computers myself, so the things I can get started on are pretty limited. But when I want to get something done and I'm not able to do it, I try to find someone who can help me with that on my own.
Let's look at this case: This is a thread to suggest an idea that others should do, but here's the thing: CS and DC have accounts on TUS and they're online on IRC. (that's not to say they should be flooded by requests - but if you can't even be arsed to get to know them and then ask them yourself, I don't think you're really serious)

At any rate, what I said is merely a response to
Sometimes you remind me of the "Mothers That Stand Against Everything".

Any thoughts about that post, avi? :P

Offline Kangaroo

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2013, 02:39 AM »
Tus bot is a grate idea.

jpg images

I can play CUP games  07:00-12:00 GMT weeksdays &  00:00-13:00 GMT on weekends...

Offline avirex

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2013, 10:42 AM »
lol d1, i know you were asking what that was about, you even went through the trouble of google'ing it (because you do things yourself, and dont ask others, right? :p)

the only thing i can think of is instead of "Mothers against drunk drivers" which is a popular group of mothers (and im sure at this point anyone can take part) that well.... i think the title says exactly what they are, and im guessing you may have heard of them?...

but you are the mothers against everything...    get it now?

Offline TheWalrus

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2013, 02:59 PM »
lol d1, i know you were asking what that was about, you even went through the trouble of google'ing it (because you do things yourself, and dont ask others, right? :p)

the only thing i can think of is instead of "Mothers against drunk drivers" which is a popular group of mothers (and im sure at this point anyone can take part) that well.... i think the title says exactly what they are, and im guessing you may have heard of them?...

but you are the mothers against everything...    get it now?
or breeze was just high on ________ when he wrote that nonsense post.  fill in the blank.

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2013, 04:22 PM »
That's what I assumed, avi. Hence my response. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2013, 04:29 PM »
Basically what MarcOne is saying is that a little more research would be nice before an idea is presented to the public. Not because he has such high quality standards, but rather because that makes it more likely that anything will come off it anytime soon. Even if you come up with something you can't possibly hope to accomplish yourself, you can save a lot of time and effort to whomever ends up doing the heavy lifting in the end by being generally observant, looking at similar past projects, learning from their successes and mistakes, then presenting all relevant findings in the initial forum post or e-mail so that the following discussion is focused enough to be productive.

In the case of modifying that little news feed before you join a channel on WormNet for example, it shouldn't be too difficult to notice that it gets updated only very rarely; version was released over a month ago and it still hasn't gotten its news entry. That should tell you that DC and CS don't exactly have full control over what and when goes up there and even if they did, the space there is so extremely limited that at most a single news item can be seen at a time. For a meaningful links section to be implemented, the WormNet frontend would have to be redesigned considerably, and we know with reasonable certainty that won't happen until 4.0.

On the bright side, the Help bot does already greet new nicknames when they first join #AG and directs them to a community website with a forum in their language. See here for that little project's forum thread:

Perhaps you guys can come up with a little blurb about TUS and figure out who and how often should get spammed with it, then approach Vladimir and see if you can justify it being added to the greeting message that's already there? Sounds like a plan to me.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 04:31 PM by KoreanRedDragon »

Offline avirex

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2013, 01:38 AM »
i don't see Any harm in spamming a small blurb once a month to any unique nick names, in other words, everyone will get the spam once a month.. would be good, when your new you may be overwelmed with everything, or just excited to start playing, and not read the help bot...

I'm not sure what it says now, and too difficult to research it being I'm on my cellphone, so please forgive me, but a small introduction would be nice along with 5 of the popular worms sites, including wormtube, so newbs can see the true depth, and skill that's truly in the game..

we want to catch the newbs attention as quick as possible, and hopefully keep it, ae?

Offline Breeze

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #29 on: April 29, 2013, 05:11 AM »
Or you all don't understand it. :/