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Author Topic: What do you hate the most?  (Read 14357 times)

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Offline nino

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #120 on: May 27, 2016, 11:46 AM »
How often do you see beer drinkers in public make loud, obnoxious stupid little immature f**ks aka assholes out of themselves who end up harassing others?

A little history of that question, I am in a country which any sort of alcohol consuming is forbidden by law. That hasn't stopped people though. You can buy high quality alcoholic drinks. There are many dealers. Many people make home-made beer/wine even. (a lot similar to weed in your country, it's illegal but it's around) But the point is, you don't see drunk people in the street. In my entire life, I've seen maybe couple of drunk people in the public. So I'm interested to know about the statistics of public alcohol drinking.

Here in Brazil, since almost everything here is crazy, it is very normal see drunk peoples over street, and drinking at the street too, from rich peoples to homeless peoples, ill take some pics and show you aeee
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Offline Aerox

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Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #121 on: May 27, 2016, 12:27 PM »
How often do you see beer drinkers in public make loud, obnoxious stupid little immature f**ks aka assholes out of themselves who end up harassing others?

A little history of that question, I am in a country which any sort of alcohol consuming is forbidden by law. That hasn't stopped people though. You can buy high quality alcoholic drinks. There are many dealers. Many people make home-made beer/wine even. (a lot similar to weed in your country, it's illegal but it's around) But the point is, you don't see drunk people in the street. In my entire life, I've seen maybe couple of drunk people in the public. So I'm interested to know about the statistics of public alcohol drinking.

depends on the place and the social class

there is places you go specifically to get drunk, scottish pubs, night clubs.

and then there is restaurants where every table has two bottles of wine and you can't hear shit

I see drunk people when I go out at night. Day to day? None. But this varies a lot from city to city and neighborhood to neighborhood.

The Vatican is the country that consumes most wine per capita, you'll never see a drunk there.

it's lack of education that makes drunks, not the alcohol itself.

MonkeyIsland, my friend, I know your english is terrible and your understanding of society limited. However, in real life, people attack and humiliate others without the use of a single bad word. They even go to war with lengthy politeness. You can't base the whole moderation philosophy of a community based on the use of bad words and your struggle with sarcasm and irony. My attack to Jonno was fully justified and of proper good taste.
Eat a bag full of dicks.

Offline nino

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #122 on: May 27, 2016, 12:43 PM »
How often do you see beer drinkers in public make loud, obnoxious stupid little immature f**ks aka assholes out of themselves who end up harassing others?

A little history of that question, I am in a country which any sort of alcohol consuming is forbidden by law. That hasn't stopped people though. You can buy high quality alcoholic drinks. There are many dealers. Many people make home-made beer/wine even. (a lot similar to weed in your country, it's illegal but it's around) But the point is, you don't see drunk people in the street. In my entire life, I've seen maybe couple of drunk people in the public. So I'm interested to know about the statistics of public alcohol drinking.

depends on the place and the social class

there is places you go specifically to get drunk, scottish pubs, night clubs.

and then there is restaurants where every table has two bottles of wine and you can't hear shit

I see drunk people when I go out at night. Day to day? None. But this varies a lot from city to city and neighborhood to neighborhood.

The Vatican is the country that consumes most wine per capita, you'll never see a drunk there.

it's lack of education that makes drunks, not the alcohol itself.

It is true Ye, dunno why but poor people makes much more noise than rich :(

rich peoples laugh drunk like : hehehe

Poor peoples : hAUHuahUAHiuahOIUHAuiohaUOIHAiuohauoIHAIUahuiAUHuahUAHiuahOIUHAuiohaUOIHAiuohauoIHAIUahuiAUHuahUAHiuahOIUHAuiohaUOIHAiuohauoIHAIUahuiAUHuahUAHiuahOIUHAuiohaUOIHAiuohauoIHAIUahuiAUHuahUAHiuahOIUHAuiohaUOIHAiuohauoIHAIUahuiAUHuahUAHiuahOIUHAuiohaUOIHAiuohauoIHAIUahuiAUHuahUAHiuahOIUHAuiohaUOIHAiuohauoIHAIUahuiAUHuahUAHiuahOIUHAuiohaUOIHAiuohauoIHAIUahui
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Offline ANO

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #123 on: May 27, 2016, 12:57 PM »
in summer, if you go to Italy or Spain... on the streets, especially villages next to the sea, not only you see tons of drunks... you can even smell it, or feel it under your shoes eheheh

in terms of statistics, if you see at midnight 100 persons, during weekends or in Summer, almost everybody is drunk or stoned.

Offline MonkeyIsland

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #124 on: May 27, 2016, 01:00 PM »
Yea but my question was more pointed to the way komo described it. Drunk people harassing others. Getting drunk has many stages, from getting tipsy to total black-out and its effect varies from person to person. Getting drunk could actually soften an aggressive person.

But what's the ratio? How many of these drunks end of harassing others? How many times you see them crossing social boundaries? (let's say directly)
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline nino

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #125 on: May 27, 2016, 01:15 PM »
Yea but my question was more pointed to the way komo described it. Drunk people harassing others. Getting drunk has many stages, from getting tipsy to total black-out and its effect varies from person to person. Getting drunk could actually soften an aggressive person.

But what's the ratio? How many of these drunks end of harassing others? How many times you see them crossing social boundaries? (let's say directly)

Here i'd say only a few fights and make some bad thing, 90% just talk loud, talk a lot of shits, jokes with friends, f@#! ugly girls and vice-versa, and then next day asks WTF I DID ?
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Offline ANO

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #126 on: May 27, 2016, 01:22 PM »
Yea but my question was more pointed to the way komo described it. Drunk people harassing others. Getting drunk has many stages, from getting tipsy to total black-out and its effect varies from person to person. Getting drunk could actually soften an aggressive person.

But what's the ratio? How many of these drunks end of harassing others? How many times you see them crossing social boundaries? (let's say directly)

If you go to a Disco club, where normally 98% of the people are stupid, young, drunk/high, they fight for nothing, it's commune... it can happen once every hour or two eheheh guess it's about showing the ladies how macho they are auhaha.. in a group of 10-20 friends there is always one dumbfighter...

If you go to a concert, rock n roll, ska, punk etc... you see many persons very drunk but they rarely fight, they can argue, insulting your mom is ordinary, but normally everything ends up by drinking one more shot together. I have done many gigs for several years and spent most of my weekends at concerts, I don't remember too many bad things, shit happens but it's rare, while the few times I went to the disco (probably 5 in my entire life), every time something happened.

Offline Aerox

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Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #127 on: May 27, 2016, 01:59 PM »
Yea but my question was more pointed to the way komo described it. Drunk people harassing others. Getting drunk has many stages, from getting tipsy to total black-out and its effect varies from person to person. Getting drunk could actually soften an aggressive person.

But what's the ratio? How many of these drunks end of harassing others? How many times you see them crossing social boundaries? (let's say directly)

Social boundaries change dramatically from country to country. What's harassing? Fighting?

Imagine a club with 5.000 drunk people partying, if it's a big western europe city, in general, maybe 10 people will get into a serious fight? maybe none? maybe 100? it's never a relevant percentage. If crossing social boundaries is groping asses, saying naughty things or making fun of strangers then basically everyone does it, but it's not crossing any boundaries if that's what's expected of a young people night club nowadays, you go there and you know what's gonna happen beforehand.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 02:00 PM by Aerox »
MonkeyIsland, my friend, I know your english is terrible and your understanding of society limited. However, in real life, people attack and humiliate others without the use of a single bad word. They even go to war with lengthy politeness. You can't base the whole moderation philosophy of a community based on the use of bad words and your struggle with sarcasm and irony. My attack to Jonno was fully justified and of proper good taste.
Eat a bag full of dicks.

Offline ANO

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #128 on: May 27, 2016, 02:24 PM »
and don't forget that there also is a percentage that, even though it is ok at the party, it might destroy things on purpose on the way back home

Offline TheKomodo

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #129 on: May 27, 2016, 02:27 PM »

The other guys explained it pretty well, when I say the majority of people, i'm talking about my location, Musselburgh/Edinburgh.

Personally speaking I hate the current younger generations, they are OBSESSED about how good they look, thinking it's cool to show off how much they can consume more than others, then you have the jealous drunks, the ones who start fights because you glanced at their ladyfriend for like a split second, this is an arguement I actually had once:

Pleb: "Oih! You lookin at ma bird mate?"
Me: "Nah man, just on ma way hame"
Pleb: "How no like? Trying tae say she's f@#!in ugly or summin???"

You can't win with these brainless idiots, they just annoy the sh*t out of me.

That style of life, is just a complete and utter waste of a human life in my opinion.

Being creative, helping others, sharing, loving are things I really value, not getting sh*tfaced and annoying people then feeling like death in the morning, and I know because I used to be one of those c**ts myself.

Usually the older people get, the more calm they are when they drink, I wish it was possible to go back in time and punch myself in the face for some of the things I done.

Offline Rabbzz

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #130 on: May 27, 2016, 02:38 PM »
I wish it was possible to go back in time and punch myself in the face for some of the things I done.
I would like to go back and do this to myself too!!

Offline skunk3

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #131 on: May 27, 2016, 02:43 PM »
I wouldn't say that it's just the younger generation that is vapid and shallow. Young people have ALWAYS been vapid and shallow on the whole, especially while drinking.

Here in the States there's so much variety from one drinking scene to the next that one cannot generalize. Your dance clubs marketed towards the young crowd tend to be the douchiest, with the most chest-puffing and alcohol-induced male bravado. On the flip side, you have places like craft breweries... the worst thing that might happen there is that someone gets too drunk and vomits, or can barely walk. Even that is rare because the culture is different. It's about enjoyment / pleasure rather than competition.

Any place in which alcohol is consumed is a potential battleground though. There will always be "that one guy" (or girl) who gets too drunk and acts a fool.

It kinda boggles my mind when people act so differently while drunk. I act more or less the same as I always do. I just lose fine motor skills and slur my words.

Offline skunk3

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #132 on: May 27, 2016, 02:44 PM »
One thing that is making social drinking more of a shit show these days is the ubiquity of smart phones. They are drama machines that fit in your pocket.

Offline ANO

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #133 on: May 27, 2016, 06:41 PM »
just an example, this morning, in France, a guy who lives close to my house, came home around 8,30 in the morning with some friends, they are young, I think they skipped school... they were listening to music with the door open, and singing in the street in front of the house... I was walking my dog, I noticed them, and when I went to work I passed by that house with my car, and this was the scene:

2 guys, one very fat and one very trained, both half naked were doing some drink race uahuah they were drinking with rage ahah
ok, I went to work, I came back around 14 and the fat guy was still half naked in the street, arguing with some neighbors...
I came back to work... I returned at home, I went to the river with my doggy... at 19.45 I came back home again... I have to pass in front of that house to reach mine... well, first I saw the firemen's jeep and than an ambulance uahuahau doctors were laughing... that splendid trained guy who was fighting drink racing with the fat guy was sitting on a chair in front of the door (it's always in front of the door because the studio is 14m2) and doctors were measuring his blood pressure...

I couldn't resist "Ma guarda che coglione, auhuahuahuah che coglione" ... 5 minutes ago I heard the ambulance leaving "nenunuuuuuuu"

So, what did I learn from this story?
- French people are bad drinkers
- Not always a trained body helps
- calling an ambulance because you have drunken too much is very homo and pathetic, and if I was the dad tonight my son would have continued to drink with me


Offline WTF-8

Re: What do you hate the most?
« Reply #134 on: May 27, 2016, 06:53 PM »
lol komo
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