June 07, 2024, 02:11 AM


Do you think WA is in it's prime?

Yes - Things have never been better
8 (16%)
No - I have preferred past times more
21 (42%)
I love WA, always have and always will, nothing has changed for me
21 (42%)

Total Members Voted: 50

Author Topic: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?  (Read 9087 times)

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Offline OldBeast

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2011, 02:54 PM »
how do you know what krd wrote isnt what the community thought?
saying u supposed to know community thinks otherwise

or ure saying in general that krd's article is his personal view of point and not the community's thoughts in general

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2011, 04:24 PM »
It looks like Komo is speaking for the whole community, because frankly he's the only one caring here, others don't bother share their opinions.

I can't agree with KRD's point of view, can't find many positive aspects of the present there, which may have influence how newbies will see the game after reading his article. Text itself is wrote very well, it shows many facts that have been forgotten, but it looks single-tracked.

Crazy said something very important - once you come back you can't expect everything will be just like you remembered it. You practically start from the beginning which means you have to find new buddies, new motivations to stay around etc. You have to fit in the new world and find your place. It's pretty the same when you move from one place to another - you don't want to leave, you're sceptical about the situation and then two things might happen after you finally move - you adapt to the new envirovment quickly, because you're not moaning about the past and you know you have to move forward or you close yourself completly and become another moaning, ignorant person that is angry for everybody because people made his dream pop like a soap bubble but he can't see it's his ignorance made him think that. Ok, maybe some examples? Komo - he perfectly fits as a player that adapts to the new situation. He reactivated a2b, expanded b2b, joined cfc where he's having great fun and his living with the present. This is how every oldschooler should act - find his new place. As MI said - we don't need oldschoolers to say on every occasion how bad the game is now comparing to the old days. We hope that with their experience they can help next generations to have a better stay here.

Myself? I'm pretty new comparing to the others and never had really long break from worms but after wQw's dead I could move on and first join ckc and then ps (I'm not mentioning short periods in mm and trying to reactivate wQw).

Is the game in its prime? Depends. WA can be in its prime all the time for wormers that find any possitive aspects constantly. Newbies can't say much here and I think that's the reason why this topic is holded by only few people - TUS lack some major, oldschool heads or their will to participate in this debation. And obiviously some oldschoolers won't change no matter what.

Offline flex

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #47 on: February 02, 2011, 05:36 PM »
Soon some people will have to apologize for having played for a long time, ridiculous. :D

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #48 on: February 02, 2011, 05:40 PM »
No? Just open your mind because past won't come back?

Offline Dub-c

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #49 on: February 02, 2011, 05:55 PM »
Crazy said something very important - once you come back you can't expect everything will be just like you remembered it. You practically start from the beginning which means you have to find new buddies, new motivations to stay around

Very true, all my old buddies are gone from the game, but, you meet new people an it starts to get fun again.
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Offline flex

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2011, 06:03 PM »
No? Just open your mind because past won't come back?

You're trying to come out as a smartass but what you say is so flat, past won't come back ORLY :D
I didn't even talk about the subject with you and you're assuming I'm not open-minded, you're just proving my previous post champ :)

Offline Ray

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2011, 06:20 PM »
Crazy said something very important - once you come back you can't expect everything will be just like you remembered it. You practically start from the beginning which means you have to find new buddies, new motivations to stay around
Very true, all my old buddies are gone from the game, but, you meet new people an it starts to get fun again.

Offline Dub-c

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2011, 06:22 PM »
Crazy said something very important - once you come back you can't expect everything will be just like you remembered it. You practically start from the beginning which means you have to find new buddies, new motivations to stay around
Very true, all my old buddies are gone from the game, but, you meet new people an it starts to get fun again.

wtf? Are you trying to make fun of me?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 06:23 PM by Johnny »
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Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2011, 06:26 PM »
I didn't even talk about the subject with you and you're assuming I'm not open-minded

You said there have been better times. There will be forever for you then since you're not even trying to explore new things. Living with the past is absolutely something understandable for me.

Offline flex

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2011, 07:28 PM »
You said there have been better times. There will be forever for you then since you're not even trying to explore new things. Living with the past is absolutely something understandable for me.

How does it mean i'm not exploring new things? TUS is great, it is with no doubt the best league ever, the staff is doing their best. I played some TEL although I didn't care about elite before. I'm not living in the past at all, It's nice to see there is a new generation of good players and I like meeting new faces. I'll get along with anyone, noob not noob I don't care as long as I have fun.

Saying there ave been better times, doesn't mean there won't be better ones in the future :)
I have the right to just prefer some older eras without it being called moaning or a critic at today's community, no? And it's not an obsession, I only talked about it in the topics which it was the subject, duh! And to be honest, I don't consider myself oldschooler, I hate this word. I might have been a bit passionate about it at first in the other topic but now I don't care, I enjoy w:a as it is. If a few aspects like the playoffs were improved it would be perfect, but some like the activity we can't do anything.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #55 on: February 03, 2011, 07:32 AM »
how do you know what krd wrote isnt what the community thought?
saying u supposed to know community thinks otherwise

I know because other people have shared their opinions and not everyone agreed with KRD and not everyone agreed with me, which should be blindingly obvious I do not assume to know what the whole community thinks.

or ure saying in general that krd's article is his personal view of point and not the community's thoughts in general


Offline MonkeyIsland

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #56 on: February 03, 2011, 08:30 AM »
how do you know what krd wrote isnt what the community thought?
saying u supposed to know community thinks otherwise

For the very first, "the community" bothered to give TUS a chance. Not easily, but they did.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline OldBeast

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #57 on: February 03, 2011, 03:33 PM »
i understand, Alborz Shams Nosrati

Offline Abnaxus

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #58 on: February 06, 2011, 06:34 PM »
MI & Cue (about first posts of the thread), W:A didn't change in a bad way, but players did, which is the most important thing on W:A.

It's only about people (here and everywhere around the word, even out of W:A).
Bad behaving people were there back in the past, but they were around 10% maximum of the community, and good people were hunting them to protect what they liked.
Nowadays, it's the contrary, they are 90% and nobody makes the effort to push them out (special sigh toward MI, If only you could see the importance of doing a great moderation, instead of hopping for a great TuS future....).

As example: Many good players left Worms because of those bastards. I wish it could had been a different way, but it's all gone now..
Watashi wa, jinmei ni iku sa reru ka o kakunin surunoni nagai jikan o matteita.
Shikashi, tada nariyuki o mimamoru.
Jikan dake to iudarou gen'in to naru.

May the force be with you.

Offline OldBeast

Re: Worms Armageddon - In it's prime?
« Reply #59 on: February 06, 2011, 07:39 PM »
To be real honest, i have been back for several months now...

But havent met one cool person on wn, gg