Forums > ZaR

Rope schemes without parachute

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--- Quote from: TheKomodo on February 20, 2024, 04:07 PM ---The 1st one isn't specific enough, it's too subtle.

"Remaining time is a tie breaker"

It's not A tie breaker the final turn is the tie breaker, the most time left WINS the tiebreaker.

--- End quote ---

So the current rule is just not worded perfectly. In practice we judge the games the way you suggested. I can update the rule using your wording.

Apparently people don't even read the rules these days anyway! ::)

Sorry for being a bit... Too hyperactive and joking with this!

I don't actually believe anyone here is really stupid or can't do math etc. It just momentary feels like that sometimes lol.

Plus, I don't say it enough, it's amazing you all speak English so well anyway, 1000000 better than how I can speak your languages.  :P

If you're going to update that rule, maybe we should give TFL some special treatment while we're at it, a number of people are crying out for rule/scheme changes there!


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