June 11, 2024, 07:38 PM

Game #159976, reported by HHC, Viewed 228 Time(s)

Classic #36
December 27, 2013, 10:47 PM
Average 1516 in Roper before the game. Gained 63|56 points
Highly Competent 1888 in Roper before the game. Lost 27|56 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 10
12 - 54
13 - 24
89 - 138
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 42 time(s).
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1920 x 696, BIT, 3.18 KB, Downloaded 4 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[AeF`HHC`] wtf
[AeF`HHC`] hf
[dt`wreckz] wtf u2
[impo`] wtf all
[dt`wreckz] pile free ae
[dt`wreckz] nice mexican flag
[impo`] its okeii fake
[impo`] xD
[dt`wreckz] rock solid worm
[dt`wreckz] could not move him
[dt`wreckz] fd him free
[impo`] why i even tried to attack lol
[AeF`HHC`] bl imp
[AeF`HHC`] true that
[dt`wreckz] cuz wanted to be hero
[impo`] +1
[dt`wreckz] 'omgomg look at ownage attack on impossible cr8'
[dt`wreckz] 'after all, my name IS impossible'
[impo`] btw avi did you played that game
[dt`wreckz] no
[impo`] peja should send it to you
[dt`wreckz] oh, yes
[dt`wreckz] its funny as shit
[impo`] with trash graphics
[impo`] xD
[dt`wreckz] haha yeah
[dt`wreckz] but still epic
[dt`wreckz] coudlnt believe there was actualy ss
[dt`wreckz] vgj
[impo`] f@#!kk
[nAhk1s] spoke too early
[dt`wreckz] nah, vgj to the game impo created, not his turn :DD
[dt`wreckz] scary drop bufso
[impo`] yeah i also added rope lolo
[impo`] its buggy as f@#!
[dt`wreckz] when is the next beta release?? i wanna try rope :DD
[dt`wreckz] aef getting cr8 rapes
[dt`wreckz] oops
[impo`] i released that version to check out if it works on windows xp
[AeF`HHC`] get him impho
[dt`wreckz] brb, need to pee
[nAhk1s] what does AeF mean?
[AeF`HHC`] job
[AeF`HHC`] audere est facere
[nAhk1s] wtf is that?
[dt`wreckz] ehh.. didnt go, wanted to see if impo attack
[AeF`HHC`] lol
[dt`wreckz] now gotta wait until nex turn
[AeF`HHC`] its finnish
[dt`wreckz] ill piss my pants!
[dt`wreckz] like a true gamer
[impo`] wow
[dt`wreckz] gj bufso
[dt-free] :(
[dt`wreckz] fd ae?
[AeF`HHC`] ae
[impo`] ae
[dt`wreckz] brb no
[dt`wreckz] w
[dt`wreckz] back my little kiddies
[dt`wreckz] my turn yet?
[AeF`HHC`] aaack
[nAhk1s] got candy?
[impo`] :)
[dt`wreckz] ye bby
[impo`] :(
[nAhk1s] such a luc.. i mean skilled extend
[AeF`HHC`] eff crate
[dt`wreckz] oh, your talking?
[impo`] aw
[dt`wreckz] finally got the dick out of ur mouth nahk1s?
[dt`wreckz] bahahah
[impo`] oops
[nAhk1s] ur moms vagina*
[dt`wreckz] when all else fails, turn to a momma joke
[dt`wreckz] wtf u doing bufso?
[nAhk1s] free gets all excited when u talk about dicks and vaginas
[impo`] damnit my hide
[AeF`HHC`] god complex ne?
[impo`] yea :D
[dt`wreckz] cuz king
[impo`] lmao
[AeF`HHC`] hi lol
[dt`wreckz] hughugh
[dt`wreckz] just hit 164
[dt`wreckz] dont be hero bufso
[impo`] :D
[dt`wreckz] ok, gj pile
[AeF`HHC`] damn
[impo`] zook was good option :p
[AeF`HHC`] didnt really have my mind on that
[AeF`HHC`] needed 1 sec mroe for a decently placed mine
[AeF`HHC`] waternade?
[dt`wreckz] waternade?
[impo`] hmmm
[nAhk1s] waternade?
[impo`] waternade?
[dt`wreckz] whaternade?
[nAhk1s] nadewater?
[impo`] whatever
[dt`wreckz] wtfernade?
[dt`wreckz] free, i wish u would get ur shit together
[dt`wreckz] huahauha peace nahk1s!!
[dt`wreckz] skipped packet manzzz
[impo`] ;o
[AeF`HHC`] ur really good avi
[dt`wreckz] thnx?
[dt`wreckz] dunno if that was sarcasm or not lol.. but ill take it ;)
[AeF`HHC`] lol
[AeF`HHC`] after that turn... think you can guess the answer
[impo`] waternade?
[AeF`HHC`] waternade ae
[impo`] watermine?
[impo`] uh
[dt`wreckz] wtf is water nade haha
[impo`] ghost nade
[AeF`HHC`] set it off lol
AeF`HHC`..impo`: yeah, but you need to be still on rope
[dt`wreckz] waternade?
[AeF`HHC`] eep
[impo`] :D
[impo`] not really need to pile anyway
[dt`wreckz] f@#! me cr8
[dt`wreckz] lets see if impo is a hero, or a zero
[impo`] damn
[impo`] rather a zero lol
[AeF`HHC`] lol
[impo`] wooooop
[AeF`HHC`] free is below zero
[dt`wreckz] u could atleast retreat? lol
[dt`wreckz] wtf free
[AeF`HHC`] hmm
[dt`wreckz] WTF
[impo`] LMAO
[AeF`HHC`] hahaha
[impo`] hahaahahah
[dt`wreckz] you gotta be kidding me
[impo`] xDdd
[impo`] AS]
[dt`wreckz] is that even f@#!ing possible?
[dt`wreckz] lol
[dt`wreckz] too much
[AeF`HHC`] gj
[dt`wreckz] nofd
[impo`] eyaaaa
[AeF`HHC`] :<
[dt`wreckz] nice grab
[dt`wreckz] ;D
[dt`wreckz] rly bitch?
[impo`] lel :D
[AeF`HHC`] was that smart?
[AeF`HHC`] :d
[impo`] not sure :D
[impo`] gtfo
[dt`wreckz] bl
[dt`wreckz] your lags rly f@#! u up man
[dt`wreckz] gg
[AeF`HHC`] gg
[impo`] ggg
[dt`wreckz] figured u would kill me :X
[AeF`HHC`] ae, got all this hate
[dt`wreckz] true dat
[AeF`HHC`] gg
[dt`wreckz] gg
[dt`wreckz] see ya
[impo`] gj hhc
[impo`] bb
[AeF`HHC`] cya
[dt-free] gg
[AeF`HHC`] t

Author Topic: Game #159976, reported by HHC  (Read 236 times)

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Offline HHC

Game #159976, reported by HHC
« on: December 27, 2013, 10:50 PM »
amazing drop at 19:40 lol