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Topics - sm0k

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Leagues Games Comments / Game #196164, reported by GRiZ
« on: August 13, 2015, 03:38 AM »
gg, 2nd game another time then ;)

elo guys,
got a problem^^ when i try to join wn i get an error --> "fatal error during gameserver connection, disconnecting"
i could join wn all the time , then i updated my avg and made a complete search for virus., since this time i got this prob, even if i close avg i still get this error. i tried already diffrent thing like closing firewall, other wa updates but nothing works. i have no idea what i could else try. 

edit: just installed tws, i can host games and ppl are abble to join me , but i cant join other hosts

Maps Comments / Map #15465, ZaR Cavern #17 by spleen17
« on: May 28, 2015, 12:22 AM »
lol  , dont steal my maps xD

Files Comments / File #780, slk flags
« on: March 24, 2015, 06:34 PM »
thanx spleen :*

Tech Support / win8 prob
« on: November 29, 2013, 08:41 PM »
hey guys,

i followed these steps already
got wk + these modules and still cant run wa or wk..
- by runnin wa i got gfx problems, game crash after i wanna add a new team or aniother stuff
- by runnin wk there hsow up a problem "d3dx9_33.dll isnt instaled on my win8"


Leagues Games Comments / Game #154558, reported by sm0k
« on: September 25, 2013, 06:47 AM »
Hall Of Shame ..

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] 149339
« on: June 19, 2013, 09:36 PM »

elo, rr clanner against l3x, we set 5 worms each team. like the most rr clanners were played with 5 worms.. dev and hush didnt complain it on the start and they knew they placed 5 worms on start. after evry1 of us used his 3 worms .. i made 49 / dev 56 / hush 54.. dee didnt end yet.. but he end with his 4th and 5th worms and even made 51..  dev and hush just left after they made 3 runs .. i think its a bit unfair. im not sure but i guess with the light up they accepted 5 worms.

here the complete replay

Leagues Games Comments / Game #145524, reported by Ray
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:30 PM »
[Breeze] #YOLO + teleport xD damn it was funny (;

Leagues Games Comments / Game #145518, reported by sm0k
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:18 AM »
phanton gtg after 1st game (elite-rlx pick) - so they got one week time to play our hyst

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] Avoiding i guess
« on: May 03, 2013, 10:30 PM »
coI asked for clanner in ag.. we accept the clanner and they didnt want to play us coz we said we gonna pick wxw.. is it avoiding? asking for clanner and then break it up coz they dont want to play a sgeme is lame.. and if they go for special shemes they should say it by asking for clanner i guess.
here is the screanshot of my snooper.

Leagues General / Protest vs. Seasson 32
« on: March 17, 2013, 05:45 PM »
i gonna talk for whole l3x clan here. we were talkin on private and we dislike the idea about the new sheme rules. we think its just a bad way to handle the tries. it gonna destroy the classic league for one seasson. its nice that there a new ideas.. but we just thing this tries should get a new league or handle it with trl or something. we want the classic league and if the classic league (with standart rules) is gone, we dont see any point to play tus anymore. it's like goodbye tus for us. I was talking with few other friends/players and they see it the same way as we do. i think mods should find a way that evryone get happy with it. i didnt saw in forum a poll about any voting if peaple even wanna try the new rules. but even then.. its not fair against the other players. maybe make a new classic league with just the classic shemes: bng elite t17 shoppa roper rr. hysterie isnt a classic sheme but we can live with that. i dont rly know coz its not easy. but we think its a bad idea. well you guys can ignore us w/e - but we dont agree to it and wont play it.
greetz sm0k

Leagues Games Comments / Game #140835, reported by Nivman
« on: March 11, 2013, 07:22 PM »

l3x / FreshBlood for l3x // 2 new Members
« on: March 06, 2013, 07:19 PM »

welcome NiCo & skr3nto l3x ;] finally we got new recruts ;)
enjoy ur time in l3x guys ;p

greetz sm0k

Tech Support / got a problem
« on: January 29, 2013, 05:13 PM »

i got 2 problems with w:a..
1. i cant minimalize worms anymore on win7. it worked all the time.. 
2. i use wk .. and was able to host.. now i cant anymore .. dunno why. ye i got wormnat2 to wk ..
any ideas?

greetz smok

l3x / welcome s4li ;]
« on: January 16, 2013, 09:11 PM »

welcome s4li to the l3x family. old wwp guy ;] letz rock few clanners

greetz smk

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