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Topics - TheKomodo

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a2b Weekly BnG Tournament - Thursday 10th March 7:30pm GMT

As freezing powerful drops of ice cold water smashed against my face this morning walking home in a damn pissing hurricane, I suddenly realised what made it ridiculously worse as I stepped off the kerb and almost flew out of orbit like the scene from Armageddon...

"I have no Vodka for tonight  :'( I can't get money from "her" cuz she's skint too, BnG on Thursdays sober sucks got no money until Friday :'("

So there I am, unaware of coming to a complete standstill in the middle of the road looking like a total nutjob screaming out loud "f@#!!" and just as soon as I got my breath back to continue ranting in the middle of the f@#!ing street I was rudely interruped by a stupendously loud car horn which almost called for a change of pants...

After "getting the f@#! out the way" like a shook up deer being chased by a predator, I realised it was one of those trucks that deliver kegs to pubs and store them in cellars, anyway it stopped about 300 yards or so ahead and for some reason I started walking very very slowly, ideas running through my head, as I get closer I notice the guy has opened the backand dropped some kegs ready to go in the cellar, and I thought "Nah, I ain't running with a keg that's just stupid".

Then as I walk past I swear I seen the most beautiful thing, 20 or so crates of Smirnoff in the back of the truck, I swear there was something almost sexual and seductive about the way those bottles were looking at me... I looked at those bottles like I was completely perverted, I actually shuddered it felt so good, I immediately had a sense of being married, "You can look but you can't touch" :'(

So here I am, sitting, wishing I had been badass and took a crate but I didn't and so i'm going to be sober all night dammit...

Anyway let's see if the last 1on1 Champion Smilodon can hold his title tonight!

Hope to see as many as possible tonight !

In worms channel - #PartyTime

1on1, knockout style.

a2b rules and a2b scheme to be used ONLY.

Remember a2b now includes Shotgun with infinite ammo and 1 star power, for use correcting hides or opening yourself so you have a better angle.

Rules are as follows:

# No straight bazooka shots.
# No sitters.
# No repeat shots.

    * If you hit someone for 34 HP or less with a shot, you can't use that same shot again until you have either hit them with a different one, or you or they have moved.
    * If you hit someone for 35 HP or more with a shot, you can't use that same shot again until either you or they have moved.

# No 5 second grenades unless used with low gravity or max bounce
# All shots should be aimed to explode on impact with the opponents worm.
# Re-aim the crosshair between every turn, regardless of whether you landed a hit last turn or not.
# Don't teleport too close to your opponent's worm (try to stay at least half the map away).
# No notching unless you can't help it (ie, your perfect aim is 1 or 2 taps off vertical).
# No telecides (teleporting on your opponent when you have low health in order to inflict grave damage on them).
# No defensive girders, only use girders for bouncing nades.
# No Darksiding - You are not allowed to use a hide where you cannot aim directly at your opponent - If you are pushed into a hide and all you can do is zook/bank grenades, you may attempt up to 3 return shots and if any are successful you must move immediately to a hide where you have a direct angle to shoot towards your opponent, this prevents players hiding in such a way that their opponent has no means of a direct shot giving the "darksider" an unfair advantage.

Good luck and Have fun ! - Remember, you gotta be in it, to win it !

TUS Discussion / Clan & Community colours
« on: March 09, 2011, 01:46 PM »
When visiting TuS at the bottom where there is a list of everyone currently logged into TuS.

Would it be possible to have seperate colours for people who are in your Clan and for people who are in your Community?

Like MI has Red and D1 has Blue.

Sometimes there are in excess of 20-50 people logged onto TuS and it would be easier to look for players in your Clan/Community if you want to PM them while they are logged on.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #59334, Reported by Komito
« on: March 09, 2011, 10:29 AM »
Worst turn of the Season xD

3:44 LOL man I was laughing for the next 3-4 turns...

Leagues Games Comments / Game #58737, Reported by Komito
« on: March 06, 2011, 06:22 AM »
Nice turn @ 11:06 :)

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] #58377
« on: March 04, 2011, 05:02 AM »
I did originally wanna TRL with him, even bring drunk and knowing i'd propably miss the buttons and miss alot lol cuz we were having a laugh on Shoutbox but:

Please delete this because it's honestly just feels desperatiuon from Guaton.

a2b Tournaments / a2b Weekly Tournament Results - Week 36
« on: March 04, 2011, 12:02 AM »
Thanks everyone who played this week, was a great Tournament xD

I will purchase the Professional Ventrilo Server as it was really busy this week and didn't have enough spots open for people wanting to join !

Even though Johnny can't read for shit, he eventually realised it was a 2on2 ;)

Surprisingly enough wormf00d went out 1st round, for the 1st time :O - Shocking for the #2 Seed !

OoO and coste tried to darkside us, but failed with my new 1337 hide LOL.

Lex and Smilodon done well, Smilodon really is starting to get ahead in his game, no surprise seeing everytime I see him log on Wnet 20 times a day he immediately dissapears with the message: Smilodon QUIT: Hosting a game: bng

Why isn't Smilodon in b2b anyway? Lol.

wormf00d left halfway through the Finals cuz he's a pink cigar smoking lightweight who had to "get up early in the morning"

^^ What a bender...

Masta Ziom surgeon saved us the 1st game in the Final cuz I was screwing around playing music on Vent for Johnny lol, then we trashed them the 2nd game after Prankster plopped himself (LOL !) to make it 2-0, but I almost plopped myself later in the game with a failed Floorbank cuz I hit F1 instead of F2, but I was sober enough to direct it so I didn't xD

I f@#!ing love you guys, soundest and funniest bunch of people I ever had the pleasure of playing a game with :)

Anyway, here are the results for the a2b Bng Tournament - Week 36 (2on2):

1st:  Komo/Surgeon
2nd:  coek`/Pranksta
3rd:  FX/Smilodon
4th:  lacoste/OutofOrder

lacoste/OutofOrder - can host
wormf00d/Johnny - can host
Cueshark/aNgus - can host
Komo/surgeon - can host
coek`/Pranksta - can host
FX/Smilodon - can host
oldsock/Lex - can host

** Quarter Finals **

lacoste/OutofOrder Vs oldsock/Lex - lacoste/OutofOrder win
wormf00d/Johnny Vs FX/Smilodon - FX/Smilodon win
Cueshark/aNgus Vs coek`/Pranksta - coek`/Pranksta win

Komo/surgeon get a pass to next round

*** Semi Finals ***

Komo/surgeon Vs lacoste/OutofOrder
FX/Smilodon Vs coek`/Pranksta - coek`/Pranksta win

Komo/surgeon Vs lacoste/OutofOrder

**** Final - Best of 3 ****

coek`/Pranksta Vs Komo/surgeon - Komo/surgeon win 2-0

**** 3rd Place Decider ****

Lex/Smilodon Vs lacoste/OutofOrder - Lex/Smilodon win

Cya all next week !

a2b Weekly BnG Tournament - Thursday 3rd March 7:30pm GMT

This is it man, Kelly is away at her friends for a week, house to myself, f@#!ing, Dubstep AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE !!! AND EVEN MORE VODKA THIS WEEK xDxDxD

Damn it's gonna be good tonight xD

Everyone HAS to get on Ventrilo tonight !

I really really hope to see at least 16 player tonight, cuz I'll be holding Signups open until we do xD

In worms channel - #PartyTime

2on2, knockout style.

a2b rules and a2b scheme to be used ONLY.

Remember a2b now includes Shotgun with infinite ammo and 1 star power, for use correcting hides or opening yourself so you have a better angle.

Rules are as follows:

# No straight bazooka shots.
# No sitters.
# No repeat shots.

    * If you hit someone for 34 HP or less with a shot, you can't use that same shot again until you have either hit them with a different one, or you or they have moved.
    * If you hit someone for 35 HP or more with a shot, you can't use that same shot again until either you or they have moved.

# No 5 second grenades unless used with low gravity or max bounce
# All shots should be aimed to explode on impact with the opponents worm.
# Re-aim the crosshair between every turn, regardless of whether you landed a hit last turn or not.
# Don't teleport too close to your opponent's worm (try to stay at least half the map away).
# No notching unless you can't help it (ie, your perfect aim is 1 or 2 taps off vertical).
# No telecides (teleporting on your opponent when you have low health in order to inflict grave damage on them).
# No defensive girders, only use girders for bouncing nades.
# No Darksiding - You are not allowed to use a hide where you cannot aim directly at your opponent - If you are pushed into a hide and all you can do is zook/bank grenades, you may attempt up to 3 return shots and if any are successful you must move immediately to a hide where you have a direct angle to shoot towards your opponent, this prevents players hiding in such a way that their opponent has no means of a direct shot giving the "darksider" an unfair advantage.

Good luck and Have fun ! - Remember, you gotta be in it, to win it !

a2b Playoffs / Season 10 - Semi Final 1 - wormf00d Vs Johnny
« on: March 01, 2011, 10:41 AM »
Best of 3 and best of luck to both of you !

a2b Playoffs / Season 10 - Semi Final 2 - dilligaf Vs oldsock
« on: March 01, 2011, 10:41 AM »
Best of 3, and best of luck to both of you !

a2b Playoffs / Season 10 Playoffs/Fixtures
« on: March 01, 2011, 10:39 AM »
***   a2b - Season 10 Playoffs/Fixtures   ***

Season 10 was pretty active with a few more players signing up this month, so good job everyone, thanks for the activity :)

Thanks to everyone who took part in our 10th season and congratulations to the players who reached the playoffs in this Season.

Here are the results for a2b - Season 10:

1st - Johnny     33% - 60 points  *4*
2nd - wormf00d     75% - 60 points  *1*
3rd - dilligaf     67% - 56 points  *2*
4th - K1NG     41% - 53 points  
5th - oldsock     56% - 53 points  *3*
6th - Komo     100% - 42 points

As only 3 players made the requirements for the Playoffs the last spot goes to Johnny for playing the most games and having most points.

1st vs 4th & 2nd vs 3rd.

The losers of the Semi's will play each other for 3rd place, and the winners obviously play for the Final.

The pairings are as follows:

wormf00d Vs Johnny
dilligaf Vs oldsock


Remember you only have until the end of the month to finish your games.

There will be individual threads where you will upload your replays and final results for the Semi's, the Final and the 3rd place decider, the winner will upload all replays (including any game they lost), this means if you won 2-1 you will still be required to upload all 3 games to the relative thread.

For example:

"PlayerName" - I won "x"-"x"

You may include any comments you wish within the thread.

Any post that does not concern the playoffs will be deleted ASAP.

I personally wish you all the best in your playoff matches !

Good luck and have fun !

.:  a2b League  :.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #57743, Reported by Crash
« on: February 28, 2011, 07:55 AM »
Awww daina, with your last attack Granny you could knock his worm hard onto the granny :O

Bl last turn, congratz dC, good luck in Final :)

The Brag Board / Pant moistening plopshot [Fort - Family Feud]
« on: February 26, 2011, 12:50 PM »
Watch from 33:08.

I must admit, it actually made me a bit wet, gonna have to start sitting on a towel...

Maps Comments / Map #2186 by kerata22
« on: February 26, 2011, 11:52 AM »
One of the most beautiful maps i've ever seen, I am sure I was talking to this person while they were making it...

Very good job mate, I was waiting for this being released, I know it took you ages so I will play my very BEST BnG on it ;)

a2b Tournaments / a2b Weekly Tournament Results - Week 35
« on: February 24, 2011, 10:46 PM »
Everything went smoothly tonight, thanks for everyone who participated.

oldsock took the lead in the Final, but failed to finish the job, so well done to this weeks winner Smilodon !

Here are the results for Week 35:

1st:  Smilodon
2nd:  oldsock
3rd:  coke
4th:  GreeN

Jimmynut - Can't host
oldsock - can host
coke - can host
Rambito - can host
Smilodon - can host
Johnny - can't host
Capo - can host
GreeN - can host

** Quarter Finals **

Jimmynut Vs GreeN - GreeN wins
oldsock Vs Capo - oldsock wins
coke Vs Johnny - coke wins
Rambito Vs Smilodon - Smilodon wins

*** Semi Finals ***

GreeN Vs Smilodon - Smilodon wins
oldsock Vs coke - oldsock wins

**** Final - Best of 3 ****

Smilodon Vs oldsock - Smilodon wins 2-1

**** 3rd Place Decider ****

GreeN Vs coke - coke wins 2-0

See you all next week :)

Cups and Tournaments Games Comments / Game #57306, Reported by Br4aN
« on: February 24, 2011, 08:11 PM »
I wish I asked for a different map, how the hell can you make a comeback on that lol...

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