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Messages - j0e

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 30
He talks about it here.
Nice find. Interesting read. Exciting times in WA.

General discussion / Re: Real Time Rope Race!
« on: May 25, 2022, 04:16 AM »
@Komo:  That's pretty clever, but about 10 years too late lol.  I doubt anyone wants to go to all that trouble now that we have an actual working realtime mod.

General discussion / Re: Tool Assisted
« on: May 25, 2022, 04:14 AM »
Really nice video.  I also wish the private version could be made public.  They must be worried that it could be reverse engineered or modified to play online.  I have used an older version of it and can confirm it's extremely powerful - especially the aimbot function which accounts for bounces / fuse time perfectly.

Nizikawa's version is also tons of fun and surprisingly powerful!  I advise everyone to download it, just in case anyone decides to remove it or make it private.

General discussion / Re: Real Time Rope Race!
« on: May 19, 2022, 12:35 AM »
Version was released on May 8th 2022. Download:
The module is now compatible with wkBigLobby; disabled turn pause after worm gets damaged; disabled weapon panel lock

What a legend this nizikawa is!

General discussion / Re: Real Time Rope Race!
« on: February 07, 2022, 11:55 PM »
This works so well, no lag whatsoever. I highly recommend everyone to give it a try.

General discussion / Re: The nizikawa Appreciation Thread
« on: January 26, 2022, 11:21 PM »
Hear hear! Thank you very much nizikawa for all your amazing mods. A new era of WA is upon us thanks to you.

General discussion / Re: W:A steam and Project X
« on: November 06, 2021, 05:46 AM »
Don't try to modify your steam WA. It's much easier and better to maintain 2 separate WA installs, so you can play PX when you want, but enjoy the comforts of modern WA the rest of the time.

Rough guide:

-Get original WA ISO (version 1 or version 3.0, doesn't matter) as abandonware for free (somewhat legally) from
-Mount WA ISO in Windows ISO tool or something like Daemon Tools Lite if you prefer.
-Install that to a new folder so your Steam WA is unaffected eg. "c:\Team17\Worms Armageddon PX".
-Download and install WAPatch.exe,
-Then install the update.
-Download Wormkit (old version which includes standalone WormKit.exe -  Extract to WA folder.
-Download original wkWndMode.dll Extract to WA folder.
-Get ProjectX installer. Install and update.
-For Windows 10 improved compatibility. Extract to WA folder.

Run PX using Wormkit.exe.

Been suggested before.  I think it's a great idea.

Yandex offers a free translation API up to 10000 messages per day iirc, Google costs money

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkToolAssist v. 0.1.0 released
« on: October 08, 2021, 07:12 PM »
How is this not getting any hype and attention?  So much focus on worm order, while this masterpiece quietly flies under the radar..

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkToolAssist v. 0.1.0 released
« on: September 07, 2021, 03:40 AM »
This works amazingly well. Very usable and no lag. Fantastic work! It's awesome that TA is now available for everyone.

I am working on a wormkit module that implements some aspects of TA build.
Here is an example replay created with it:
And a video of it in action:

Don't worry - if it ever gets a public release, I will make sure that it is impossible to use it for cheating. The module will require a special modified WA.exe with network capabilities removed. The created replays will announce that they are using TA and will lack state checksums. The module will be closed source and the dll binary will encrypted to prevent reverse engineering.
This is great, keep up the good work!

The whole chat part of WA needs to be completely rewritten in order to allow selecting of text. Currently as soon as words are displayed in chat they are converted to an image. This re-writing is planned, along with Unicode / foreign language support, which will be huge but is lower priority. This might make possible a wormkit Translator module, clickable links, etc

Other fun fact is that the chat module is the only thing preventing zooming in/out to be added with a module like wkResolution. StepS made wkReso for W2 and WWP only because they are dead online and nobody needs/uses the chat anymore.

General discussion / Re: HELP HOW TO DOWNLOAD MAP
« on: January 30, 2021, 07:20 PM »
download the .png maps to your worms folder...  in Worms Armageddon\User\SavedLevels.   If you have the Steam version I think you can right-click the game in Steam and then "browse to game files" or something

you can make subdirectories inside SavedLevels too for different map types, if you want to stay organized.

to load a map you downloaded,  right-click the map preview in the pre-game lobby, and use the dropdown list unider the Save button

side-note:  check out the User\Games folder if you want to rewatch any game you ever played. You can extract maps from those too (right-click the replay)

Tech Support / Re: 640x480 problem
« on: January 30, 2021, 12:44 AM »

Extract to your WA folder, and enable Load Wormkit Modules in advanced options.

TUS Discussion / Re: "custom terrain" file type?
« on: January 01, 2021, 07:05 PM »
Deadcode has also confirmed that he's working on integrating wkTerrain functionality into the game which will hopefully encourage more to be made.
Ooh.. this would be really nice!

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