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Messages - skunk3

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Off Topic / Re: Star Wars?
« on: December 30, 2019, 10:30 AM »
You say ''unimaginative money makers''. I don't believe Star Wars started out like that, nor that George Lucas intended to be a money milking machine.

I know. Trilogies are fine. When I say franchise, I'm thinking of when there are 4 films or more and it seems like they just won't stop. The other thing is I don't normally care about most action or comedy or adventure-type movies. Horror movies aren't what they used to be either. So maybe I'm biased because most franchises just happen to pump out types of movies that I don't really like.

Although, there were 4 original Star Wars films if you count The Star Wars Holiday Special, haha. I watched that last year, pretty funny but had very little involvement from Lucas.

I feel like film in general has become so bad in the last 15 years or so. There's been a couple of movies that I've been excited to see but overall it's just a bunch of shit coming out that I couldn't care less about. I'm sure there's plenty of indie/underground/artsy/foreign films that have escaped my attention though. I'm not the voracious movie-watcher that I used to be. I still greatly enjoy watching movies but I can't watch them alone. I live by myself now (no roommates / gf / etc) so I watch very little of anything. For some reason I find watching a movie alone to be one of the loneliest experiences, so I don't bother. These days I basically just watch YouTube clips when I feel the need.

As far as horror goes, there's a few that I like but overall I'm not a fan of the genre. I watch movies to escape from reality and enjoy myself, not to sit through jump scares and be psychologically f@#!ed for the rest of the day. I like all kinds of movies but the ones I like best are a bit hard to describe... I'd say key components for me would be great use of color and light, great soundtrack / score, authentically representing a certain time period while also showing a side of it that maybe some people weren't aware of, some sort of sexuality / chemistry, edginess, real emotional impact (not gimmicks), etc. That said I also have a soft spot for B-movies and kinda cheesy movies too. Maybe that's because I used to be a huge stoner for years lol.

Some movies I can watch any time:

-Literally anything by Gregg Araki... his movies are perfect IMO if you are up for something 'different' and cool, especially his 'doom generation' trilogy. It's so 90's it hurts.
-The Virgin Suicides
-The Beach
-Dazed and Confused
-Half Baked
-The City of Lost Children
-City of God
-Easy Rider
-The Raid
-The Handmaiden (the Asian one)
-Any Indiana Jones movie (aside from the newer one)
-Anything by Gaspar Noe
-Anything by Andrei Tarkovsky
-Anything by David Lynch
-Jeremiah Johnson
-Miller's Crossing
-Almost anything by Guy Ritchie
-Anything by the Coen Brothers
-Anything by Gus Van Sant

etc etc.

Off Topic / Re: Star Wars?
« on: December 27, 2019, 10:45 AM »
Yeah, The Last Jedi was rife with identity politics and I think that a lot of Star Wars fans will agree that it's the worst Star Wars film ever... real fans anyway, not casuals who just recently jumped on the bandwagon. I too didn't have a lot of interest going into this new movie but I HAD to see how the Skywalker saga ended. I read a ton of spoilers before I went to the theater and was praying that it wouldn't be awful like TLJ. It was decent but the problem is that Abrams and the other people who worked on direction had so much shit to deal with in terms of addressing problems from the TLJ. A good chunk of the movie is spent doing just this.

-TFA sucked because they basically just rehashed the storyline from ANH and threw in some new characters that we weren't given any real reason to be interested in or care about. It felt lazy and uninteresting.

-TLJ picks up on some of the things that TFA began with, but veers so far off course it's stupefying and also crams in so much SJW virtue signaling 'woke' nonsense that it's a slap in the face. There's a little bit of character development but not much.

-TROS fixes issues from TLJ and marches the storyline on and packs plenty of 'fan service.' I do absolutely believe that the directors/editors listened to a lot of the criticism about TLJ and active tried to avoid making the same mistakes again. The only 'woke' moment in the movie was near the very end after the battle has been won. Everyone is hugging and cheering and this one female pilot got out of her spaceship and ran up to this other female. They kissed. I groaned out loud... not out of disgust but because they just HAD to put that in there. Why do they always gotta insert some woke agenda bullshit, especially when the movie up until that point had avoided it? We don't need space lesbians, for f@#!'s sake.


Off Topic / Star Wars?
« on: December 27, 2019, 06:18 AM »
I finally had the chance to see The Rise of Skywalker and I've been thinking about the films since Lucas sold his empire to Disney.

I will say that all in all TROS wasn't that bad. There were some parts that I thought were stupid but it was a hell of a lot better than the absolute dumpster fire that The Last Jedi was, and The Force Awakens wasn't that great either. I won't post any spoilers (yet) in case people haven't seen the movie.

IMO the newer Star Wars movies don't feel like real Star Wars movies. Sure, they have ships and lightsabers and droids and all of that shit but the spark just isn't there. The magic is gone. People can hate on the prequel trilogy all they want but at least those movies FELT like Star Wars and not fan fiction.

Off Topic / Re: Death Penalty
« on: December 10, 2019, 02:00 AM »
I have conflicting views regarding the death penalty because as Bloopy pointed out, in many Western countries it's actually more expensive to execute someone than it is to imprison them for life. I know that seems counter-intuitive, but it's the truth. On those grounds alone I oppose the death penalty because I want the option that is going to be the least drain on taxpayer citizens. However, if we could streamline the execution process somehow and make it far more cost-effective then I would support executions on a case-by-case basis. Some people are completely irredemable and don't deserve to go on living.

As far as the Norweigan burning a copy of the Quran, who gives a f@#!? Those Muslims need to go back to their own lands and stop spreading like cockroaches. f@#! Islam. f@#! most predominantly Muslim cultures in general. Mohammed was a psychotic pedophile rapist and Islam is anything but the "religion of peace." That description of it is so laughably wrong that it's Orwellian. Don't get me wrong, I think most religions suck and are stupid in myriad ways, but Islam is easily one of the worst, if not THE worst. They just keep reproducing a bunch of inbred fanatical tax drains on society and trying to establish a caliphate anywhere they go. Screw Muslims.

Off Topic / Re: Beggars
« on: December 03, 2019, 05:12 PM »
I used to give people money and whatnot but I learned over the years that it's not a good idea to do that because people become reliant upon it and expect it. If these people were really that desperate they could go to a shelter and stay, look for jobs, etc. The ONLY thing I will give beggars is food, and most of the time I won't even do that because on more than one occasion I've seen people throw away what I gave them. I just straight-up ignore bums anymore... I walk on past and pretend like I don't see / hear them, and as soon as they start talking to me I just wave my hand, shake my head, and walk on. Get a job.

Off Topic / Re: Drugs
« on: December 03, 2019, 05:06 PM »
Alcohol is by far the most dangerous because it's legal, easy to obtain, and relatively cheap. It quickly becomes habitual and leads to loss of inhibition, foolish mistakes, and regret. I've strayed dangerously close to full-blown alcoholism a time or two but thankfully I never hit rock bottom. These days I still drink, but less often than I used to and in far lesser amounts. I don't do any drugs anymore - I don't even smoke weed. Experimenting with substances is fun when you're younger but it shouldn't become a lifestyle or a habit. I have friends who still do a bunch of drugs recreationally (or habitually) and I view it as sad and a bit pathetic because I know from first-hand experience that they're not having an amazing time. Drugs are cool the first time or two that you do them but eventually they are kinda boring and just make you feel weird and crappy. Sobriety is actually pretty awesome once you're mature enough to handle it and not rely on escapism via drugs. A good friend of mine that I paint with is heavy into drugs and it's kinda sad seeing someone smoke meth lol.

As far as the most addictive drug goes, definitely meth. Meth releases more dopamine in your brain than any other drug by far. It's at least 4x more addictive than heroin. That's why people get hooked on it. It makes the user feel amazing and great so they keep chasing that high and before they know it, they haven't slept in a week or more, look like a skeleton from not eating and being so energetic, and have ruined their life. At first meth can be very 'speedy' and act as a stimulant but for regular users it doesn't really get them all tweaked out. Instead it just makes them feel happy and alive because of the dopamine flow. To put it another way: A meth high releases roughly 50x more dopamine in your brain than sex... it's literally 'better than sex.' Even though it's a problem in many places I'm kinda surprised that it's not more widespread.

General discussion / Re: Who actually still plays?
« on: November 26, 2019, 12:24 AM »
Actually alcohol is potentially one of the most harmful drugs there is but I won't get into that.

As far as anyone wanting to play W:A, you could find an ISO file or something or you could just simply buy W:A on Steam. It goes on sale all of the time and it's super cheap. Even at full price ($15) we already know that it's worth the money spent.

Most newer games are boring AF, so let's all get back on W:A and have fun. 

General discussion / Re: Who actually still plays?
« on: October 16, 2019, 12:56 AM »
It's not that I am stuck in a nostalgia bubble - I've seen every incarnation of W:A from the very beginning until now. I know that the W:A 'golden age' is long gone. It'd just be nice to see some familiar faces is all I'm saying. Hell, most of the people who post to this forum? Haven't seen them on WormNET in ages.

I can totally enjoy meeting and playing with new players but only if they speak English proficiently (many can't) and aren't random aliasers who change their names constantly. It seems like newer players are far less likely to chat and generally have fun and instead just focus on the game and nothing more. W:A for me has always been more about the 'social' aspect of playing rather than the matches themselves.

I'm older too (almost 39), and I work a lot, but I don't have kids or a wife so I guess I have more free time than some people. 

In short, I don't have an elitist mindset regarding W:A but I would definitely rather play with people who I already know for a few good reasons. (Not taking a risk of them being noobs, being able to catch up on life, laughing about old shit / reminiscing, etc.) When I see WormNET have such a pathetic amount of activity - to the point of being virtually dead - it makes me think of my own life and mortality and how they are kinda parallel in certain ways. Worms has, for better or for worse, been a huge part of my life for 20+ years now and it's honestly depressing to see W:A in its current state. 

General discussion / Re: Who actually still plays?
« on: October 11, 2019, 12:39 AM »
W:A is far from "blooming." At any given time there's hardly anyone online, and most of the people who are on are noobs. Not all, but most. I don't give a crap about TUS rankings but I do like playing with players who I've known for years instead of randoms.

General discussion / Who actually still plays?
« on: October 10, 2019, 11:57 PM »
I've been jumping onto Wormnet from time to time these past few weeks and I've barely seen ANYONE online. Last night there were 17 people in AG *including* bots and snoopers. I haven't seen many old school names on in a really long time. Does anyone actually still play W:A anymore?

Gaming Central / Re: Borderlands 3 (rant)
« on: September 16, 2019, 02:08 AM »
I'd rather the game be on Steam but I didn't want to wait

If more people had the patience and discipline to boycott Epic Games Store, this sort of thing might not happen.

I was incredibly excited about Borderlands 3 as Borderlands 2 is literally one of my all time favourite games, I felt heartbroken after finding out it was a Epic exclusive, and the same thing happened this morning after catching up on the progress of Mechwarrior 5 and discovered Epic have f**king bought that out as an exclusive as well!

It's only been a few days since BL3s release and already the onslaught of complaints and evidence showing bad things is overwhelming...

From IPs associated with Tencent, to weird upload speeds, people who bought the game on EGS not being able to access the game, game bugs, crashes, and failure to launchs, amongst other problems, it's f**king ridiculous, and I am f**king baffled as to why anybody is stupid enough to even support Epic Games at all.

The only experience that I have with Epic is when Fortnite first came out. I played it for maybe a month and got bored with it. Aside from that I have no experience with them and know nothing about the company or any games on its platform.

I tried running BL3 and for some reason it worked. I got a different splash screen, an intro animation that I never saw before, and sound. I was also able to create a character and start a game. Unfortunately, the in-game performance is so bad that it is essentially unplayable on my system. Even with the resolution set as low as it can go and with ALL graphical options turned to 'low' or even off, I get horrible frame rates and constant stuttering, lagginess, etc. I got killed a few times by level 1 peons simply because I couldn't shoot properly. I am hoping for some patch(es) to come out soon so I can actually enjoy the game.

Gaming Central / Re: Borderlands 3 (rant)
« on: September 13, 2019, 08:27 PM »
I'd rather the game be on Steam but I didn't want to wait, and I don't think it's silly to expect that a game should work reasonably well upon launch. The modern gaming industry just sucks and I am tired of games coming out broken.

Off Topic / Re: Movie Remakes
« on: September 13, 2019, 08:25 PM »
The movie industry these days is complete garbage. Compare what gets released today with the stuff that came out in the 80's, 90's and very early 2000's. Today it's horrible in comparison. derp derp I need another superhero movie or some stupid reboot...

Off Topic / Re: Do you believe in the existence of aliens?
« on: September 13, 2019, 08:23 PM »
We don't have a clear timeline though. The timeline is blurry at best and falls apart at worst. My point is that there are clearly man-made structures on this planet that are far older than the beginning of 'history' as the mainstream knows it, like twice as old or more!

Also, I am not talking about primitive constructions made out of bolders. I am talking about very intricately-aligned, well-thought-out buildings that are made of precisely-quarried stones that fit together like Lego bricks, sites that align perfectly to stars and celestial patterns/processions... and in many of these places we are talking about stones that are so many tons in weight that it's mind-boggling, not to mention the further mystery that comes from the fact that in some of these sites they use types of stone that aren't even close to the place of erection. They had to somehow transport these impossibly heavy stones vast distances in many cases.

Also, people have been using mortar of sorts for a long time. Of course they didn't have cement but they had equivalents.

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