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Messages - TheKomodo

Pages: 1 ... 831 832 [833] 834 835 ... 858
Leagues Playoffs / Re: Guys, get these games going!
« on: July 14, 2010, 09:26 AM »
I've actually just realised, we have been moaning about playoffs ALOT and yet, no one actually bothers to do the clan playoffs...

Whats that all about? lol

Leagues Complaints / Re: Bng TUS Single
« on: July 14, 2010, 12:35 AM »
Lol no worries then :D

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Clanners messed up 2
« on: July 13, 2010, 10:27 PM »
If you can't be bothered to actually take my post literally instead of trying to be the victim here, I see little point in going on with this.

Just, lol man... And I quote from wormf00d here:

"There must be a language barrier"

Leagues General / Re: Reset
« on: July 13, 2010, 09:20 PM »

3. You played your part in the TUS league and achieved what you achieved. If anyone wants to reach no.1 in bng standings, they'll have to beat your record. Simple as that. Every league and sports organisation keeps track of its stats and records for decades ago. Your logic here doesn't make any sense, IMHO.

4. That's not as easy as clicking on 'delete' button. Your stats interfere with the stats of everybody you played against/with.

3. If they want to beat my record, then they can, my record doesn't have to be showed in the active standings for it to still be remembered, if someone gets a higher score than me, fine, but my score doesn't have to remain.

4. Why can't you keep my season scores then? As your so called history, but get rid of my overall scores? So that in the "time pod" thing, you can see my results, but so that I don't show up in the overall standings for everything?

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Clanners messed up 2
« on: July 13, 2010, 09:16 PM »
But you are making it out like we hate TdC, that is far from the truth, don't twist our words, we just think the rating should be higher, obviously they deserve it because they met requirements this season, don't be silly lol...

No, I'm not making it out like you hate TdC and I would like it you didn't twist my words.

They didn't meet the requirements *you* think should be held. I'm just pointing out the logical consequence of your suggestions.

No offense mate but for a mod you are pretty dumb... Or close minded at least, We said it's what we feel the requirements should be from NOW ON, we are NOT saying they don't deserve to be in these playoffs, what is your problem? For someone who claims to try and stop flamewars n stuff, you are not doing a very good job of it right now, what is wrong with you, stop provoking us and making it out that we don't think they deserve their spot which we've already said THEY DO...

The logical consequence of what I said, is what I have already explained, which is in future terms not past, seriously, i'm seriously asking you to start reading my posts twice and think about what I have wrote because you are starting to make me look bad for no reason, since you are a mod, the sheep will follow you, don't do this please...

Off Topic / Re: GG hand
« on: July 13, 2010, 09:12 PM »
Hope you get better mate, but like, WHY ! would you do that? For YouTube or something?

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Clanners messed up 2
« on: July 13, 2010, 07:31 PM »
But you are making it out like we hate TdC, that is far from the truth, don't twist our words, we just think the rating should be higher, obviously they deserve it because they met requirements this season, don't be silly lol...

Leagues Complaints / Re: 33842
« on: July 13, 2010, 07:04 PM »
2nd time we done this today lol, we are so stupid... haha

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Clanners messed up 2
« on: July 13, 2010, 06:45 PM »
No he isn't D1 man, he's isn't specifically saying TdC don't deserve to be in playoffs, he's just saying about what I proposed.

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Clanners messed up 2
« on: July 13, 2010, 05:45 PM »
Avirex isn't saying YOU don't deserve it mate, we just think the standards should be higher, after all this game is 11 years old, if people aren't good enough yet then what's the point?

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #33765, Reported by seBa
« on: July 13, 2010, 05:20 PM »
Yeah but Quite a number of Shy's fails were due to being nervous cuz crate.

At the end of the day, maps like this, are luck based, best crates will win, every time, there is NO denying it, well considering everyone ropes perfect, best crates win.

Leagues Complaints / Re: Bng TUS Single
« on: July 13, 2010, 05:08 PM »
Well that isn't what I meant knightz, it is lame you lost like that yes, very unfair, but within the rules they played correct, which is unfair, but rules are rules, so I don't think this will be voided.


General discussion / Re: Chuck Norris Worms Fact
« on: July 13, 2010, 05:06 PM »
Yeah lol he is VERY over-rated, and all his films look fake anyway lol

Leagues General / Re: Reset
« on: July 13, 2010, 05:02 PM »
1. I didn't know about that, but don't see why it matters at the same time...

2. I asm asking for MY stats to be removed, not everyone I played against.

3. Again, same as number 2, It took me 3 or 4  days to reach 1st in BnG, so I hardly think it would take long to do again lol, even so, I wouldn't want to anyway.

Also, if you talk about Real standings, then it will never happen, as players come and go, standings always change, It's like, Mablak would probably be #1 if he played the league, he doesn't, so what? Does it matter lol? No, Random is still the best active player, good for him :)

4. Same as number 2.

Leagues General / Re: Reset
« on: July 13, 2010, 04:24 PM »
Yeah but what is the point of having the stats if I don't play or won't play ever again?

Not trying to brag, but no one will catch my stats on BnG, because of the TuS System I don't think anyone can get a good enough win ratio to reach the same points as me, especially not as fast as I did, maybe if they play 200-300 games and must have about 95% win ratio, at least...

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