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Messages - TheKomodo

Pages: 1 ... 844 845 [846] 847 848 ... 858
Leagues Playoffs / Re: Confused about playoffs...
« on: June 15, 2010, 08:04 AM »
Yeah that's cool mate, thanks for explaining, and of course that is fair

Leagues Playoffs / Confused about playoffs...
« on: June 15, 2010, 06:27 AM »
Could someone help me out here...

I have seen so many threads about CKC playoffs and i'm kind of lost, how many playoffs do we have going on right now?

By the looks of it we have games still to play all the way back to season 9 or even more?

Best of 3

Good luck !

a2b Playoffs / Season 1 Final - wormf00d vs surgeon
« on: June 15, 2010, 06:19 AM »
Best of 3

And best of luck guys !

Hopefully I can watch this final :)

Leagues Complaints / Re: ckc vs doh
« on: June 15, 2010, 05:54 AM »
hahahaha soo nice!!

85,98 of the mablak is 85...

79,96 of dibz is 80 XDD

nice mathematics komo ;*

nice mathematics too rok XD

crash does 88.

Actually I said 86 & 80 not 85 and 80

Leagues Complaints / Re: ckc vs doh
« on: June 14, 2010, 08:42 PM »
Can I ask, what is wrong with using MS as the final time, when people finish on the same second?

Nothing wrong with that, could make it a rule for next season but as of right now it seems unfair to rely on milliseconds - kinda out of the blue, you get what I mean. :)

Current "traditional" rules say rematch if the second count of both teams are the same.

Sorry for the double post, I just woke up, and i'm in a hurry lol, anyway, I completely agree with this Rene, anyone else agree?

And crash, 85.98 is like 79.80 rounded up it's 86 and 80, but it still finished on the second before.

Leagues Complaints / Re: ckc vs doh
« on: June 14, 2010, 08:39 PM »

Komo, stop writing posts that, there's no need for it. If it were Zippo posting like that, we would've had several complaints by now and we will not work with double standards here.

Monkey, that's because Zippo done it like 10 times a day, every day, I do it when I have to, end of story.

You know i'm right.

Clans & Communities / Re: lor Clan Recruiting
« on: June 14, 2010, 02:04 PM »
We used to play 2v2 Roper with Tower, MrMonkey and m0nk.
Aw Tower ! :D

Komo, you sure you already played WWP ? xD
I've never saw you on (20h/24h on it, couldn't miss you).  :o

You're kidding me right? I MET you on WWP lol

Remember Komodus/KsP <--- That was me lol.

Leagues Complaints / Re: ckc vs doh
« on: June 14, 2010, 02:01 PM »
Can I ask, what is wrong with using MS as the final time, when people finish on the same second?

Is it to give the loser another chance to win?

Is it not, without a doubt, a faster, more efficient and fair way of clearly seeing who won?

I'm personally ok with them all having a re-match, if they all agree, but it is EXTREMELY unfair and demeaning to have a re-match, after all the time we have waited, and kept CF waiting, all the crap we have been through, to play it again when there is a clear winner with MS times.

Clans & Communities / Re: lor Clan Recruiting
« on: June 14, 2010, 01:41 PM »
Actually, I really really liked WWP, only reason I quit was cuz everyone else did and went back to WA, and one of the main reasons was because you couldn't minimise WWP, at least without it crashing.

Clans & Communities / Re: lor Clan Recruiting
« on: June 14, 2010, 01:38 PM »
I kinda miss wwp a bit...

We should all hijack wwp !!!

Leagues Complaints / Re: ckc vs doh
« on: June 14, 2010, 01:31 PM »
In all honesty, RR league games have never been about milliseconds. I get your point though Dave.

Actually, they did used to be, especially on FB, quite a number of games were settled with the MS time, I remember personally winning a few/losing a few, with MS times, I remember when you could watch your replays at the same time as playing the game so you could check specific times before reporting and deciding who won, but leagues changed after I pointed out in a T17 that you can open up the game, and fast forward to find out what crates your opponent picked up to give you an OBVIOUS advantage, thats when DeadCode or CyberShadow re-coded the patches or whatever so you couldn't do this anymore, no one even thanked me for it...

And I personally think it should be settled with the MS time from now on.

Of course, it's better to have a clear winner, save not having stupid arguements like this lol

Clans & Communities / Re: lor Clan Recruiting
« on: June 14, 2010, 01:21 PM »
glitch, how the hell do I know you?? It's bugging me, I really recognise you somehow...

Clans & Communities / Re: lor Clan Recruiting
« on: June 14, 2010, 01:08 PM »
I have a feeling I was either in LoR
You weren't, it's not possible. x|

Nah i'm sure I was before I joined Plutonic's clan, I can't even remember the name of his clan now...

We won the wwp league I know that much...

Leagues Complaints / Re: ckc vs doh
« on: June 14, 2010, 12:54 PM »
check the replay komo, u lost not win

Actually, unless you, and zippo are the most retarded, brainless, stupid people on earth that doesn't understand basic mathematics and basic numbers, with the in-game provided milliseconds, which are THERE FOR A REASON ! - we got a faster time with all best times added, IF the TuS rules would state games are not recorded by MS (which it doesn't by the way, the rules says "Best overall time wins")

It does not say "Best time rounded up to the closest full second number so the clan that didn't actually get the fastest time, but rounds up to a faster time can win even though they didn't really win"...

You can argue all you want, you can cry, get angry, get upset, get jealous, try and seek revenge, get depressed, I don't care, you CANNOT change time and physics, 0.04 of a second is still time, people's lifes I am sure have been saved by a fraction less of this time, which is 0.04 of a second faster than your teams overall time.

Trust me, time matters.

At the end of the day, I measure this game by TRUE time, that is supplied by MS.

I wouldn't care, IF crash wasn't such a pain in the ass waiting for the best time to try and do the playoffs without me not being there so I couldn't BnG, or if he didn't bail on us after already admitting he had time to play before then bailed when we mentioned BnG, or leave us hanging the other countless times, OR trying to get playoffs done with the players of CKC that HE thinks are not as good as the rest so they have a better chance of winning, it's pathetic.

The proof is there that CKC won by 0.04 seconds, do not try and deny it or you will look even more stupid.

dibz - do not have a problem with you, you wanted to play the playoffs at anytime.

Even Zippo was cool about the playoffs and didn't act like an idiot.

Crash, you need to take a lesson from your clanmates, before they get fed up with you, seriously.

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