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Messages - TheKomodo

Pages: 1 ... 846 847 [848] 849 850
Schemes / Re: New rules for BnG
« on: May 19, 2010, 11:43 AM »
Dumbasses lol, even I knew that, but only cuz I used to do that annoying thing EVERY SINGLE GAME lol:

y0 y0 y0

So when I done something offline i'd automatically do this as a habit lol...

TUS Discussion / Re: Reputation
« on: May 19, 2010, 12:14 AM »
You want them to leave in such a world ? It makes your happiness, but not their.

It's a lie! It makes happiness, it's no ones exactly, there's no yours and theirs, it's mutually, it's happiness. Bah, U're immature too.. or U have black point of view on this world.. ? Satan took ur soul sinner!?  :P
This is a wonderful life and the world is beautiful, wake up!!!

Calm down man... Too many diffys today?

TUS Discussion / Re: Reputation
« on: May 18, 2010, 11:24 PM »
Yeah Jeff, i'm the same, although I do try my best nowadays to use proper grammar and punctuation, although sometimes when I want to say something fast, I type complete jibberish lol.

Anyway, since when was "lol" proper grammar or punctuation?

Lol !

TUS Discussion / Re: Reputation
« on: May 18, 2010, 10:59 PM »
not everyone wants to type out their thoughts as if it were  af@#!in college essay
Is the same for us. We don't want to use our brain "as if it was a f@#!in' college essay" to understand what you write.
When you speak and stay with people, you have to behave and act a way it won't disturb them.

omg i know!! its so mind boggaling to try to understand people when they type without a capitol letter, and proper punctuation... its almost like a different language!! lol.

Ys I knw Its Lke Ppl who Tlk In txts lke ths exptn u 2 no wht thy mn wtht u knwn urslf

Schemes / Re: New rules for BnG
« on: May 18, 2010, 10:57 PM »
yeah, why did u detect sarcasm free? lol i thought it was a good idea.. :D

It was me that thought he was being sarcastic, because he normally sticks up for the no rules BnG side of things lol.

If someone can put together the video, I can put the replays in for the tutorial...

TUS Discussion / Re: Reputation
« on: May 18, 2010, 01:02 PM »
Stop caring so much what people think about you, people enjoy teasing other people, if you show it annoys you, it will keep happening, just forget about the whole thing, move on, and in due time, things might change.

It's just a silly number, it's not like you will find the perfect woman, have 3 adoring children, win the lottery and be happy for life if you have a +reputation...

Schemes / Re: New rules for BnG
« on: May 18, 2010, 12:14 PM »
Janu - Get on MSN? Or at least AG i'm there now, can give me some of your ideas...

Schemes / Re: New rules for BnG
« on: May 18, 2010, 12:06 PM »
You can't tell someone how to BnG, it's just impossible.

Actually you can, like I was taught by Eldarworm and M3ntal the very basics, then I grew onto the advanced stuff by myself, even inventing new shots myself, there's always those people that take things to the next level, I believe myself to be that person for BnG.

And am I correct in detecting a hint of sarcasm Janu? If you are being serious, it's not so much a tutorial on "How to BnG" it's more of tips and tricks that help you, ways of being mroe consistent and learning the harders shots faster.

And I would LOVE to make a tutorial, except, I have no idea how to.

Schemes / Re: New rules for BnG
« on: May 18, 2010, 10:44 AM »
After thinking about it, the rules ARE fine the way they are for a league like this, I mean how can you expect a newcomer of WA to BnG at our level?

Most of the experienced players can't lol

But then again people would ask, How will they get better if they don't try?

Hopefully when they are not playing league games, they will play some BnG's for fun and try to better themselves at the game, anyone who DOES want to get better, or wants advice, feel free to ask myself or any member of b2b for advice or even just a few games to practise.

Thanks, Komo

Schemes / Re: New rules for BnG
« on: May 17, 2010, 11:44 PM »
Chick, you're really starting to type like a zillian lol, soon enough your sig is gonna be



General discussion / Wnet down...
« on: May 17, 2010, 11:09 PM »
It does exactly what it says on the tin...

Nvm, back up now

Schemes / Re: New rules for BnG
« on: May 17, 2010, 07:51 PM »

 Sadly i don't feel like the honourable bnger i used to be. But sometimes i feel like that because of the way worms has changed, and when someone is cheaping me, being lame or generally not being nice and insulting me loads i'll make it as difficult as i can for them to kill me.

Thats the most stupid thing i have heard. BnG is a classic scheme, i don't care for a2b as much as i care for the most active and popular league currently on wa.

You are a very enthusiastic BnG'r mate, it is sad to see you have lost some of the respect you once had for BnG, but still, even when you play at your "cheapest" you still play good, i've never seen you repeat a shot more than twice in a league game, which isn't all that bad, you play a little tighter because you have to, thats fair enough, I personally couldn't, because BnG is all I have passion for which is why we have a2b now.

And although you love BnG, you love all the other schemes too, you can't have it all, I fully understand why you would choose to play TuS over a2b, it'd still be nice to see you throw in a few more a2b's though, even if it is only 3-4 a week.

Schemes / Re: New rules for BnG
« on: May 17, 2010, 07:14 PM »
Avi, I hated BnG when I 1st seen it, because what I 1st seen was just boring shots, it wasn't until I played Elderworm (I think that was his name, the guy with the longass hair who thought he was the terminator) I'm sure he was in EiF or summin, that I actually saw some skill in BnG and I was hooked.

You've seen how good I am with the "hard" shots, imagine how easy, but importantly damn right boring it would be for me to just darkside, throw continous 4s full pwoer and 3s nades, heck and if I were to notch them it'd be even worse...

I don't necessarily hate this nrbng because it's an easy win, I hate it because it's boring, and I really don't understand how the people that like nrbng find the way we do it boring yet they like it the easy way which is worse...

Schemes / Re: New rules for BnG
« on: May 17, 2010, 12:14 PM »
komo I can't understand people having fun playing bng,.
for me the scheme is and always was for "anemics" :P
it's not about lazy or not, people want to HF.

SO what you are saying is BnG is for weak/uncolourful people?

Funny how some of the best and most respected players on wnet today favour BnG?

Mablak, Dark, KRD, M3ntal, Mablak alone is quite possibly the best allrounder and respected player ever to grace WA, Dark is pretty much top of the game at all schemes also, M3ntal and KRD have contributed so much to the community and leagues as well as being extremely talented players, and that's just a few of the best BnG'rs of WA.

Then you look at the people whom most consider selfish, annoying and too competitive, I won't say names as each has their own opinions.

BnG is without a doubt not just WA in general but every single editions of the Worms francise one of the most common schemes played, It's one of the 3 main schemes in practically every league for every game.

To us, BnG is more than just shooting to win, for me it's the only thing I play the game for anymore, myself being alot higher skilled than average at almost all common schemes because i've played this game for so long it just happened lol.

I'm not good at BnG because I wanted to be, I enjoy it so much I just got good while enjoying it, I enjoy it so much I've influenced alot of BnG'rs of today, I've came up with and named new shots years and years ago which most use nowadays, I enjoyed it so much I explored every option of the game.

People continue to seek my advice on BnG which no one can disagree I have always gave, so I guess when it comes down to it, I am just more passionate about BnG than anyone else on WA, because to me it's not just about winning and being good, through BnG i've met alot of really interesting and nice people, I only play wnet when I see these people online, I don't sit in AG challenging anyone to defend my honour lol.

I am proud of the level I have became at BnG and what I give back to those who want to learn, and no one will EVER take that away from me.

I understand that others won't take BnG as seriously as myself and all the other players that enjoy it the way I do, I am totally fine with that, I just ask that you all understand and respect why we do it the way we do it.

Thanks, Komo.

Schemes / Re: New rules for BnG
« on: May 17, 2010, 10:34 AM »
I can't believe I haven't seen this topic before, sorry for the late reply.

5 months old lol

I agree with the people that want "nrbng" everyone is entitled to their opinion, hence why myself and the rest of b2b opened a2b in the 1st place to get the BnG competition we want, without what is in our opinion, lazy BnG players, because that's all nrbng is, laziness, especially in overall scheme leagues, you have to spend so much time perfecting ALL the schemes as much as possible, you don't want to spend your time learning how to be really good at BnG learning all the varieties of shots for a higher skilled more interesting game, they only want to learn enough to win as easy and fast as possible, argue all you want but there's no denying this.

And you can see the difference when you play the same person in a funner, they actually TRY all the hard shots because they have nothing to lose, which is MY personal proof.

Anyway we have all argued about this for too long, it's just a vicious circle.

So we should just all agree to disagree.

And for those of you who would like to BnG a bit better than repeat shots, sitters, darksiding, using only 2-3 types of grenade shots, then you are more than welcome at a2b - addicted2bng -

However you can't go to the website and register, it is a public league for anyone who wishes to join, yet you must be sent an invitation to get started, for this you can ask myself, M3ntal or Ramone, we will send you the invitation to your email, click on the link and thats you :)

Remember, you gotta be in it, to win it :)

Thanks, Komo.

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