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Messages - PyroMan

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Wait... does that ruler has pixels meyer? Ain't points meter? But why.... why we just don't make a map with written points on it?
In that case i have.. 294/2 = 147.. pfff. I was doing my records according top ssm's result. I watched his replay.

47 the description :)
I've read it few times... i did something wrong? Unacceptible inflex?

are we allowed using PX versions of the map?

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #151018, reported by Kyho
« on: July 15, 2013, 05:31 PM »
hell yeah ;dddd i`m proud of myself! ;D

General discussion / Re: Ideas for the next patch.
« on: July 13, 2013, 10:23 PM »
-Push to talk: One button activate/desactivate voice messages, for example 'alt gr'
-Option to enable it for all in-game, for private chat ip-ip, for teams ip-ip
-Make it so it doesn't lag the game, teamspeak doesn't lag for example
-Recording of audio (match history): recorded in one single file with 0,5 secs pause between each voice message.

What you think? I'd really love it.

cool idea. but this could also annoy. at least one half of wormnet are trollers that can annoy, or some kind of people would be simply kids.
So we definitely would need not only mute button, but "don`t recieve voice data" button :) And ability to do that separately for some players, liek ignore button in chat.

Implementing voice will give us new kind of quitters also and new kind of trollers :) And more laggers. Coz a lot of people doesnt have good enough connection just to play game even. Voice transfer eats much more data, so this can be a problem and couse lagging much.

voice records will also eat a lot of memory on disc. Even if its 1-3mb.. when you have thousands replays - its matter of GB`s. So recording would be as option, though.

General discussion / Re: Ideas for the next patch.
« on: July 11, 2013, 08:44 PM »
I think we need a fix the way how Ctrl+Home works. Its very cool feature and many players (incuding me) use that in most schemes. But when i`m using weapons where "set target" active (teleport, missiles, air strikes etc..) then Ctrl+Home works like pain in da neck. I think it should automatically disable whyle "Set target" active and restore back to state how it was before "set taget" usage, if home wasn`t pressed while selecting target.
Let me explain more detailed, with less confusion:
  • If i had "ctrl+home" (lets call it "CH") active, and starting to use teleport, then CH temporary deactivates and activates back when i finished teleport usage.
    • If while i was choosing the place where to tele - i decided to turn off CH (which is still temporary inactive) and pressed Home button (maybe in tactical meanings), then after teleport usage i will get CH turned off.
    • If i want temporary look at my worm`s place (target camera on worm) but dont want to turn off CH and teleport target is active, then i could press Ctrl+Home and while im holding it - i see my worm, but CH will not turn off when i finish using teleport.
  • Obviously, if CH is off, then we dont have to do anything while using teleport. But.
  • If i target camera to my worm while teleport (or any other "set target" weapon) is active using Ctrl+Home (not just "home"), then after usage teleport, camera will focus on worm and hold its position (CH on).
This tweak would be very useful, in my opinion.

P.S. just remebered about SuperSheep - its another weap where CH has to be turned off (when sheep is flying only tho).

*CH = Ctrl+home, for those who missed that explanation in message

Off Topic / Re: Music Video thread
« on: July 11, 2013, 10:40 AM »

Maps n stuff / Re: PX Darts maps
« on: July 06, 2013, 06:50 AM »
I have added additional info about configuring you PX to try make it work nicer and smoother. Info posted at the end of first message.

Maps n stuff / Re: PX Darts maps
« on: June 30, 2013, 02:10 AM »
Okay guys, try these maps. Stickness added there. If you use drill - its not applying. If you not use drill - its applying.
Also you dont need select low gravity. It`s turned on forever :)

i`ve tested 6 teams with 1 worm on SiD`s map - i have to say that W:A thinks that its too much worms for such a small map :) so placement turns on. But good news, that you need to place only those 1 worm of each team. Rest scripted worms already on their places. So its still saves a lot of time.

to make it work, you need place "p_8_worms.pxl" and "p_stickness_zone.xpl" into your W:A/Libs folder. When mixing maps - simply "check in" them in Script->Libraries in map editor and create "StickyZone" and specify area where it should work.
Anyway, anytime you can open following maps in Map Editor and find out how they configured. It`s best way to learn smth

Maps n stuff / Re: PX Darts maps
« on: June 30, 2013, 12:50 AM »
forgot to say, you dont need to set only 1 worm per team when hosting a game. any amount is okay. even 3 is ok, if not much players. Script reads how many worms you have, how many worms you need and creates only necessary ones.

Maps n stuff / Re: PX Darts maps
« on: June 30, 2013, 12:47 AM »
alright, worms resurrecting and placing on position is pretty simple script. I`ve made it, tested it with various amount of teams, even with 6 teams, and it works just brilliant.
The only problem - i can`t read name of not existing worms. So i had to name them "worm #" where is # - number of worm in arrangement same as turn going (from 1 to 8).
I didnt relate names to Darts, coz maybe this lib could be useful in other schemes. So names are general for all.

What is also implemented - applying same amount HP, as you setup in Game Host for specific teams or for all.

Now im working on zones that will stop worm immidietly when it hits the target and sticks there.
But others didnt really liked this idea, Komite. How about save both abilities? If you fly like usual rope-fly, stickness will be applyed. If you fly with drill - stickness will be applyed only when drill is turned off and worm touches ground on target zone. What do you guys think?

when i`ll finish that, i`ll post a map with those abilities + will attach new libs that you need to make it work :)

Maps n stuff / Re: PX Darts maps
« on: June 29, 2013, 10:27 AM »
okay, i have tested and i have to make some conclutions and propositions:
1. autoplacement works for 1 team only (actually for 8 worms only) on small maps like those that i posted @message2. When you have >10 worms on such a small map, W:A reads that as "not enough space" for autplacement and forces "placemet" to be active.
Solution: write a small script, that can be attached to Darts map or PXScheme (i think to Map is better, then you need less adjusting stuff, like selecting special PX Schemes) and how those script will work, i have two ideas:
a) most simple: you host a game and set only 1 worm per team (or whatever, mb 3.., but not 8, just enough to let W:A think there is enough space to place all those worms around) and when game begings, my script can resurrect all rest worms of your team and place on starting place.
b) use only one worm per team, but make a conters, when reaching "targets zone" on map, counter of "tryes" increases and when it reaches "8" - stops and informs player by sending text into chat or locking ability to shoot rope, etc.
2. I can simplify the way how Darts  works. I mean there is no need to set drill, fly with it from rope, then deactivate. i can make special area on map (easy settable from MapEditor) where worm end`s his turn when goes in. I mean you can simply make rope fly, but if you got into special area, worm get "turn end" and works same way as when you stop drilling.
i Could even make "sticky" worms, to avoid bouncies of the map, if target is horizontal. As soon as worm touches target landscape area - he fully stops.and sticks in place.
I could even make "automatic scores table", but it will take more time for preparing PX Darts map in map editor. You will have to specify areas on map and set value of points in parametrs. So when worm stops there, script checks if it stays inside some of that are and checks how much points it has, then summs it into team`s scores and draws on table, that i can make and place it on top-left corner of player`s individual screen, which also can be switchable.
Also some other things like visualization also available, special effects, sounds when you hit BullsEye, etc.. all that can be done, but its details, that have to be done after main basic thing done.

The question is.. do we really need that? Will we use that?

Maps n stuff / Re: PX Darts maps
« on: June 29, 2013, 10:02 AM »
hmmm okay guys let me make some tests and i`ll answer soon, today.
im pretty sure, Komito, link is okay. i`ve checked it. But i`ll PM you anyway

Maps n stuff / Re: PX Darts maps
« on: June 28, 2013, 11:16 PM »
Awesome, thanks very much Pyro ! I really hope you can enjoy Darts again some day with us :)

Also, how do I install/use PX? I cannot wait to try this !!!
Urw, Komito
I`ve posted PX installation guide info into first message

Maps n stuff / Re: PX Darts maps
« on: June 28, 2013, 09:54 PM »
and here is first map with that feature, which is current challenge map (Darts Mania by Scorpus)

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