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Messages - Anubis

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 118
Nice try Team17. ;)

I met a lot of German Worms players including:

MoD (walnut movie creator)
Turan (GIGA Grandslam winner)
Rebell (BkA Member)
SupremE (best German warmer prior to me)

My mother also met:


My brother met nino when he called him by phone.

General discussion / Re: The beginning of the end?
« on: January 31, 2022, 10:14 AM »

Real-time roping/racing is not as satisfying, because when I take my turn I want others to appreciate my roping the same way I wanna watch others rope and see their skills. Turn-Based roping has more meaning to me than any real-time ever would be able to.

Have you thought about simply asking everyone in the Cup? Maybe all players agree with Albus or don't even care as much as you guys think they do. :)

Schemes Comments / Scheme #4073, Flex Warmer submitted by Kradie
« on: August 10, 2021, 01:22 PM »
Not only did he invent ZaR-Roper, he also improved Warmer. Kradie is a legend.

General discussion / Re: Ban by IP?
« on: August 03, 2021, 09:24 PM »
In my 20+ years on the internet I have never had a static IP. Is it really so common outside of Germany to have a single IP? My ISP disconnects me every 24h and I get a new IP (around 5am so you never realize it). It's also really great to have a dynamic IP because stuff like MEGA that have a limit per day is based on IP as well. I download something worth 4GB and just reconnect and get a new IP and can continue using MEGA (or any other online storage service). xD

Off Topic / Re: Open message to (Ko)komo
« on: July 29, 2021, 09:34 PM »
I like these Breach Boys.

Both are equally easy/hard. It doesn't matter which is technically harder because you will apply your mastery of roping in both equally. It's like Big TTRR vs. regular TTRR, you want to go as fast as possible in both, so they are equally hard. Are you purposely roping worse in ZaR or Roper? No. The maps are even very similar, so the difference is minor. In both modes you avoid falling because it costs time and back in the days even in roper you would lose your turn with 1,2,3 fall damage (chute didn't open there).

Leagues General / Re: Where are the clans?
« on: May 28, 2021, 10:36 AM »
That was my biggest advantage back then, just clan hop. Nothing is a home, just a tool to play clanners. :D

Leagues General / Re: Season 11 activity
« on: May 20, 2021, 11:31 AM »
I thought this was a satirical post, but it's actually true. What happened between S1 and S2 for such a steep drop-off?

General discussion / Re: Influential Wormer derived
« on: February 28, 2021, 01:47 PM »
@Anubis - Brought some life? That's mostly because you guys live off silly drama, people fighting with each other.  :D

Besides, I cannot remember the last time ropa had an entirely positive attitude, he's always out to get someone, for some reason.

Not about the drama at all for me. It's about sharing experiences, you both might end up bitching at each-other, but I enjoy reading some personal stories. :P
You can dislike ropa all you want, he still knows a hell lot more than the average tus user. Losing his voice, while he can be rude, is still a major loss overall.

Just imagine volrin comes back to this place and for some reason is toxic and rude. I would still have him around so he can share his thoughts. Focus on the good, ignore the bad.

General discussion / Re: Influential Wormer derived
« on: February 28, 2021, 09:01 AM »
Wait, he was banned? What did he do?

Seems to be banned again? Profile doesn't exist anymore(or i'm searching wrong).

Shame really, It's always satisfying watching someone of such toxic and selfish nature argue with you only to struggle to get anything right. :D

Edit - It did make me actually laugh out loud(which made the cat wake up lol) having someone question my memory from 2 decades ago when they can't even remember something I said a few days ago right, even though it's still there in writing.

He brought some life to these forums. Now it's back to the same old desert we are used to. :(

He wanted to let komo know the following:

~~~ [ quote deleted, no posts allowed on behalf of banned members ] ~~~

General discussion / Re: Influential Wormer derived
« on: February 27, 2021, 09:34 AM »
Wait, he was banned? What did he do?

General discussion / Re: Influential Wormer derived
« on: February 25, 2021, 09:21 AM »
Hey adolfo!

General discussion / Re: Influential Wormer?
« on: February 04, 2021, 01:49 PM »
Some league owner like MonkeyIsland, Kiros etc.

Funny enough, my notorious clan hopping made me exceptionally influential in that regard. I have influenced dozens of clans with my presence. :D

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