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Schemes Comments / Scheme #3693, eledorusso submitted by eledorusso
« on: January 24, 2021, 08:39 PM »
Crate probabilities of super-weapons do not have any effect in current version of the game. They can only be toggled on or off all at once (with the option), and will only fall under specific conditions.

Schemes Comments / Scheme #3695, smrsmdl001 submitted by Asmodel
« on: January 24, 2021, 08:35 PM »
Crate probabilities of super-weapons do not have any effect in current version of the game. They can only be toggled on or off all at once (with the option), and will only fall under specific conditions.

General discussion / Activating Stretch in windowed mode on 3.8
« on: July 20, 2020, 12:06 AM »
With 3.8 there is a (currently undocumented) feature to stretch or shrink the in-game window to appear different from the display resolution.

  • Open the registry editor (Win+R -> regedit.exe)
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Team17SoftwareLTD\WormsArmageddon\Options (paste into the address bar if using Windows 10)
  • Create two REG_DWORD values named WindowXSize and WindowYSize.
  • Edit these values in mode to the size values you want* (e.g. 3840x2160). A common use would be to stretch to the desktop res borderless, so you can specify your desktop resolution.
  • Check and/or edit DisplayXSize and DisplayYSize, this is the actual internal resolution and the one you see in game options. This resolution will be stretched or shrunk to the Window size you specified earlier. Shrinking a higher-resolution to a window of smaller size is actually new and was not possible in D3D9Wnd. So, for example, you can set a 1920x1080 game to run downscaled in a smaller window with borders.

In the future both of these should become more accessible in the game interface.

Note that this does not apply to the menus and for that SuperFrontendHD is currently required.

Another thing to mention is that super-resolution is already supported and you do not need to explicitly specify WindowX/YSize for it. So, if you set the game or video export to something higher than your desktop res, it will automatically be shrunk to fit the desktop. The aspect ratio will be preserved, unlike in D3D9Wnd.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This DOES NOT WORK with OpenGL renderers. They do not support scaling/stretching of any kind. You need to use a Direct3D 9 renderer for this. (DDraw works but is not visually good in my experience)

* Size of the window's client area, excluding the border.

Other worms games / Team17 has announced Worms 2020
« on: March 09, 2020, 04:53 PM »

No in-game footage yet.


Online Worms and its sequel, Worms World Party Aqua, are Asian adaptations of Worms 2 and WWP, released in 2001-2003 and 2004 respectively. The games were developed by MGame (called "Wizgate" before 2003) with permission and source code obtained from Team17. There were three language editions released for Korea, Japan and China.

The games have some fundamental differences from their Western counterparts, from their distribution to their engines. Most importantly, they were based on an online-only, free-to-play model with some premium content. It was only possible to obtain the installers online, and every player was required to register an online account, even if they wanted to play a single-player match. They enjoyed extreme popularity in the beginning. According to IGN, there were up to 20000 concurrent players online at peak.

In 2005, the Japanese servers of Online Worms closed down. In 2006-2007, all services for all games ceased operation. Japanese and Chinese regional websites have vanished from existence, and all Korean links to MGame return "page not found" errors. Any surviving publisher websites no longer contain any references to the games. All download links for the game installers and servers hosting them have also died. Moreover, even if one manages to obtain an installer and install the game, they will be unable to launch it, because it requires 1) a special init config and 2) a working online server. This basically rendered the games completely unusable and almost forgotten since then. There had been some attempts to hack the games, but none of them successful enough.

In January 2019, a developer called "Ray"/"RayKoopa" (also known as "Pac-Man" in the Worms community) has been able to reverse-engineer the initialization and networking protocols used by the games, as well as gather much more information about the file formats in use. He has created a complete launcher and a simple online server that emulates the server list and lobby/channel protocols, as well as converters for some of the game data, some of which had never been seen in a raw form before. Thanks to this, it is now possible to launch into single-player matches of the games for the first time since their death in mid-00s. The online server is available as part of the Syroot.Worms library, licensed under MIT, on GitLab.

General differences

The game engine, borrowed from Worms 2 and WWP, has experienced remarkable changes. The original menu systems were scrapped and replaced with those more resembling other popular Korean games of the time such as KartRider. The in-game interface has had some notable additions, such as mouse-assisted power bars (to ease shooting at "easy"/"normal" difficulty levels), mouse cursor being present on-screen at all times (to interact with some parts of the UI) and other features. The Enter button is now used for on-screen chat (instead of the chat panel), where text renders on top of the game, and Jump/Drop is remapped to Z. Backflip is mapped to both X and Backspace, though X is recommended by the game.

Online Worms is more or less just Worms 2. Most of the changes that you will see are cosmetic (like the mouse-based UI, support for 800x600 and 1024x768, new background music, etc.). It adds some special utilities like "restore health" and some paid items, as well as support for half-sized maps (960x696) in the Korea-Small version. In singleplayer 1v1 matches, "antisink" is enabled and prevents worms from drowning (with some health adjustments). It also makes more extensive use of the Worms 2 engine than the original Worms 2: for example, the Backflip is enabled by default and doesn't require a cheat.

(click to see the whole gallery)

WWP Aqua, on the other hand, is completely different. The menu systems at their core are the same as in OnlineWorms (though noticeably upgraded along with the network protocols), but the game engine has seen a whole range of new developments.
  • The game now runs in 16-bit (65536 colors) mode, and it includes new objects, weapons, sprites and mechanics. It is not even WWP, it's more like a mix of the Worms 2 and WWP engines: the game core has been upgraded to WWP, with new weapons, sprites and sounds from WWP, but not completely: for example, the Ninja Rope used in the game is the one from Worms 2 (both in its physics and sounds) and not the "slower" one from WA/WWP. Backflip height also feels higher (more like Worms 2) than in WA/WWP. It also doesn't implement the whole range of weapons at once: some of the new weapons were hand-picked into the game, some were never included and some (like Utilities) are paid exclusives at the Item Shop (emulation of the Item Shop is one of the tasks to be done at the moment). Some weapons were reskinned (Axe -> Hammer, paid; Jetpack -> Underwater Jetpack). But at the same time it does implement "team mines" from WWP.
  • A remarkable addition is Worm Genders: they can be male and female. This setting is determined by your online profile (in the current server implementation there's no way to change this so the default of female is used). Worms wear team-colored hats and hairs for male and female respectively. Each gender also has 3 speechbanks by default: Standard Korean, Gyeongsang & Jeolla dialects (in the Korean version). It should be noted, though, that with these hats comes a slight decrease in the number of animation frames. This was possibly done to simplify the work for graphics artists, since each frame was essentially pixel-edited to appear with hats. These hats will appear cyan in the Gfx.dir files, however they will actually be rendered with the respective team color once in-game.
  • Parts of the front-end UI can now be displayed in-game, such as high-score tables, guild (clans that you can join) stats, and other overlays.
  • The weapon power-up bar is no longer displayed in the path of the crosshair. It is now displayed only at the bottom-left Dolphin UI. Using the mouse allows for "notching" where you can pre-set any desired shooting power, which is helpful on "Easy" and "Normal" difficulty levels. On "Easy", you get full trajectory prediction (without accounting for bounces), with "Normal" you get half of it, and with "Pro" you get the usual crosshair. Once you have set the desired power level, you have to hold the spacebar and release it precisely when it's around the position of the bookmark (so, this is not a complete aimbot).
  • There's a comprehensive in-game help displayed behind the map. It explains key bindings and weapon usage. The help is toggled via Ctrl+H or via the button on the Dolphin UI.
  • The game includes various original maps (full 256-color palette) with custom landscape themes (background, water and debris), many of which have been exported a while ago on WMDB. However, 38 additional maps have been discovered in .WSM offline challenge files, never seen before (one notable example is an elaborate Battle Race map). These will be studied and properly exported in the near future.
  • There are 38 offline challenges (training missions), each supporting Global Highscores. Missions are spread into 5 levels, up to 8 challenge types in each. Challenge types include things like Grenade, Baseball Bat, Aqua Sheep, Ninja Rope challenge, Walking challenge, etc. They are very well made and some are quite difficult. Some of these dynamic missions use features from WWP missions such as respawning mines. Upon completing every level, global highscores are displayed. However, highscore handling has not yet been implemented in the online server, so you will see nothing and will have to wait around 10 seconds before the window dismisses itself.
  • When you hit a wall (lightly), the parachute will be auto-selected and then used when falling. It will also be pre-selected as a secondary weapon for multi-chute falling (pressing Space several times). Once you get on the ground, your Rope is re-selected back again.
  • The game includes a new soundtrack in MP3, rather than MIDI like in OnlineWorms. Most of the tracks are original, however there's at least one track that's been reused in other games ("Festival of the Ghost").
  • There is a good selection of custom single player settings and schemes compared to Online Worms. One notable scheme is Underwater. It includes Bubble Jetpack (infinite ammo) and Spears. Underwater terrains have a unique mine-generation feature. There are "underwater mines" floating in the "air" with a 0.5s fuse. They are automatically regenerated upon each turn end (up to a certain amount), and they may be affected by wind for short periods of time. Another feature is worm bubbles: if your retreat time ends in "mid-air", your worm is enclosed in a bubble and stays floating, partially affected by the wind, for some time. All motion on underwater levels produces bubbles in the path of the projectile. There are also other schemes very close to those in WA/WWP, such as Roper, Onlycrates, BnG, etc.
  • There are new weapons exclusive to WWPA, such as Spears. "Spears" are arrow-shooting guns, each with different amounts of shots and damage. Arrows stick to the ground as usual. The four types are: Spear, Double Spear, Balinese Spear, Super Spear. More information can be found on the Korean which covers each weapon and their effects in detail, as well as paid weapons, and Online Worms in general. This information will also eventually appear on


Before installing and running the games, make sure you have .NET Framework Runtime 4.6.1 or later (needed for the Launcher). You can get it here.

Online WormsWWP Aqua
  • Download the Korea Small installer.
  • Download the OW addons package.
  • Install the game (do not use "Program Files" as the target directory! It's best to install into an unprotected directory such as C:\Games or Documents)
  • Extract the addons package into the installation directory of the game.
  • If you're using high-DPI (scaling) in your system, right-click DWait.exe, then "Properties", and on the "Compatibility" tab, check either "Disable scaling on high DPI settings" or "Change DPI settings" -> "Override high DPI settings". This is not done automatically by the addons yet.
  • Download the WWPA Korean installer.
  • Download the WWPA addons package.
  • Install the game (do not use "Program Files" as the target directory! It's best to install into an unprotected directory such as C:\Games or Documents)
  • Extract the addons package into the installation directory of the game.
  • If you're using high-DPI (scaling) in your system, right-click Main.exe, then "Properties", and on the "Compatibility" tab, check either "Disable scaling on high DPI settings" or "Change DPI settings" -> "Override high DPI settings - Application". This is not done automatically by the addons yet.

Note: the window border in WWP Aqua is disabled because the game has some issues with it. For example, clicking the Close button does not kill the process; use the bottom-right Exit button in the frontend to quit. Also it causes the game window to be downscaled and compressed when proceeding to the in-game, because it resizes itself without taking account of the border. This may be alleviated later with custom wormkit modules.

For those who are interested, more installers (like Japanese and Chinese language editions of OnlineWorms) are available here, but they don't work with the online server yet.

Configuration (optional)
Online WormsWWP Aqua
  • You may change your nickname and some other things using the LauncherConfig.json file.
  • Server settings are stored in Server\OWServerConfig.json. Note that because the latest version of the merged OW+WWPA server breaks OW, it is temporarily replaced with an older version. Another thing to note is that there's currently a bug whereby if you connect from outside of localhost (outside, the game will get confused and spam an endless loop of login requests! Only test in local environments for now!
  • You may change your nickname and some other things using the LauncherConfig.json file.
  • Server settings are stored in Server\ServerConfig.json. This defaults to for testing the game on your computer. You may put "external" in place of the IP in case you want to open the server to the outside world (in which case your external IP will be detected automatically upon launch). A shared server may be hosted soon for those who don't want to run the Server on their own machines.


  • If the online server is not yet running, open the "Server" directory of the game, and then click the exe (OWServer or Server) to launch it.
  • Run the game by clicking "Launcher.exe" in its directory.

What's next?

Further work includes being able to unlock paid weapons and some sort of online play. Support for more packet types is planned. The 38 embedded IMG maps from offline challenges need to be studied and exported for use in Worms Armageddon. Additionally, ReSolution support for WWPA is planned (to support resolutions higher than 1024x768). Unlikely to come for OnlineWorms since so many different versions exist, and the Korea Small version struggles with some of its small 960x696 maps.


General discussion / What's going on with the WormNET server
« on: January 16, 2018, 03:16 PM »
So it seems that today, January 16th 2018, Team17 has created a new WormNET server. When you connect to WormNET, you may notice that there are only a few people and no bots (except ChanServ) - this may mean you're on the new server. The IP suggests it is now hosted in the Amazon Cloud, and when you try to open the main page with your browser, you get "New WormNET1". So I guess they're serious about what they're doing.

What this means is that eventually, the old UK server that has served us for so long, will shut down (we don't know when, could be as early as this week). Because DNS updates can take a while (around 12 hours), not everyone connects to the new server still; many people are on the old server, including all bots.

The move also has its problems. It seems that the new WormNET server no longer supports spaces in game names. So all HB games end up broken in the game list (because they use at least one space). If this is due to the server using UTF-8, then this is valid for any character after latin ones (e.g. diacritical + cyrillic) -- not confirmed yet.

If you're stuck on the new server with a snooper, you can use "" or "" as the server address to force connection to the old one. (Edit: this didn't seem to work, unless you use the IP and purely for IRC) Can also try "ipconfig /flushdns" in the command line.

Update: it seems that right now, Team17 has rolled back the DNS change. You should be connecting to the old server again, but some people are stuck on the new server until their DNS flushes. We also don't know when Team17 decides to do the change again, so pay attention.

Update 2: (15:54 GMT) Less than an hour since the last update, they seem to have updated the DNS record again to the new server. So people will again be connecting to the new server. This may cause a disturbance in the functioning of WormNET bots. HB is already broken. We've contacted Team17 and doing everything we can from our end

Update 3 (16:14 GMT): (see CyberShadow's reply below) It seems that the discrepancies in the distribution of the old and new server IPs are caused by an error with the two Team17's nameservers, which return conflicting results. This is bad, because this means WormNET will be in a turmoil in the meantime. You will randomly be connected either to the old or the new server throughout the day. We're trying to establish contact with Team17 still.

Update 4 (16:51 GMT): Team17 have now updated their nameservers, so the discrepancy problem should be gone for now (it uses the old server right now). We're good for now.

Files Comments / File #1144, Doodle Worms Mod v1
« on: April 02, 2017, 11:48 PM »
Well done, although I would ask that you only include those images that you modified/created, instead of every image. When extracting the folder, they would then replace the files in the existing package, so no need to download more than there already is.
This is not only to better manage credit on the files, but also for future convenience. In a future update of the module, it will be possible to use substitute (modded) packages. They would be loaded before the built-in ones (falling back to original if not present), and would be in a separate folder, so you wouldn't need to replace any existing files. It will also be possible to provide mods of .pal files.

Wormkit Modules / wkTrackMeBetter - your anti-CtrlHome
« on: January 15, 2017, 05:54 PM »
Suggested by: DonMega

TrackMeBetter is a small WormKit module that lets you configure the size of the in-game camera tracking box. You can set it so that the camera would move earlier than your worm (or mouse cursor, or any weapon) reaches the edge of the screen. This is an experimental replacement for Ctrl+Home.

Options are stored in the wkTrackMeBetter.ini file. The ConfinementPercentage option lets you specify the relative size (in percents) of the camera box. This is the first version, and only the following values are supported at the moment:
  • 200 - makes the camera box cover the whole screen (2x larger than the default). The camera will only move when a given object reaches the edge of the screen. This is ScrollLock-like.
  • 100 - the default (1/2 of the screen, like in the original game).
  • 50 - 1/4 of the screen.
  • 25 - 1/8 of the screen.
  • 0 - enables a CtrlHome-like mode that also works with the cursor and non-worm objects, and doesn't block mouse movement. (Note: this is in fact 0.0244140625%, or 1/8192 of the screen, to avoid calculation errors down the line.)
NOTE: Unfortunately, I had to remove support for 25 and 0 percentages as that had an unintended side effect with Invisibility. This may be resolved in the future. Sorry for the inconvenience. Always frustrating when good features have such side-effects (see wkKeyRemap).

Any unsupported values will be rounded down to the nearest supported.
Most people would want to enable 50. I should note that 50 is more than enough for BigRR/Tower/etc. needs.

The latest version is: for W:A, download here.

Planned for future versions:
  • Support for more versions of the game
  • More precise percentage tuning possibility
  • Tune the size of the box directly during the game (via hotkeys)

Post your feedback/suggestions here.

English | Русский

It has been a while, but it's finally here! This is by far the largest update of the module ever. The development started in October 2015, while playing with the idea of adding support for higher-resolution packages. Some notes about that were previously mentioned in the v0.3 release overview. I'm happy to say that after a year of working on the module, the goal has finally been accomplished. This update is specific in that, unlike with updates for other modules that hadn't had updates for many months, work on SuperFrontend continued regularly throughout the entire period. Day by day, week by week, graphics kept accumulating, and the packages growing. Sometimes, entire folders of graphics had to be redone. It was ensured that work into SuperFrontend would be invested at least once each two weeks. Given that I'm not really an artist, it took a while. Especially given that I care about the quality of each image. Now that it's here, the module is sure to appeal to a much wider playerbase (as well as make life easier for worms streamers, of course).

Click for the full changelog

So, let's see what we have new in terms of graphics in the update.
The update introduces two graphics packages: x720 (x1.5 - for resolutions with heights of 720 and above) and x960 (x2.0 - for 960 and above). The appropriate package will be selected according to your screen resolution (the lowest available will be used). There's no x1.75 (840) package at the moment, so users of 900p (1600x900) resolutions are a little bit out of luck here. That goes without saying but there is no package for 4K, and although I do have a portion of graphics ready for 4K (from vectors, etc.), I will not continue working on this for obvious reasons...

So yeah, that's pretty big. Now let's look at some more distinctive features of the graphical additions in the update.

New font sizes

There are now 6 new fonts, in addition to the 4 already existing in the game. The game uses Tahoma Bold, and that's what everything is in, except for some small fonts.
  • Micro (6x6) - this is a super-tiny font which is only used in place of the Small font when running in 320x240. More details about 320x240 near the bottom of the post. The font is original pixel art.
  • Mini (8x8) - another small font, Std font for 320x240 or small for 480x360. Note that this font uses grayscale, but ideally it shouldn't due to its size. However, as an intermediary solution, Tahoma Bold is also used here. I might make a new pixel art font later.
  • Huge (48x50) - used as Big with x1.5, or Medium with x2.0.
  • Giant (64x66) - used as Big with x2.0.
  • Ludicrous (96x100) - one of the 2K/4K fonts.
  • Insane (128x132) - this is the largest font that you will only ever see in place of Big while running in 4K.
Updated WormNET flags

Of course, HD bitmaps also mean HD flags. Most of these come from Wikimedia, adapted, palettized and adjusted for the game's style. Feel free to use these in snoopers, etc. Note that I didn't keep unpalettized versions of these strips, though I do have unpalettized vector versions of the flags themselves.

And much more: strips, animated frames, buttons, etc. You can see for yourself when you launch your game with the module.

So now, you might ask, how was this all accomplished? The packages are a mix of three types of graphics:
  • Remade from scratch (vectorized) - these are a relatively small group, but still quite distinct e.g. in the Game Options screen. Since I don't have too much experience in vectorizing or drawing, I did it slowly but well. This is best quality.
  • From freely available higher-resolution graphics, downscaled with modern algorithms - these form another distinct group, and they're especially visible in the Weapon Editor. The game itself had higher-resolution versions of its smaller graphics, and those were adapted when working with the x2.0 resolution package. The quality is very good.
  • Assisted upscaling with the use of neural networks - these were made bigger using modern neural network algorithms; then manual retouching, most of the time pixel-precise, was performed on each image. This is probably the largest group here. The quality is good, in particular of the bigger images.

Now let's not forget that we're still in 256-color mode. Color limitations! This was another issue I faced, as each image had to be palettized, and ultimately I found how to it best (might not apply to some graphics made earlier in the process of making). It should be noted that most (if not all) graphics here use compatibility palettes. This means that the unused blue-background and star/spanner palette cells are removed from them, and they are not used. Most original graphics did not use the debris cells anyway. This, in particular, is to allow palette mods (both existing and future) to be freely used with the module, without fearing that glitches will appear due to the full palette usage by each element. Note, though, that this doesn't extend to the Weapon Options screen, and the WormNET flags. Using palette mods with those might result in minor glitches (it's understandable given how they struggle already).

So yes, enough with this, you can now try this all yourself.

  • Download the archive.
  • Extract the archive's contents to the game's directory. Your graphics directory should now have the _super dir.
  • Enable "Load WormKit modules" in the advanced settings of the game.
  • Your frontend now runs at your game's resolution (from the W:A options). If you want, you can tweak the settings using the wkSuperFrontend.ini file, enabling Desktop, to use the desktop resolution, or enable Custom, to change the resolution to any values.

Separate downloads:
  • the module (only use when there are no graphics updates between versions)
Additional downloads:

Initially meant as an internal joke for April 1st, the package was a testament to the flexibility of the module, as well as a fun little easter egg that reminds us of the Game Boy times... Note that most of this is nearest-neighbor scaled (via the module's built-in scaling feature), and there are crash-inducing bugs, so use at your own risk!
Of course you will need some support for such a resolution: in the driver if fullscreen (present mostly on laptops), or via windowed mode. Note that you can generate a x240 package on your own, if you enable "AutoScaleMissingGraphics" and set your resolution to "Custom" with 320x240, or 480x360. This makes use of the Micro and Mini fonts.

I'd like to thank all the people who helped test the module before the release. It has come a long way, but it's finally out.

Known issues
  • Screenshots made in the frontend (with the Pause button) have a height limit of 480. This might be fixed in the near future.
  • The map thumbnails, and the map editing area in the Map Editor are not scaled. This might be fixed at some point.
  • In magnified mode with scaled fonts, the map memory usage warning text appears cut off.
  • Team names are not synchronized in position with the handicap/color/worms button rows in the magnified mode. This is because, while the controls are repositioned, texts in lists still remain with the same intervals between lines. A workaround might appear in the near future. Low priority because of SuperGraphics in 0.4.
  • Small graphics that accompany text lines in listboxes, are not centered to the middle of the line, and appear slightly shifted to the top with 2.0x scaled text (for example). Low priority because of SuperGraphics in 0.4.
Fixed issues
  • Fixed in WA 3.8 - Some font colors are not anti-aliased in higher font sizes (only white, grey, yellow, cyan, and white on red are anti-aliased). This is due to the palette limitations, with the frontend .pal files not including positions for antialiasing those colors. This might be visible on WormNET.
  • Fixed in 0.4 - There's a rare, isolated bug which makes the inputs "transparent", with clicks going through to the windows underneath. This should be fixed soon.
  • Fixed in 0.4 - Headers of the tables (e.g. the team list, WormNET player list. etc.) have a fixed height, and thus a 2.0x scaled text doesn't fit well. This might be fixed in the near future.
  • Fixed in 0.4 - In non-magnified mode, clicking the bottom of the screen to minimize won't work. This only works in magnified mode because the dialog window is big enough to accept mouse input at a position like that. Low priority.
  • Partially Fixed in 0.4 - With magnification, the arsenal door in the weapon editor is useless as it's too small to cover everything. One of the solutions is to hide all buttons that it's supposed to hide, and center the door. This might be done soon.
  • Fixed in 0.4 {S} - When using "internal 4x3 mode", there's a rectangle wandering in the wild in the Team Editor. This might be fixed soon.
  • Fixed in 0.4 - Support for is poor (no fix for the arsenal door and no AdjustDebris support). This will eventually improve over time, but the priority for this is low, you should just update your game anyway. Note: only. (unpatched) is not supported.
Old 0.3 release notes
Spoiler! View

wkSuperFrontend v0.3 is now available for download. This is a significant update compared to the previous test versions found on the WKB website, which never saw an official release besides there.

Let's talk about the new features introduced in this version.

Magnification of the dialogs

wkSuperFrontend is now able to scale and reposition all of the frontend's elements to any screen resolution independently on the aspect ratio. Additionally, larger fonts can be used depending on the height in the selected resolution (two font scaling levels are available, with the lesser one being enabled by default). This essentially brings the true HD mode to the frontend.

New options

The update adds a [Magnification] section to the settings file, which comes with some additional options:
  • Enable - enables the magnification.
  • CenterBitmapControls - enabled by default (and there's no good reason to disable it). Will center all of the BMP elements used in the frontend, if their size is smaller than what it'd be with the scaling applied. This also applies to the map thumbnails.
  • ScaleFonts - enabled by default. This will scale fonts depending on the height of the resolution you've selected. Fonts will be scaled by 1.5x for resolutions with height 720 and higher, and if "LesserFontScaling" is off, by 2.0x for heights of 960 and higher. This is compatible with the "Larger fonts" option of W:A.
  • LesserFontScaling - enabled by default. With this option enabled, the 2.0x font scaling mode will only kick in for heights of 1440 and higher, instead of 960. Lesser font scaling should appeal for most people, but if you're on a higher-DPI screen or simply want the fonts to be scaled at 2.0x and 1080p, then disable this option. It will later be changed to behave depending on the system DPI, forced, and other options.
  • RestrictFormsToFontHeight - enabled by default. When scaling input forms and listboxes, the height of the form will be limited to the height of the font that's supposed to appear according to the current font scaling setting, and the form itself will be centered. Thus, this removes unneeded empty space from the bottoms of the input forms, in case the height doesn't coincide well with the font height (useful with the lesser font scaling mode enabled).
  • UseInternal4x3AspectRatio - disabled. With this option on, the frontend will appear as a centered and magnified 4x3 box fitting the height on wide-screens or the width on narrow-screens. Only for esthetical purposes.
Also added "AlwaysUseDesktopResolution" to [Misc] which will always use the current resolution of your desktop, regardless of what's set for FrontendWidth and FrontendHeight in the settings file. It is disabled by default; however, the first time you run the module (with width and height set to 0) your desktop resolution will be autodetected once and written back to the settings file.

HD bitmaps?

Graphic elements (such as BMPs) that are smaller than the expected size will appear centered. It is possible to replace graphics with their higher-resolution versions, and they'll be positioned accordingly, however if you're going to do that, you should use a different installation directory of the game (or keep backups) or wait for an update of the module that adds support for creating separate 1.5x/2x/etc graphics packs. There are some things to consider, though: the game is still limited to a 256-color palette, with each frontend screen having its own set of 256 colors. Original unpalettized versions of the graphics are not available, so the only options at the moment are either remaking them, vectorized in vector graphics software such as Inkscape, or using special 2D raster image upscaling software such as waifu2x, and then palettizing them for the frontend. However, there are some buttons that already have bigger sizes of the graphics in other parts of the frontend (such as the small buttons inside the scheme selection box in the host/join screen). Some other graphics (such as the wormheads of human teams, and the smaller lightbulbs in the list of online players) are used directly from WA.exe's resources, so are harder to replace. And there are some buttons in the scheme editor that receive an overlay with small numbers that always appear at the same position (e.g., the turn time, round time buttons). I suggest waiting for an update of the module that'll make it more streamlined to apply all sorts of graphics mods to the frontend, if you want to make and use new bitmaps.

The module is now compatible with all versions of the game starting with 3.7, but compatibility with future versions (past is not guaranteed. Should there be an incompatibility, the module will report it to you.

Special thanks to Deadcode for pointing out workarounds for certain W:A bugs encountered in the process of making this module.

Maps Comments / Map #1905, Beat The Sheep - Episode 1 by Cueshark
« on: February 19, 2014, 01:12 AM »
Here's a tool-assisted run of this map, which I did yesterday. Use Ctrl+Home to ignore the sheep.

Also, how can I revote here? I didn't notice there were 3 rating charts...

General discussion / Happy new year! Adjust or disable snow!
« on: December 25, 2013, 11:03 PM »
This module will allow you to enable snow anytime without having to change the date and without affecting map generation, as well as customize it a bit.

  • All W:A versions since are supported.
  • Change size of snow. Valid sizes are "Small", "Normal", "Big" and similar, or 1, 2, 3, where 2 is default.
  • Change amount of snow particles to any value from 1 to 2147483647*, where 512 is the game's built-in default.
  • You can force no snow for Christmas (and other days) with the corresponding option in ini file. Snow will be disabled, and the amount/size values will be ignored. The module still has to be "Enabled" for this to work. Christmas map generation is also not affected.

* - on most common PCs, setting more than 150000 particles may decrease the FPS.

Supported versions:
- (all)
- (all)
- - probably doesn't work
- (snow was added in this version)


ReSolution is a new WormKit module for WWP and Worms 2 to change the in-game screen resolution to any value. Its key features are simplicity (don't need to patch the executable) and automatic detection of island and cavern-type landscapes, and is thus preferred over the hardcoded patches.

ReSolution v0.2 and newer (also known as "ReSolutionDD") add ability to resize (shrink or extend) the game window so that it actually resizes the free screen space available in the game (and doesn't perform bitmap stretching). An additional windowed mode wrapper (wndmode.dll) is needed for this to work: get the windowed bundle.

ReSolution v0.3 and newer add ability to zoom (in and out) the game environment using your mouse wheel or keyboard so that you can either expand the view or look more closely at the objects that you see. Alt+Enter is also introduced in v0.3, giving the ability to switch from and to borderless fullscreen windowed representation. An additional windowed mode wrapper (wndmode.dll) is needed for this to work: get the windowed bundle.

ReSolution v0.4 and newer (also known as "ReSolution HD") add WWP support (1.01 and 1.00) and finally introduce the automatic screen confining technique on waterrise in enclosed environments (removing the old workaround), also fixing the proper letterboxed dimensions in caverns. A new option called UseTouchscreenZoom has also been added, which allows to utilize the touch pinch zoom gesture in order to zoom the game in and out, when Zooming is enabled. The settings file is now ReSolution.ini, fitting both games. Various other internal improvements as well.


  • Can change resolution (and thus, window size) to any value using the ReSolution.ini file
  • In conjunction with windowed mode (only), allows to resize the game window so that it actually resizes the real screen estate of the game.
    • Enable the "Enable" setting from [Resizing] in the ini file to activate this.
    • Enabling the "ProgressiveUpdate" (experimental) setting from [Resizing] will immediately redraw the window as you resize it, making the scenery resize very lively and smoothly.
    • As usual with windowed mode, make sure that the ScreenWidth and ScreenHeight are set to values lower than the screen resolution of your primary monitor. However, v0.3 and later add a new key combination: Alt+Enter, which allows you to switch between these two modes directly in the game. Enable the "AltEnter" setting from [Resizing] in the ini file to activate this.
    • In windowed mode, pressing Ctrl+G will show the cursor and allow you to move it above the game's window, to resize the window.
  • In conjunction with windowed mode (only), allows to zoom the game environment in and out using either mouse wheel or keyboard.
    • Enable the "Enable" setting from [Zooming] in the ini file to activate this.
    • Enabling "UseMouseWheel" will let you zoom the game using your mouse wheel: roll it back and forth. Pressing the middle mouse button will reset your zooming level to the native default.
    • Enabling "UseKeyboardZoom" will let you zoom the game using your Numpad + and - keys. Zooming in this mode will be performed on a frame-by-frame basis, rather than delta like with mouse wheel. Pressing the End button will reset your zooming level to the native default.
    • Enabling "UseTouchscreenZoom" will let you zoom the game using your touchscreen. The pinch gesture will allow to zoom the game in and out.
  • Works flawlessly on open-island maps
  • Adds letterboxing support for resolutions larger than 6012x2902 (on islands) and 1916x854 (in caverns)
  • Does everything in memory without touching your executable
  • Compatible with both Worms 2 and Worms World Party (as of v0.4). Supported versions:
    • Worms 2 - 1.05 (CD/GOG)
    • Worms World Party - 1.00 (Europe)
    • Worms World Party - 1.01 (Europe)


  • Worms 2: Adjust or provide a way to disable the televisor brackets while watching an instant replay.
  • Chat panel quirks with zooming/resizing (unlikely to be resolved completely)
  • WWP: Fix the crash upon Nuclear Test usage on some systems.
  • WWP: Handling of fallback resolution changes on failures

Bug Report / Karma labels missing translation
« on: December 12, 2013, 02:12 PM »

these don't seem to have any impact on the actual text displayed on forums

WA related programs / MOVED: wkAwesome.dll
« on: December 06, 2013, 06:52 PM »
This topic has been moved: Not intended (unstable) for public use yet.

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