nice scheme, high five to the person who developed this, smart : >
is it yours, Kradie? much love ♥
for me, I prefer playing it with the 1 shot way, not the multi-shot way, but newbie/and casual players will always prefer doing the multi-shooting sadly..
I usually make this "rule" clear before a match, and there are always numerous cow'ing situations happening all the time anyway, where players are missing their first shots after a crate grab, and they still do a 2nd and 3rd shot, because THEY ARE SO F*CKING EAGER TO KILL THE DAMN WORM (and they know they should stop after a failed attempt)

and by the time they could skip their turns after a cow, game is already over, because it's not that hard to kill 2-3 worms in a row with the spamming tactics