April 29, 2024, 02:12 AM

Search Results

ID Flag Acronym / Name Type Leagues File Uploader Time Last comment Rate
4959 jattamediate Jattamediate
jattaman's intermediate
Battle Poland jattaman February 07, 2023, 09:11 PM 0 -
Hello Jattamediate in comparison with the original: - helps unlucky positioned teams while keeping random placement - encourages long-range and savi...
5028 jattamediateNC JattamediateNC
jattaman's intermediate - no crates
Battle Poland jattaman February 21, 2023, 09:13 AM 0 -
For those who wish to play without crates to have less luck, regular Jattamediate is on I haven't muc...
5035 jattamediate B-side Jattamediate B-side
jattaman's intermediate - B-side
Battle Poland jattaman March 03, 2023, 10:19 AM 0 -
(Jattamediate, but closer to original gameplay (without first turn truce and without altering how select worm works).) Jattamediate B-side in compari...