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Author Topic: born2bng - The Movie!  (Read 11649 times)

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Offline Korydex

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #45 on: July 29, 2011, 06:16 AM »
Weee! Thanks.

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #46 on: July 29, 2011, 07:24 AM »
awsome, i sent my comment on the youtub video hehe

Offline Aerox

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Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #47 on: July 29, 2011, 10:20 AM »
funny to see how pissed off can be bng'ers, when i write something about faked tele arrows !!! xD

I read this as an outsider (i hate bng and I hate you) and to be honest, it's your fault for thread shitting.

Buena Auto, one of the best WA videos out there, definetely.
MonkeyIsland, my friend, I know your english is terrible and your understanding of society limited. However, in real life, people attack and humiliate others without the use of a single bad word. They even go to war with lengthy politeness. You can't base the whole moderation philosophy of a community based on the use of bad words and your struggle with sarcasm and irony. My attack to Jonno was fully justified and of proper good taste.
Eat a bag full of dicks.

Offline Alien

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2011, 10:31 AM »
orly, you hate me ?
that's fine and i don't care ropa !
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 10:50 AM by Alien »

Offline ANO

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #49 on: July 29, 2011, 10:43 AM »
Very nice video, great job guys, nice skills, nice idea, nice video editing.
Cool men!

Offline Alien

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #50 on: July 29, 2011, 10:56 AM »
i think we all pushed it a bit to much, let's forget and forgive maybe ?
this is a good start and first step, don't you think so guys ?
i'm giving you all a big hug... :D
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 11:36 AM by Alien »

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #51 on: July 29, 2011, 11:23 AM »
great editing in that movie, enjoyed it!
worm and learn

Offline ANO

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #52 on: July 29, 2011, 11:58 AM »
Alien, in my language I'd said to yu "cacati in mano e pigliati a schiaffi" that means something like that: "shit on yr hand then slap yr face" xDDDDD ahahahahah Can you figure out that?


Offline Alien

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #53 on: July 29, 2011, 12:02 PM »
lol ano, i am assuming that this sentence comes with love ! ;p

Offline wormf00d

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #54 on: July 29, 2011, 12:06 PM »

Best f@#!en movie ever ! Masterful editing! b2b is da shit there's no denying it! :)

I'm not surprised at some of the negativity, it's classic bullshit in w:a lol.

<3 gaygay mwah

Offline Dub-c

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #55 on: July 29, 2011, 12:15 PM »
lol ano, i am assuming that this sentence comes with love ! ;p

I hate to contribute to the thread shitting but obviously many people put a lot of hard work into this video and you are being very disrespectful. Maybe just let it be now and comment somewhere other then in this thread.

No need to replay to this.
Your favorite ropers favorite roper

Offline Peja

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #56 on: July 29, 2011, 12:52 PM »
review: the intro was just asskicking, never seen anything like that before (humor +how the f@#! did you made the intro shots:)) followed by the overwhelming logo animation. really best intro i ever seen in a worms movie.

the main part starts with a rocket (komo) but tbh there isnt any fluctuation in the movie. awesome shots over awesome shots. the "time to plop coke" chat gave me a big laugh.

well if you look on the concept its just another every member shows his best shots with his fav music.
special on the b2b movie are the effects, which seperate him from other movies. i loved the aero zook + buddha.
well as i already mentioned i ddint like some trails but whatever.also this pic in komo part doesnt fit imo but gave another laugh (maybe it was the intention)

it would have been great there had been an little interlude. for example on half of the movie, just something about the history of b2b. because i noticed on myself i cant watch 10 min bng shots  in a row. regardless they are amazing. (i already told komo that imo nice bng shots are the most beautyful thing in wormsvideos)
i would also prefer classic credits. the credits in this movie were a bit 2 hectic.

personal result:
overwhelming movie, but there is still room to increase the performance.(but you can see, the negative aspects i mentioned are f@#!in small and in no relation to overall presentation)
but its actually the best debut feature i have ever seen from a  clan or community.
just ty to b2b

ps: i really appreciate the work of all people created this movie and i can undertsand you dont want offtopic trolling and provocations. but actually noone said this movie is shit or something like this. lol alien is the guy who made a little joke but he always said he really liked this movie. so the drama comes basicly from some b2b memebrs who feel offened. but theres no need for it. just enjoy your great work and dont expect buttkisses from everyone. if something is really great, it is really great, maybe you should relax und dont believe in a conspiracy of komo haters who want to destroy the work of b2b.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 01:38 PM by Peja »
VoK: i have now beer so my rope will be perfect.
 VoK: will do ttrr every map under 30s

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #57 on: July 29, 2011, 03:38 PM »
Great movie :) Both because of the outstanding action and Auto's unsurpassable editing skills (to mere mortals, at least). KRD clearly has the best personal quotes ;D

Alien I really don't know what's wrong with you, you've been acting really cocky lately.. To put an end to it, if we try a somewhat ridiculous shot we point the way of the shot with the teleport arrow. Regardless of hit or no hit (we're not machines) the observer knows what we were trying to do and hence if it hits, it is not the slightest bit lucky.

I think you're going a bit over the top with "not the slightest bit", since that would mean you could hit these shots every attempt. Unless you use notching and full power shots and your shots are measured, there's always a margin of error in your shots and therefore, a bit of luck is required :)

b2b member sure do a great job in minimizing that luck, though!

Offline darKz

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #58 on: July 29, 2011, 05:30 PM »
Nono Marc, I meant not lucky as in we point where the nade will land and bounce.
People usually shoot and just see what happens.. I never said we're 100% accurate in our shots in general, or at least I didn't want to say that, in fact I said we're not machines. I was trying to say we're accurate in our predictions and know where the shot will bounce if we have the power and angle right. :)
I remember knowing who it was but dont remember exactly what I knew
~ Dubc 2010

Offline TheKomodo

Re: born2bng - The Movie!
« Reply #59 on: July 29, 2011, 08:09 PM »
Peja, the image you see after my 4th shot is from Mortal Kombat, when he yells "Toasty":

About this Toasty:

It originated as an inside joke between members of the Mortal Kombat development team, and made its way into the game via an image of sound designer Dan Forden appearing in the lower-right corner of the screen, and saying "Toasty!" (and "Frosty!" in rare moments), when the player performed a particularly vicious uppercut.

When I grew up as a kid playing Mortal Kombat, and even other games people constantly seen "Toasty" as when something Epic happens, most people I know who played Mortal Kombat half to death as I did should understand this, I know it's a part not everyone will "get" but that's that lol, me and my mates still to this day impersonate "Toasty" in a high pitched voice when something funny/cool happens.

I'd really really like to see anyone else pull off a shot like this, 1st time, going through the ground instead of over it, it's my favourite shot in the movie in terms of the mental ability to think of it, and pull it off 1st time, so for me the "Toasty" sounds cool, looks cool, and when my friends who don't play WA watch this they will get the inside-joke :)

Just like lacostes shot is my favourite because it made me so f@#!ing proud, when I watched lacostes 3rd shot, that music when the synth pad kicks in and that melody with those chords is MY defination of Epicness in computer games, and it actually touched me kinda in a special way.

wormf00ds tunnel shot made me jump out my seat a bit with excitement and pride, pranksters trapshots, dilligafs transfers, and much much more...

Every single player made me proud in their own different way, once enough people have seen the video, I am going to post my review about every single player and the things that stood out to me, because every single player has their own thing that stood out to me and made me proud xD But I will wait until most people have watched it so I don't give away any spoilers.

Peja, I liked your post there it was sensible and respectful, you should have posted this 1st time, to me it shows, you don't see/understand BnG like we in b2b do, just like I don't see and understand Elite like the best players of Elite do, and how I don't understand TTRR or enjoy it as much as Dulek, Cue, Mablak etc do, but you also still see how much hard work and time it took for this video.

Some of the shots in this video date back 4-5 years, the original concept for this video was thought more than a year ago, a years worth of ideas went into this :) although it only took Auto a few weeks to make the video (cuz he's god of production lol).