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Author Topic: [SOLVED] about picking schemes  (Read 5348 times)

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Offline THeDoGG

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2010, 01:53 PM »
the only player? yourself and beer consistently refuse to bng me. Crash refuses to bng me. Thedogg would not play me in defaults, he still does not shop or bng me. If you want to make this a thread of everyones mistakes and flaws on wormnet then so be it. Two wrongs don't make a right, so its no excuse. But don't make out im the only player who has done this in the past because im not.

I also remember you not playing me NAiL untill my overall points improved when i first started tus'ing because you knew you would lose alot of points for 1-1's.

I'd play you in defaults.. i already did..
Just ok, i dont want to shopper, but not because it's you ! just because that scheme is lame lol.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 01:55 PM by THeDoGG »

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2010, 02:00 PM »
well singles i can play all
twyrthers citats
"Our players are all-rounders in leagues"

It's ok if a JEDI says: "nooo please, no ttrr! please hysteria or wxw!", but with clans like CKC, DoH, or whoever player with a lot of experience, it's just pathetic.

man how many clannas we played vs u tag? u r cool clan and we always like to clanner you xd but when it's only me and killger, why shud i play roper and lose 60points if the max points we get for the our win is like 40? it's kinda not good. as u said. im allrounder zippo is allrounder we clan everything. and hakfinn isn't much online too

Offline darKz

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #32 on: February 14, 2010, 02:09 PM »
I think it's really lame to avoid opponent's picks. Be it the scheme which gains them the most points or their strongest / your weakest scheme, I think you have to play it because they play your pick too.

Look at me, I suck at RR and I've lost a lot of clanners for sCa and CF because none of our RRers were on. So f@#!ing what, we still manage to qualify for playoffs and have a nice overall rating. xD
I remember knowing who it was but dont remember exactly what I knew
~ Dubc 2010

Offline beer

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #33 on: February 14, 2010, 02:30 PM »
I think it's really lame to avoid opponent's picks. Be it the scheme which gains them the most points or their strongest / your weakest scheme, I think you have to play it because they play your pick too.

Look at me, I suck at RR and I've lost a lot of clanners for sCa and CF because none of our RRers were on. So f@#!ing what, we still manage to qualify for playoffs and have a nice overall rating. xD
lol yea.
and btw, if someone avoid the the scheme that u should pick, why we need analize? so that tool just make sence for avoiders. thats the point, or opont will alwys pick the game that he can win more points, or his/theire best scheme to play u. avoiding is just going agains this, ;o.

sure there are player that do not surprise me if they do that. lol

dulek, now a ckc posted here, i just dlike say that ckc could be diferent clan, a clan with so many years, thinking like that its a ''little retard'', still its not football as i said, or any other thing when money is envolve. Im glad to be in bor, for real, jez

drama queen iz back

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #34 on: February 14, 2010, 02:43 PM »
man how many clannas we played vs u tag? u r cool clan and we always like to clanner you xd but when it's only me and killger, why shud i play roper and lose 60points if the max points we get for the our win is like 40? it's kinda not good. as u said. im allrounder zippo is allrounder we clan everything. and hakfinn isn't much online too

u should play it cuz its opponents pick, thats all. this bullshit avoiding happened today too. its same as i wouldnt play rope schemes against u and zippo. better to kick ppl with who u cant clanner everything lol. this is hilarious that old players do this shit
"since most people tend to the order side, its my job to spread chaos" -peja

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2010, 02:54 PM »
I see that you're quite active here, Nail. Could you answer to my 2 PMs about POs? This thread is about avoiding/refusing so it definitely fits. Don't be another Dibz. Thanks.

This thread isnt about "avoiding/refusing", this thread is about YOUR clan REFUSING to play other clans picks. Lets make that clear...

PO's always have problems getting done, this has nothing to do with avoiding or refusing to play someones pick so dont even bother trying to compare it, it just makes you guys look more lame by saying things like that.

Refusing and asking about changing someones pick is pretty the same for me. Refusing means that the pick never will be played and asking is only a nicer form of refusing,

Your not stupid Dulek, any rationally minded person can see that there is a difference between REFUSING and asking someone to change their pick.
This is very basic common sense, ill explain it for you though.

If you ask somone to change their pick, but they dont, and you play their pick, thats NOT refusing.

If you ask someone to change their pick but they dont, and you refuse to play, then that isnt just asking someone to change their pick, thats REFUSING.

About our POs, I'm having alot of trouble with my comp atm, hopefully it will be working later this week so Ill set a deadline. Im 100% free this friday from 14:00GMT. If I dont make it you can have the win, ok?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 05:46 PM by NAiL »
worm and learn

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #36 on: February 14, 2010, 04:45 PM »
PO's always have problems getting done, this has nothing to do with avoiding or refusing to play someones pick so dont even bother trying to compare it, it just makes you guys just look more lame by saying things like that.

Nail, that's sad. I had to post about POs by using this thread to force you to respond.

To make it clear - if we had any real chances to win at least 1 point, we would play these games. But even if we would win our pick, we still lose about 20 points overall. It's pointless to waste our time only to feed TaG.

Offline darKz

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #37 on: February 14, 2010, 05:04 PM »
PO's always have problems getting done, this has nothing to do with avoiding or refusing to play someones pick so dont even bother trying to compare it, it just makes you guys just look more lame by saying things like that.

Nail, that's sad. I had to post about POs by using this thread to force you to respond.

To make it clear - if we had any real chances to win at least 1 point, we would play these games. But even if we would win our pick, we still lose about 20 points overall. It's pointless to waste our time only to feed TaG.
IMO with this "I won't play scheme xy" attitude you're just trying to find victims for easy wins because they can't pick your weak scheme. And that's no different from cheating. :)
I remember knowing who it was but dont remember exactly what I knew
~ Dubc 2010

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #38 on: February 14, 2010, 05:22 PM »
Nail, that's sad. I had to post about POs by using this thread to force you to respond.

Again this is irrelevant, you wouldnt have posted in here about the POs if I hadnt posted crtiticising your refusal to play schemes, your just bullet dodging.

You PMd me on the 10th, Ive responded 4 days later. I just set a date and deadline and you havent let me know if you can make it or not.

Surely I dont need to tell you again that this thread is not about bad PO game organisation, its about your clan refusing to play other clans picks.
The two topics are not related.

Your just waffling because you know its clear to everyone what you are doing is lame.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 05:25 PM by NAiL »
worm and learn

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #39 on: February 14, 2010, 05:54 PM »
Again this is irrelevant, you wouldnt have posted in here about the POs if I hadnt posted crtiticising your refusal to play schemes, your just bullet dodging.

I wouldn't. But also this way I got a clear sittuation about POs now. That was my point.

You PMd me on the 10th, Ive responded 4 days later. I just set a date and deadline and you havent let me know if you can make it or not.

Never happened. :P Did you send me a PM by TUS? I don't have any in my inbox. Anyway, I also sent a message on 3rd Feb.

Surely I dont need to tell you again that this thread is not about bad PO game organisation, its about your clan refusing to play other clans picks.
The two topics are not related.

Oh come on. Did I tell you that I found it the only way to catch you? Maybe not exactly, but yes, that's what I meant. I've only responded because Rok wanted us to do so. Even if I added some bonus words about POs with you, that's not the main reason for my first post, believe me. The date is Friday. Let it go now.

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2010, 06:12 PM »
Its funny how you still go on about our playoff situation in order to not address the issue of your clan refusing to play other clans picks.

The facts speak for themselves anyway, ive said all I need to here.
worm and learn

Offline Chicken23

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #41 on: February 14, 2010, 07:22 PM »
I have refused to ttrr twice. First against pp, second against TaG. All the other times we have asked for default only clanners or "no ttrr wxw" plz and i would happly rope or shop. I have also played plenty of ttrr's for ckc and won some. Sure theres some replays somewhere.

not wanting to ttrr has only happened when its just been me and dulek or me and dubc. Twice it has caused a problem out of probably 20 other times. Normaly cfc don't mind picking a default as they can get alot of points for a win, or RoH enjoys picking t17 or bng. Even doh picks roper and i play against crash and zippo who are strong in this scheme.
In the situation against tag if we went 1-1 we would still of lost 20 points even tho we wanted to pick hysteria which would of given us 40. We want to maintain getting points when we play. Yea its lame, and in the past i have played plenty of ttrr clanners, and i have won some because of having a strong mate get a nice time that gives me an extra few seconds over my rivals or they do fall. But back then the points were different and we could still gain from it.

People make refferences to how old ckc is and all that.. how people in your clan should not care if you lose for them etc. CKC is 10 years old. It has gone through many stages, it was once a bng only clan, we would not ask for rope clanners. But back then clanning was different and we werent a serious clan. More a group of bngers and defaulters.

We have gone through era's of being a serious competitive clan, to being not serious and wanting to just fun. For example, after coming back from periods of being inactive, it was fun to just clan even if we would lose because the members had not clanned for ages. Like when i came back after not playing last winter.

The hardest thing about being a clan leader is balancing the two principles of being a clan that is competitive, or a clan that is not serious. There are different clans out there, tdc is not very competitive, although i think that will change soon. CF is highly competitive. Today the leagues are highly competitive. Players get booted from clans if they lose too many clanners, people don't get recuited into the top clans because they are not skilled enough. Clans which win the leagues on a consistent basis care about winning and don't enjoy losing games. Players leave clans if that clan loses too often. CKC used to be a stepping stone clan for top players, people like dibz were in CKC for a long time but we had other members losing us clanners and dibz moved onto dt as they were better than us at the time. Same with nino.
Clanning is about having fun for sure, but i have friends on wormnet who i have considered about having them in CKC, but then thought their league style is not good enough.
"You and your friends don't have to all wear the same t-shirt" skippa made this point when smole wanted some of his mates to join ckc who the majority of the clan did not think were good enough league style and we voted against them joining.

Basically my point is the majority of players today get annoyed when they lose a clanner, some of them cry loads. The clan league is highly competitive and you can't deny the way players join and leave clans is influenced by the skill of those players being recuited or booted. I find it funny that TaG came here trying to smite me when about a month ago Twy booted some of his members like guaton for going on a losing streak. Maybe i should boot myself out of CKC cus i suck in ttrr? Don't act like your shit doesn't stink TaG and try to make me out to be lame.

But yeah, it sucks to avoid and refuse peoples picks. I do agree with NAiL's points which i would quote but this post is getting too long. The overall rating of a clan should represent the players which are active now. That is fair, and CKC is not as active as it was, before wooka, devilage, sogeking, juice and lordhound were all active. Now it is mainly me, dulek, dubc. Our overall rating should reflect those which are currently playing for the clan. Thats fair enough. Theres nothing personal with your comments either NAiL. You bring good arguments and same with beer.. I can take critisism. Its fair enough to be annoyed. Id be pissed if people refused to elite me when i could win 50 points or whatever in it.

Offline beer

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #42 on: February 14, 2010, 07:37 PM »
Yea, I realy understant u, but (...*)!
And I'm glad that u had understant me well, and take that as regular comment and nothng personal, cose it wasnt!

But still chicken, CKC proved that is a greet clan, and even if u have a bad season noone will say that is bad clan, its still is! same as a lost in rr with u in.

(...*)my point is, since u and ur clan proved evrything and evryone should respect that, why u keep refusing a rr enve if u gonna lose? who cares? evryone knows that CKC is good, and u also are but not in rr, not even in ur laptop.

I remember when CKC was just u and skippa, it was in XTC and u alwys played with him, evry scheme. so think now, if evryone gona be inactive and just left u and dulek or someone good with ropes, will CKC refuse alwys RR?

Its the same as bOr when it get inactive (little periods) and when im back with someone i rick lose our nice rank in roper or so, but i have to, dont u think?

to complete, in my eyes is worst refuse a game like that then play and lose with honor (:

drama queen iz back

Offline Guaton

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #43 on: February 14, 2010, 07:45 PM »
I find it funny that TaG came here trying to smite me when about a month ago Twy booted some of his members like guaton for going on a losing streak. Maybe i should boot myself out of CKC cus i suck in ttrr? Don't act like your shit doesn't stink TaG and try to make me out to be lame.

lol xDDD! yyeah , TaG sucks  , SOSOSOSO hard


actually that was a joke for Day of the innocents (28-12)  , it was more a joke for ligaworms members than for another one

but we had to make it credible , so if someone ask somethink about " leave TaG"  we had to say that

i was not the only one who left the clan that day xDD  

but anyways , it was a joke     ( happy innocents day XDDDD!!!!  its too late :( )

o yes , but now its serously , i left TaG XD cos i cant agree with some members HEH

they hate me now xD!

Offline beer

Re: about picking schemes
« Reply #44 on: February 14, 2010, 07:49 PM »
but we <3 u guaton, u are not alone in this 'world'  :-*

drama queen iz back