Forums > Leagues Complaints

Regarding ban threads

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I suggest to ban Sniper, reason? Cheating

will anyone take this stuff in his hands? Rule says about ban for cheaters and I see that any MI any D1 still don't care about it.

there is another cheater with nickname drakblaze, he is not registered on tus, or under another nick (but I believe MI can check it), but I used to see him on AG

1. I think this thread was actually made to prevent from people suggesting to ban each other^^.
2. You don't have any proof that he was actually cheating/using macros. And even if you had proof that he uses macros it's not sure if that's worth a ban. I guess we all have to live with guys being so unskilled that they have to use cheats to get good (or to tap quickly like in this case which is even more pathetic...).


--- Quote from: Maciej on March 19, 2011, 08:16 PM ---I see that any MI any D1 still don't care about it.

--- End quote ---

No, I read Anubis' post and assumed he knew what he was talking about.
Then I watched the replays and I did single frames for every moment of fast tapping and the time between taps is irregular (more so than in Anubis' replay)


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