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Do you want Hysteria to be in Classic league?


Author Topic: BAN HYSTERIA FROM DEFAULT LEAGUE  (Read 42955 times)

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Offline Bonhert

« Reply #270 on: February 14, 2013, 10:31 AM »
Enjoying what exactly?

Sure we could rope slower but it's not sexy!

Offline Peja

« Reply #271 on: February 14, 2013, 11:33 AM »
A great solution would be the idea, which I, Husk and possibly some other people have been already talking about, that is:
banning two schemes (1 by each player/clan) before starting playoffs schemes picks for each round.
Then also hysteria lovers could remove another scheme from the pool.

this idea basicly sucks:if you have 1 weak scheme (like ttrr for example) you can just remove it. this is kinda a huge disadvantage for the better clan which is just a joke in playoffs.
VoK: i have now beer so my rope will be perfect.
 VoK: will do ttrr every map under 30s

Offline Kangaroo

« Reply #272 on: February 14, 2013, 01:16 PM »
Why not Change the Name of Classic league to TUS league and stop all these c@#!s complaining. Beacuse its TUS and MonkeyIsland u can do wateva u want, change classic to the name of classic league to TUS league. If you want to play Normal Go play ONL on NNN site, worms isnt just about roping or boring as BnG, its about all schemes and hysteria is great! its the only scheme which 1sec turn time (making it a challenge to shoot from certain positions) which is the real skill involed (not just ploping worms early like some noobs think!) ask any pro Hys player!  if u take note all the TOP hysteria players can also play every other scheme! its just the small group of you Hysteria noobs! who cant play hysteria who complain about it, i can play ALL SCHEMES! but still Hys is my Fav! and f@#! u if u think i dunno wtf is going on! ive played worms since it came out and f@#! u if u doubt that i dont give a flying f@#!! HYSTERIA is bestThing2evaHappen2worms!

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I can play CUP games  07:00-12:00 GMT weeksdays &  00:00-13:00 GMT on weekends...

« Reply #273 on: February 14, 2013, 01:24 PM »
50% of your games are hysteria, 99% of your picks is hysteria. What is the point to play TUS league? Play Hysteria league...

dt`wreckz: zooks are effected my win

Offline Kangaroo

« Reply #274 on: February 14, 2013, 01:44 PM »
Well Hysteria,Team17andWxW are my favourite schemes.... so i will pick them, but i am always going to play your pick after.... wateva scheme u pick i will play... i can play all schemes..... why would i pick TTRR when Hysteria is my best scheme....

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I can play CUP games  07:00-12:00 GMT weeksdays &  00:00-13:00 GMT on weekends...

Offline Kaleu

« Reply #275 on: February 14, 2013, 03:11 PM »
Funny that haters of hysteria suck at it, that makes a lot of negative answer from hyst lovers saying that you wanna ban it because you don't like it.  ::)

If it helps there I go:
I am not bad in hysteria, and yes I think it should be removed from classic just because it's not classic at all, saying that hyst has flaws is just the wrong way to go for it, and have its own league, without aerial, but only hysteria alone, this way we will not lose players and/or drecrease the activity, and since you all say that hysteria is the unique reason of some players doing TUS, that would be perfect to make a hysteria only league so they can play their favourite scheme ONLY.
But before doing such thing, we need to think in a replace for hysteria, there's 4 rope schems and 4 default schemes I think we can't just delete hysteria, maybe Intermediate? It's the most classic scheme ever, but everyone here agrees with me that this would render tons of "hyst-like" threads.
By the way I am not changing my thoughts, my previously posts were just to defend that Hysteria is not a luck scheme or another stuff that some people mentioned, I did not say that hysteria should NOT be removed.
 This is a delicate case, good luck.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 03:17 PM by Kaleu »
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Offline TheKomodo

« Reply #276 on: February 14, 2013, 04:30 PM »
50% of your games are hysteria, 99% of your picks is hysteria. What is the point to play TUS league? Play Hysteria league...

So what, most of my picks is BnG, at least it means this League provides something I enjoy, and something he enjoys...

« Reply #277 on: February 14, 2013, 04:44 PM »
So what, most of my picks is BnG, at least it means this League provides something I enjoy, and something he enjoys...

He is protecting hyst like it will be removed at all from TUS :) - Click "Schemes" for each season. Hysteria simply "kills" other schemes. People gain most points only thanks to hysteria. I like hysteria, but it's just overplayed. I understand people, they play tus to have fun and hysteria is very funny, but...

dt`wreckz: zooks are effected my win

Offline TheKomodo

« Reply #278 on: February 14, 2013, 04:50 PM »
Then just put a limit on the amount of times you can pick each scheme in Classic? Put percentages on, simple...

Like, you can't go over 25% of picks for a certain scheme, if you do, you must pick another scheme, and then later you can pick this scheme again when you played enough other schemes...

« Reply #279 on: February 14, 2013, 05:14 PM »

But before doing such thing, we need to think in a replace for hysteria, there's 4 rope schemes and 4 default schemes I think we can't just delete hysteria...

But first you need to argue why evening out rope and default schemes is necessary, because honestly I don't see how that is relevant at all.  A lot of people use that approach (myself included I'm sure), but we've never bothered to ask WHY evening out the schemes is so important. It's really not, but I forget that this is TUS and it doesn't favor competitive play. 

If the schemes are 4 to 3, roping to default, people would say those who suck at roping have a disadvantage... Well if your weak spot is in roping, how the f@#! is making sure there are just enough default schemes as roping schemes going to actually help you?  It's not, it's just catering to noobs (once again).  It shouldn't matter if there are 100 roping schemes in the league and 3 defaults... it's the all-around skill league, if you're not going to get better in the other schemes, then you don't deserve to win seasons, it's that simple.  It's fine if you can make it to the top of the ladder by playing a couple of your niche schemes, but when it comes to playoff times, you're going to lose and that's not our problem. 

SO many of these arguments for hysteria are just bonkers... can we not look at the scheme mechanics objectively without accusing people of disliking it or sucking at it or how it will affect other things THAT ARE IRRELEVANT TO THE TOPIC.  If someone thoroughly explains how the rewards and risks system is completely flawed in the scheme, you CANNOT counter that by saying "but it's a popular scheme, activity will go down". You cannot have a debate about the logistics of a scheme by asking one opinion driven poll question, either.

  <-- my brain when I clan with avi

Offline TheKomodo

« Reply #280 on: February 14, 2013, 05:57 PM »
ShyGuy, sorry but "game mechanics" has nothing to do with what TuS represents, if people don't like it, I suggest making a seperate league for the players who wish to play "flawless" schemes.

How can you sit there and complain about a "flawed scheme" when humans never have been and never will be perfect themselves?

Every single Hysteria I have ever lost (singles) has been my own fault for missing crucial shots/teleports, yes, that is a flaw, a human flaw, not a "game mechanic".

Every single arguement and point anyone has ever made against Hysteria has been countered by people like myself, MonkeyIsland, DarkOne, Casso, Chelsea etc.

The point is, both players have every chance to win with skill if they are good enough, the scheme allows domination & extreme comeback, hence why it's in my opinion, one of the most skilled schemes and most exciting.

I don't see players like Chelsea, and the guys DarkOne mentioned "chesteria players" as cheap, or lame, I just see them as boring, Chelsea will get owned in PO anyway, why care so much that he plays Hysteria so boring it turns the hair on your balls grey?

I really wish we could ban threads about Hysteria...

« Reply #281 on: February 14, 2013, 06:36 PM »
ShyGuy, sorry but "game mechanics" has nothing to do with what TuS represents, if people don't like it, I suggest making a seperate league for the players who wish to play "flawless" schemes.

Exactly, TuS the the league to everyone, noob included ! Not for the 2% top players.

Offline darKz

« Reply #282 on: February 14, 2013, 07:29 PM »
Can anyone really tell me why it's such a no-go to have a separate Hysteria league? There even is one already in HAL. It's not like the scheme would disappear.. Yet where's the problem? Isn't it even better since you're more likely to encounter other top players of your beloved pain-in-the-ass-flawed scheme?? It's the one solution that everyone should be at least ok with.
I remember knowing who it was but dont remember exactly what I knew
~ Dubc 2010

« Reply #283 on: February 14, 2013, 08:04 PM »
ShyGuy, sorry but "game mechanics" has nothing to do with what TuS represents, if people don't like it, I suggest making a seperate league for the players who wish to play "flawless" schemes.

Exactly, TuS the the league to everyone, noob included ! Not for the 2% top players.

I'm not sure if this was sarcasm (both Komo and zip's post).  Let's make some things clear regarding you guys who love the "flaws" in schemes and like how funny they can be or whatever:

1. You have the option to go on wormnet and host any kind of scheme you want with any rules and play with anyone you want for fun.
2. You have the option to play in the free league dedicated to fun, unbalanced schemes.
3. You guys have the rotated league that may appeal to those who feel they couldn't make it in the classic league and gives them a chance to focus on one scheme without having to play other schemes they suck at.

With those points in mind, I don't see how moving hysteria to the free-league and adding a more proven scheme such as aerial into the classic league is molding TuS to be a league that caters to the "top 2%".  You traditionalists already have a monopoly over this game; have you noticed every time someone wants to make a minor change to make things more competitive, it is the same people that come out and vehemently oppose it?  For f@#! sake, it was you people who argued against a new policy in ttrr that would simply ensure the faster wormer in a RACE wins... So don't start implying that those who want to play competitively ( a large number, too) are trying to mold TuS to fit our needs only, because it's pretty f@#!in clear what group of players have been the completely selfish ones.

How can you sit there and complain about a "flawed scheme" when humans never have been and never will be perfect themselves?

 I never said the word "perfect" in any of my posts referring to modifying schemes. Ever.  This statement completely misses any point I've tried to make.. not even going to bother responding to this in detail even though the implications are pretty stupid.

ShyGuy, sorry but "game mechanics" has nothing to do with what TuS represents, if people don't like it, I suggest making a seperate league for the players who wish to play "flawless" schemes.

And on the flip-side, I suggest those who want to play unbalanced schemes and schemes with unnecessary, fixable flaws host casual games on wormnet, play in the free league, play in the rotated league, and actively oppose improvements to the one league that is supposed to determine who the best players are... Oh wait, you guys already do all four of those things.

Every single arguement and point anyone has ever made against Hysteria has been countered by people like myself, MonkeyIsland, DarkOne, Casso, Chelsea etc.

In your mind you might think this is true.  Anecdotal evidence and personal opinions do not counter the scientific method or empirical evidence.  Because of the 1 second turn time, there is too much to be abused in hysteria that completely defy what a competitive game should be... this has already been mathematically and logically proven in other threads... I don't care how many games you've won... Unless you put forth science against science, I don't care about your stories...
  <-- my brain when I clan with avi

Offline TheKomodo

« Reply #284 on: February 14, 2013, 08:36 PM »
For f@#! sake, it was you people who argued against a new policy in ttrr that would simply ensure the faster wormer in a RACE wins...

 I never said the word "perfect" in any of my posts referring to modifying schemes. Ever.  This statement completely misses any point I've tried to make.. not even going to bother responding to this in detail even though the implications are pretty stupid.

And on the flip-side, I suggest those who want to play unbalanced schemes and schemes with unnecessary, fixable flaws host casual games on wormnet, play in the free league, play in the rotated league, and actively oppose improvements to the one league that is supposed to determine who the best players are... Oh wait, you guys already do all four of those things.

Because of the 1 second turn time, there is too much to be abused in hysteria that completely defy what a competitive game should be... this has already been mathematically and logically proven in other threads...


Ok 1st off, I supported the MS rule for TTRR, I agree with you, it's retarded because it's a "race".

Secondly, I never said you said perfect, I just used the fact humans aren't perfect.

Thirdly, it's an all-round league, Hysteria adds to that, whether you believe it or not/like it or not.

Regarding the last sentence, no there isn't, and no it hasn't, please don't lie.