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PC again..

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Got my new PC today, just a normie desktop from Lenovo.

Installed Chrome, spotify, steam

Put 2 games for download in steam

BSOD... memory management error.

Nothing happens, computer won't restart, had to shut it off.

Guess what, it's not booting up nemore  ;D

*killmode engaged*


--- Quote from: HHC on March 14, 2019, 06:37 PM ---Got my new PC today, just a normie desktop from Lenovo.

--- End quote ---

Normie desktop from lenovo? Normal would be laptop from lenovo, not a desktop.

If you use same PSU, problem is that. Probably died.
If it's completely new PC with same problem as last one, only logical explanation would be something is happening with electrical installation in your house :/

Adnan, we have a case over here..

The Extremist:
Good modern power supplies have all kinds of protection features. Either it's NOT a good modern power supply, or your home wiring is seriously borked, or really bad luck.

Try using the PC in a different room/house to verify if it's not some weird electrical wiring issue of the room/house.

bl ae.

dont lose time with shits!!

buy another house and move on!  :D :D


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