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Author Topic: Advertise TUS  (Read 3046 times)

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Offline Kangaroo

Advertise TUS
« on: April 18, 2013, 05:18 AM »
on that blue screen that says UPDATE OUT NOW ect ect... maybe around that area could be a link to TUS and explaining it. I like playing for fun and league games although in the hours inwhich i perfer to play there is little amout of people on, there is still a few and I can always get a "funner" game but I can never find a "league" game. Which means people are playing but have no idea about tus. I try link people to here and explain the concept but maybe some in game link would help find more players.

jpg images

I can play CUP games  07:00-12:00 GMT weeksdays &  00:00-13:00 GMT on weekends...

Offline Hussar

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2013, 09:01 AM »
this is not stupid

Offline SlaxHound

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2013, 04:51 PM »
that's a great idea i think.. just how to do it :D

Offline Kangaroo

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2013, 02:04 AM »
I think cyber shadow is the man for this...

jpg images

I can play CUP games  07:00-12:00 GMT weeksdays &  00:00-13:00 GMT on weekends...

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2013, 07:05 PM »
I don't think that's going to happen, since TUS is an unofficial league. I don't think there should be a link to TUS either - WKB at most, since it's a wiki about everything worms 2d, including information on TUS.

Offline Hussar

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2013, 07:18 PM »
come on Darky, WormsArmageddon is working around TUS nowdays :P

Offline sock

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2013, 07:55 PM »
come on Darky, WormsArmageddon is working around TUS nowdays :P

should be

Offline avirex

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2013, 08:20 PM »
would be nice to advertise tus on wnet, do all new comers can see what we have established as a community (with all of MI's help)

i know the thing that drew me to w2 was discovering the league, and the ability to rope... if i had not stumbled upon that, i may have just thought the game was funny worms with machine guns, and my playing career would have been short lived.

if it is possible to have a link on wnet to tus, it may help the new comers transition from just normal wormys, to members of or community quicker...

that is our goal right? not just to get people playing w:s, but to participate in tus, and the leagues ae

Offline TheWalrus

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2013, 09:35 PM »
this is never going to happen unless wormnet is hacked or monkeyisland affiliates this website with team17 somehow.  it is a fantastic idea that has no chance of occurring.  the only reason the update is up there is because team17 started to sponsor (somewhat) the patching of the game.  there is no incentive for them to have a link to TUS.  about the closest you will get to this is a spambot that tells you to come to this site.

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2013, 10:17 PM »
Anyhow, a spambot for tus would be something good but it has to do more than just spam. It could be something way better as something that host/join game and automatically report games + give information about the league or in-game answer in case of cow. This could be really interesting but I wonder if people would use it.
e.g. a use case scenario.
Channel: Anything goes
username: LeagueBuddy
feature: ask to host a league game
xTdCxfada:!league clanner bng xTdCxVok AEFxHHC AEFxPeja
This will boot anyone that is not  xTdCxVok AEFxHHC AEFxPeja
feature: ask to join and existing hosted game.
xTdCxfada:!league clanner join xTdCxVok
This will join xTdCxVok game assuming it can analyze the scheme game.
feature: stream a game.
xTdCxfada:!league stream clanner join xTdCxVok
Here we can assume that either we accept to stream all game or the bot watch for the rating of the players and chose to not stream it if it is too low.
feature: give several general information as does help but for the league game as well as advertising tourney and other events or even maybe streaming automatically big games.
Channel: In lobby before game:
feature:general hosting buddy map picking stuff maybe a little optimized depending on the scheme for example elite maps or bng maps.
Channel: While in game chat:
feature: Help with decision making.
xTdCxVok:!cow sitter
LeagueBuddy: A cow sitter occurs if the nade did land for more than XX sec. Are you sure it was the case ? If not, being sportmanship doesn't hurt. Otherwise the opponent AEFxHHC AEFxPeja has to do XXX.
After Next turn
LeagueBuddy: Did AEFxHHC did xxx that is the remedy for a bng sitter ?
case A:
xTdCxVok: !yes
case B:
xTdCxVok: !no
LeagueBuddy: Are you sure ? Please confirm and I'll quit the game and report it as a win for TdC.Otherwise infirm.
xTdCxVok: !confirm

feature: Others examples of in game possible interaction
xTdCxVok:!rule bng
xTdCxVok:!rule sitter
Channel:After game lobby chat:
if we can see the winner of the game immediately (roper/bng/elite...) leaguebuddy report it without asking anyone ! (We have to find a way to tell him before whose pick it was).
xTdCxVok:!comment This was a close game watch the nade at 2:34 min
This will add a comment to the game from xTdCxVok saying "This was a close game watch the nade at 2:34 min"
xTdCxVok:!nominate Best Turn watch nade at 2:34
this will nominate it as best turn of season with the comment "watch nade at 2:34" by xTdCxVok.

If the game winner could not be determined by seing the winner (case RR).
Report TdC as winner
xTdCxVok:!report comment Peja like fishes
Report TdC as winner and add a comment from xTdCxVok "Peja like fishes"

We could go way further with by example adding map automatically into tus database if leaguebuddy is not the host.
Adding map to favorite and asking leaguebuddy to pick from favorites map...

The only thing that matters here is having a bot that is really useful and does not the same thing as HostingBuddy or Help.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 10:27 PM by zippeurfou »

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2013, 10:28 PM »
If you really want to advertise TUS, perhaps someone should make a TUS promo movie :P It's what Cueshark did for TCB back in the day. Not everybody plays WA for the leagues. Those that like playing leagues (and would like to stick with it - people who join TUS and then never play aren't much use if you want to make the community bigger) will look for them. WKB has a clear section on leagues.

Offline Rogi

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2013, 10:00 PM »
If you really want to advertise TUS, perhaps someone should make a TUS promo movie :P It's what Cueshark did for TCB back in the day. Not everybody plays WA for the leagues. Those that like playing leagues (and would like to stick with it - people who join TUS and then never play aren't much use if you want to make the community bigger) will look for them. WKB has a clear section on leagues.
Yeah, wanted to say that, but you was first   :-[ 
Just movie about our tus site. Short review about every part, laugues, cup, tournaments, schemes, and maybe small excerpts from games. 
When i came here first time, i was really confused a bit, maybe i was used t0, if i saw some videos like this and started to play it early
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Calm the hell down.|

Offline Breeze

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2013, 08:02 AM »
Sometimes you remind me of the "Mothers That Stand Against Everything".

Offline Hussar

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2013, 08:32 AM »
aw Breeezy... Darky is just our uncle which consciously boils us down to earth ;D
« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 08:47 AM by Berria »

Offline StepS

Re: Advertise TUS
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2013, 08:43 AM »
you do realize there have already been agreements to post tournament schedules in there, for example? just some competent people were too lazy.
Dec 30 2013 23:59:44 <StepS> windowed mode isn't the only thing you need about frontend
Dec 30 2013 23:59:49 <StepS> you need it to be actually bigger
Dec 31 2013 00:00:13 <StepS> it actually is very small on my 15-inch full HD screen
Dec 31 2013 00:00:25 <StepS> while running at 640x480 or stretched mode makes it fuzzy
Dec 31 2013 00:00:44 <StepS> this problem has been around since the Worms Armageddon's release and no one has even tried to beat it