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Author Topic: Religious propaganda on shoutbox  (Read 3347 times)

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Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2011, 02:17 PM »
The problem is that he is supposed to be muted on tus but we can still see his trash talk everyday. 

Offline Chelsea

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2011, 02:43 PM »
i dont believe in god, and his comments doesnot hurt me, but i undestand what others feel.

talk about soccer and religious stuff is for sure the best troll choice xD

1000% true :D

Offline Ray

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2011, 02:55 PM »
If I ran TUS, I wouldn't really care about Freedom of Speech and rules or anything, he would have no account on my website.

Oki Kiros :D

The problem is that he is supposed to be muted on tus but we can still see his trash talk everyday. 
I don't understand why that is either. ???

Offline Kangaroo

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2011, 03:01 PM »

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Offline nino

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2011, 03:32 PM »
ahh calling people virgins pisses they off too huhauhauah.
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Offline avirex

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2011, 12:35 AM »
him talking about god bothers you? really?....

come on dude....

chakk, sometimes you say things that piss people off, should the mods ban you?

some topics, and some things said, some people are not going to like.... but some people are going to like.... so if the mods ban them, then you have just the opposite happening, people will complain that there was a ban...

thats why the mods are as lenient as they are....

and i think i can speak for the majority of the community when i say, im glad it is the way it is!!

(it seems to be only a small number that complains)     ( repeatedly )

"you can please some of the people some of the time, but you cant please all of the people all of the time"

the mods have a tough job to do in order to make everyone happy......   i doubt some guy talkign about religion is on the priority list...

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2011, 02:41 AM »
Kiros and Flamie were hands down the greatest league admin duo any international all-around Worms league so far has had, all things considered. I can understand why a lot of people here would be inclined to disagree, but suggesting that they were the worst just makes you look ignorant to me, even after all this time.


Offline nino

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2011, 04:13 AM »
it is hard to say who is, or was the best league admin, some peoples preffer a way as someone manage the things, others disagree, and this will always happen, it is just impossible to make everyone happy.

i can say that i did not like the way kiros managed FB, but i can undestand the league was his and he could do anything he want.

imo MI is managing tus good, ofc i can disagree with some stuff, thats normal.

i take as exemple people who works for me, if they dont like the way i manage the things and they, i just fire them, it takes less time to find another one to work fine with me, than try to concive iam right, cos i might not even be right bt if iam the boss, this will be my way lol.
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Offline Crazy

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2011, 04:23 AM »
Kiros and Flamie were hands down the greatest league admin duo any international all-around Worms league so far has had, all things considered. I can understand why a lot of people here would be inclined to disagree, but suggesting that they were the worst just makes you look ignorant to me, even after all this time.


I have the greatest respect to you KRD, but I don`t know, you had a big role at FB yourself and I think your opinion of them might be reflected from your own contribution to the site. At TUS, you look at the site from a third point of view and its easier to see the mistakes. What I mean is you have a different point of view to the two leagues. That being said, FB was a great league too with some consistently great contribution to the community from a handful wormers, and this should not be forgotten. FB was great, TUS is great. Speaking of which, happy birthday Flamie :-*

Offline Prankster

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2011, 10:14 AM »
Agreed with avirex.
I don't really see why some people get so much offended when they see someone talking about religion.
I don't like soccer, still, never complained about soccer comments in shoutbox.. That'd just make me look stupid.

Plus this title is just ridiculous. Do you still take doubletime seriously?

Offline HHC

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2011, 10:57 AM »
Kiros and Flamie were hands down the greatest league admin duo any international all-around Worms league so far has had, all things considered. I can understand why a lot of people here would be inclined to disagree, but suggesting that they were the worst just makes you look ignorant to me, even after all this time.


I'm with Crazy on this one. At the end of FB 75% of the regular visitors were banned. They did a good job putting energy into the project, but they were not the most 'stable' community managers. There was a lot of drama going on at that time, like now at TUS haha, but rather than staying above that stuff, Kiros (and Flamie to a lesser degree) tended to get involved. Kiros being somewhat of a bad loser in games didn't really help either.
MI does at least an equal amount of work on the site (I think he even does more), doesn't cause or enhance drama and what's probably most astonishing... he plays a shitload of league games, but never, ever gets any complaints against him.
Same goes for DarkOne (although he gets a little cocky about his blue nick sometimes  :D <<<< [insert jealousy here]).

I like what you did in FB btw KRD. Not a bad word about that.

Offline Anubis

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2011, 11:11 AM »
Since I have worked as an admin on AL back then I kinda know what's it like to manage a league (minus the coding of course). Handling Complaints was something I enjoyed the most. I would have loved to work in that aspect again since I am someone that hates subjective views and love the objective view in real life as well as in games.

I enjoyed FB and enjoy TuS, though I was more involved in FB and thus felt stronger about decisions. In TUS I am more of a viewer that sometimes tries to give in thoughts from a very neutral position.

Offline Abnaxus

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2011, 12:00 PM »
Kiros and Flamie were hands down the greatest league admin duo any international all-around Worms league so far has had, all things considered. I can understand why a lot of people here would be inclined to disagree, but suggesting that they were the worst just makes you look ignorant to me, even after all this time.
Flaming admins are way out of being the greatest, but the worst.
Watashi wa, jinmei ni iku sa reru ka o kakunin surunoni nagai jikan o matteita.
Shikashi, tada nariyuki o mimamoru.
Jikan dake to iudarou gen'in to naru.

May the force be with you.

Offline Kangaroo

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2011, 12:45 PM »
I bet double time is having the biggest wank over this topic

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I can play CUP games  07:00-12:00 GMT weeksdays &  00:00-13:00 GMT on weekends...

Re: Religious propaganda on shoutbox
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2011, 06:34 PM »
(although he gets a little cocky about his blue nick sometimes  :D

Haven't done that in months! But since you seem to miss it:

DT's m.o. seems quite obvious though, doesn't it? Yesterday, he was telling all who listened that it was "time to quit this game forever" and today he's asking for games.
I'm not going to bother with it.