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Author Topic: Why did you stop playing WA?  (Read 9460 times)

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Offline Kradie

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #75 on: November 06, 2016, 12:27 PM »
It is rather difficult to grasp that a 30 year old would take the liberty to act inimical.

Ah Mr ANO, you are the pinnacle of diplomacy.

Sensei is right again. Most professional players or those that are affiliated with old school, often anticipate respect. Once you belong to a place of elite, everything else become irrelevant.
 It's just like a celebrity, it gets to your head.

Thankfully, not everyone are like this.
Global Wormin' - A Friendly Discord Worms Server

Offline Sensei

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #76 on: November 06, 2016, 01:20 PM »
Lol peja. My intention was not to be discrespectful or belittle any of these guys. Their "old times were amazing" stories is smth i can't listen any more. Isn't the forum right place to speak up your mind?

Wtf is with all of this crap to pay respect to someone who taps on his kb, anyway!? Some guys here apparently think that monuments should be build for that accoplishment. Chill ppl..

Offline Anubis

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #77 on: November 06, 2016, 01:36 PM »
Alright here is my last thought on this subject.

You don't loathe respect from people you don't know. You want respect from people that you think are respectable persons. I personally always respected the high skilled ropers of a time, and wanted to be part of them and as such I wanted to earn their respect. These people are long gone for me in terms of new guys (with the exception of sbaffo and Kaleu, which I feel respect me just fine), and I have earned that respect long time ago in a time where my activity in-game was more honored and valued because the community still cared for it. What annoys me is the inability to realize that a community in itself is ever changing and some people, probably due to lack of english knowledge don't know the meaning of it. The very definition of it means it's constantly changing because people leave and join and with them mentality, attitude and interest within the community.

A community has sub-communities, like a village has youngsters, elders and adults, a game community has sub-communities to different aspects of the game. Like in W:A you have ropers, defaults, bng etc. or in a MMO you have PvE, PvP, Trading. Over time the sub-communities in a community change, thus claiming a community didn't change is ignorant, lying and blatant dumb. That is just the objectively observation of the word itself. Also, leagues have influenced W:A heavily. Be it through bans of key figures of the community like for example ropa. While he doesn't hold any weight in our current community he was a respectable person to the higher circle of wormers in terms of skill. Frankly, forum software included a global ban on him so whenever he registered he would get banned. lol TUS pushed Hysteria to be competitive and as such it became a competitive scheme. Under a more traditional league Hysteria would probably not be as popular. So, yeah a community is always changing. Even now I can differentiate between 2016 TUS and the beginning of it which I barely visited.

Subjectively it also changed simply because I can compare now and then. And now I can not host a warmer and fill it to the brim with like minded people while back then I could. That is subjective change. And to sum it up, you (the new guys I have not spend any time with) can't even tell if you or anyone else would respect me anyway. You know 1% of my personality, my activity in game or anything. In fact, you base it on my skill/attitude of today, which is a lot different than it was 10 years ago. For example I can still respect old warming Komo while not liking the new BnG one, but you can't. You would have to judge me based on a picture without having access to a book. There is no simple button to click and you can re-watch everything I have done/said in the past and judge me like people from the actual past could. For example when Komo thinks I am not a respectable person then at least he had access to experiences from the past. When some random guy approaches me and says he doesn't respect me I just don't care because he has no base other then a fraction of posts/activity I did over the years here. My 1,5k posts or whatever I have here are nothing compared to the overall input I have given over time, be it in-game through chat or older leagues and forums.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 01:41 PM by Anubis »

Offline Sensei

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #78 on: November 06, 2016, 02:52 PM »
Few names:

MI - volountarily running this kindergarten with few ppl around him, doing great job over the years. Never asked ppl to respect him.

Steps, DC, CS.. - they're the "guilty" ones for having W:A updated after 18 yrs.. Never asked ppl to respect them.

SiD - always ready to help, one of the greatest allrounders I've seen - never asked ppl to respect him.

I can go on, but you got the point. I don't give a flying f@#! for the ppl that are, like avirex said, begging to get respected and go around threads saying how big they once were while meanwhile shitting on "leftovers" of previous communities.

Offline Anubis

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #79 on: November 06, 2016, 03:19 PM »
Few names:

MI - volountarily running this kindergarten with few ppl around him, doing great job over the years. Never asked ppl to respect him.

Actually, if you don't respect MI he will ban you. ropa doesn't respect MI at all and he was banned multiple times and for months. :x It's a little bit different to not respect someone that has total control over you when you want to be competitive. Quickly respect turns into fear that way. ;)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 03:23 PM by Anubis »

Offline Kradie

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #80 on: November 06, 2016, 03:31 PM »
The community will always change, and it is your responsibility to adapt if you wish to be part of it. Instead, you have acquired people of this generation that you deem worthy in  your own self image, and resented the rest.

It seems to me that the reason why you don't play, is that you are afraid not being able to accumulate the respect you once had.  Instead you have what you have now, and keep to your sob stories.
Worms Armageddon is still a great game, and I think you have stumbled too far away from the tree to recognize it.

I do not loathe you Anubis. You are just a regular dude like the rest of us.
 Don't let your ego consume you.

When it comes to Administrator, it is his/her responsibility not to be emotionally involved, and to be able to take appropriate action when it is needed. Neutral, and objective stance is important for an admin.
I am sure those who have been muted, banned etc in the past, have been given a fair chance.

I believe that MonkeyIsland does a good job here.
Global Wormin' - A Friendly Discord Worms Server

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #81 on: November 06, 2016, 05:27 PM »
Actually, if you don't respect MI he will ban you. ropa doesn't respect MI at all and he was banned multiple times and for months. :x It's a little bit different to not respect someone that has total control over you when you want to be competitive. Quickly respect turns into fear that way. ;)

If you had a visitor in your house and he throws shit on the floor, would you not throw him out?
If you visit someone, is fear the reason you don't throw shit on the floor?

ropa has a bad habit of throwing shit on the floor. It's easy to pick out flaws and call people names, and that's exactly what he did. Especially the name calling bit. Never any room for discussion, never any solutions.
When Asbest did that, people screamed for a ban, when ropa did it, it's about freedom of speech. Funny how things change when it involves friends, isn't it?

So pretty much, the current community doesn't like being dismissed like that, so they dismiss the oldschoolers. And then the oldschoolers don't like being dismissed like that etcetera...

This is why this thread derailed.
If you feel people should listen to your opinion, it's only polite to return the favour.

If you like the endless shitstorm, then just go ahead and ignore everything I just said and you'll get your way.

Offline Mega`Adnan

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #82 on: November 06, 2016, 05:37 PM »
If you had a visitor in your house and he throws shit on the floor, would you not throw him out?
If you visit someone, is fear the reason you don't throw shit on the floor?

ropa has a bad habit of throwing shit on the floor. It's easy to pick out flaws and call people names, and that's exactly what he did. Especially the name calling bit. Never any room for discussion, never any solutions.
When Asbest did that, people screamed for a ban, when ropa did it, it's about freedom of speech. Funny how things change when it involves friends, isn't it?

D1 for president! I salute you!

Adnan, you are Mega, not Micro and not even faint  :D So fight till the end please.

Offline Y2JID

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #83 on: November 06, 2016, 07:57 PM »
i got a girlfriend  :o
Uh, yo, it just so happen this how Y2JID thing started
Flip two aces and get two face cards
It happens, chip stackin'
I turn around, see a bunch of chicks clappin'
But a girl walked by, caught my eye
So I said, 'What the f@#!, stand here and give me luck'
And she whispered in my ear
A purple one on there and put a pink one on there

Offline Zalo

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Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #84 on: November 06, 2016, 09:41 PM »
i got a girlfriend  :o

u too?

and yea, I totally sign under D1's words.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 09:46 PM by Zalo »

Offline nino

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #85 on: November 07, 2016, 01:57 AM »
Well the question was about why peoples stoped playing worms, now we are talking about another thing but ok xD

Respect is something you conquer, on WA this may come from ur skill, from the way you talk on forums from the person u r ( and over the years peoples know it).

Ill talk about me again, the respect i got from the WA players was not cos of my skills, i guess it is cos the person iam, so you got the respect, some new corners just dont get it and some even start to troll/moan on me cos of my way to joke and stuff but thats it, we are all bunch of old and new putos who are here as a family and of course there will be a pig to shit at floor huahaua so thats it, lets try to still be here debating for more 30 years aeeeeeeee porra!

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Offline skunk3

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #86 on: November 07, 2016, 07:07 AM »
There's a lot of reasons as to why I barely play W:A anymore:

1. The vast majority of my favorite players do not play anymore. W:A is a blast when you have loads of people who you really enjoy talking to who are active. This is why you have so many people talking about the "good ol' days," because they WERE good. W:A has been incredibly dull for a while now because of so many missing figures.

2. I usually want to play Worms very late at night when I am smoked out and just wanting to tickle my brain a bit. There are very few North/South Americans on when I typically play, most of Europe is in bed, and that leaves me with a bunch of Russians and their language that looks like trying to read English while on psychedelics. There's a few Russian players who I am cool with and who I respect, but the majority of them aren't worth my time in that not only are they noobs, but I also can't even talk to them. Heck, half of the fun of Worms (for me) is chatting in game.

3. There's always fun new games coming out of all sorts. (Including other Worms titles!)

4. Depression. When my depression gets really bad, I can't even bring myself to play video games - the ultimate slacker hobby. Lately it's been really bad.

5. Newer Worms games. As much as WMD annoys me on multiple levels, I have been playing it a bit. I still play Clan Wars too - a super underrated game IMHO.

6. Work. I work as much as I can because I make shit money per hour, and when I'm off work I have loads of stuff to do usually... so when I do get home I don't even feel like playing a game. I'd rather just light up a joint and watch a movie.

7. I have really bad carpal tunnel syndrome in my left hand. I am left-handed, but I am certain that years of roping has led to this condition. This is why I don't mind waiting for several players to finish turns in a Big RR, for instance. If my condition is really inflamed, my whole arm up to my elbow can ache and burn for a minute or two, so I like being able to cool down between turns. I hope it doesn't get worse.

8. The main reason by far why I don't play much anymore is because it kinda makes me sad, to be honest. When I think of the countless hours I've spent playing W:A, I feel like such a loser who has wasted so much time, even though I know that I shouldn't feel that way and if I really do see my life flash before my eyes when I die, I'd be totally cool with getting to re-live all of that again. It also makes me sad when I think of all of the cool players who are long gone, when I've spent hundreds of hours talking to them and laughing my ass off. I hate getting older because everyone is 'growing up' and getting married, having kids and whatnot, but not me. lol.

Offline Zalo

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Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #87 on: November 07, 2016, 11:50 AM »
There's a lot of reasons as to why I barely play W:A anymore:

1. The vast majority of my favorite players do not play anymore. W:A is a blast when you have loads of people who you really enjoy talking to who are active. This is why you have so many people talking about the "good ol' days," because they WERE good. W:A has been incredibly dull for a while now because of so many missing figures.

I feel like I can relate to that. Most of my dudes are occupied with work or relationship, and the only guyz left here are just dull ones, who kill the whole fun. You can't talk with them about life, you can't joke with them because all they care about is reporting games. They just have zero personality.

EDIT: No one cares if somebody was a great player. People just care who was a great player to play with.

This is the thing that some people just doesn't understand.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 12:03 PM by Zalo »

Offline Dr Abegod

Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #88 on: November 07, 2016, 11:52 AM »
ur mom has zero personality

Offline Zalo

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Re: Why did you stop playing WA?
« Reply #89 on: November 07, 2016, 12:00 PM »
Another post proving that this community is just being a cancer. I feel like I visited this website for one of my last times.