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Messages - Deadcode

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Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1109, Camelot Team17 cup
« on: April 18, 2021, 02:29 PM »
From all your words, I did not see any arguments in your version of the scheme. Glitch bans and improved damage for digging tools are not a good reason to change the scheme. All the rest can be done by agreement orally.

LOL, I feel you are digging your own grave with that comment. I didn't think this was either the time or the place to discuss the merits of the scheme in detail, but I absolutely did discuss it a little. What do you call this:

but it also has the old-style 50+50 hp damage Longbows, which are absolutely terrible. They give anybody an easy, free 100 points of damage, which is totally unfair and unbalanced, and strongly discourages using the Longbow in creative ways.

Your cup scheme doesn't have glitches disabled, as is possible in the WA v3.8+ scheme format. I have no interest in manually enforcing these as "rules" (no rope knocking, no roofing, no skipwalking) just to adhere to a rigid doctrine about using the precise scheme attached to the cup, especially after it was my own hard work along with CyberShadow's that made it possible to have them enforced automatically by the game.

Note that manually enforcing no-rope-knocking, as a rule instead of a scheme setting, is actually really terrible, because rope knucking, where you swing your worm to fall through a worm that's blocking a passageway, into the other side, is a very legitimate move, and without rope knocking being disabled by the game itself, can't be done without risking breaking the no-rope-knocking rule. (Unless you play the game in #PartyTime or via wa:// URL.)

So again I ask, have you read anything that I have written?

But sure, if you want me to go into more detail, okay.

It's very important to have clearly defined rules. If the rules must be enforced manually by the players, they'd better be very clear, so that there is no room for argument or disagreement. So to begin with, the fact that all you said was "- standart team17 rules (no knocking, no roofing)", implying there are more rules than that, but there's no need to bother to state them because "everyone knows" what they are? That's a recipe for ambiguity and disagreements. (For example, is skipwalking allowed? Unclear.) But the game can now enforce all of the "standard" Team17 rules automatically, making them no longer rules, just scheme settings. The Team17 scheme can basically be played with "no rules" now. And that is always better. With no need to focus on hoping that the other player will have the same interpretation of the rules as you do, the focus can instead be on playing the best you can, using the best strategy, best hand-eye coordination, etc., freeing up brain cells from the task of second-guessing your own moves due to worry about what the other player will think. And I have personally found that I play much better when I don't have to worry about player-enforced rules.

As for the blowtorch, the 5 star version of it is absolutely terrible. It throws a worm it hits far away on the first shot, destroying the delicate and wonderful physics of how it works at 3 stars of power, where you can precisely control how much damage you do and how far you push the worm. As for the drill, there's a lot of luck with it, but with experience, you can have an idea of what it's likely to do, and plan accordingly. Changing the power of it throws away all of that practice and experience. I've hardly ever used it at 5 stars of power, but I'm guessing it'd be overpowered and either make it too easy to plop a worm, or throw off a planned plop by throwing the worm too hard against a wall, causing it to bounce back.

As for the longbow, I already explained that in enough detail; see above.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1109, Camelot Team17 cup
« on: April 18, 2021, 01:40 PM »
A cup player have to be replaced with someone else. No way to just remove him.

Thanks for the information, that does sound reasonable enough.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1109, Camelot Team17 cup
« on: April 18, 2021, 12:58 PM »
I signed up to this cup to have fun. I thought, "Wow, a tournament-type thing focused on the scheme I most love. I'd be a fool to miss this." I didn't sign up right after finding out about it, because I didn't know what a cup was, but after a few days figured, well, it can't be that bad, can it? There was no explanation of what a cup was, but I signed up anyway, because how could I miss an event like this.

As explained earlier, it didn't even occur to me that  the cup would have a prescribed scheme, let alone to check that scheme and make sure I'm okay with it. So yeah, I made a mistake. But the only other time I ever took part in events on TUS were the recent Island T17 tournaments hosted by Senator. And those had a prescribed scheme too, but it was a scheme almost exactly the same as the WormsLeague T17 scheme. Since then, I've played hundreds of T17 matches with that scheme, and grown to love it and consider it the definitive version of the scheme. So maybe I became so used to it that I forgot about even the possibility of T17 being played any other way.

So then when I found out, just before I was about to play my cup match against Syc, that the cup had a prescribed scheme, and it had some major things wrong with it in my eyes, including the absence of v3.8+ settings which felt like a spit in the face to me, I had to either make a quick decision or delay playing my games with Syc (and probably not play them at all, because I'd most likely have to leave the cup, as I didn't expect Lancelot to agree to change the scheme at my request after the cup had already started). It seemed like a really silly reason to delay/cancel playing our match for, so I made the decision to play with the scheme I love, not the (barbaric, in my eyes) scheme that the cup prescribed.

So yeah, I joined the cup for fun, what a novel idea? Playing with its prescribed scheme would not be fun for me. Had I known before signing up, I wouldn't have signed up. Given that I was already signed up, what choice did I have? Lancelot, you expect me to stay and play on this scheme that I not only hate, but feels like a spit in the face to me, just for some misguided sense of honor? No, the most graceful thing to do here is leave the cup, which I have done as best I can.

Also, Lancelot, if you had stuck to your guns, and kept the exact scheme you originally attached to the cup without change, at least I could respect your integrity in some way for that. But your credibility as a mod dropped through the floor when you changed the scheme... for no reason. It still had all the things wrong with it that I had explained, so why did you do it?

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1109, Camelot Team17 cup
« on: April 17, 2021, 11:36 PM »
I can't delete you, but I can find a replacement, don't worry.

Are you saying you have a way to upload somebody else's replays to the cup under my name?

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1109, Camelot Team17 cup
« on: April 17, 2021, 10:40 PM »
Ok, you can upload the games against Syc,
Um, thanks, but...
but you have to rematch games with SIBASA, because he didn't agree with your choice.
That is not what happened. SIBASA agreed to the scheme, under protest. He was free to choose not to agree, at which point I would've exercised my choice as well, to leave the cup. It's all there in the log file he quoted.

Furthermore, I already made my position clear. If forced to play on a scheme with the problems I've described your scheme had, I would choose to leave the cup.

I can replace the cup scheme and set HHC Team17 scheme version.
Since, in my opinion, it is more balanced than the cup one.
All you've done is replace the bad scheme with an even older bad scheme that has every single one of the problems I highlighted above. Did you read anything I wrote?

  • No WA v3.8+ scheme options
    • Rope knocking is not disabled
    • no glitches are disabled
  • Longbow is set to 50+50 damage
  • BlowTorch and Drill are set to 5 stars

This is my last word. I replaced the scheme with a more bearable one.
You need to play cup games according to the HHC scheme, or not play at all.

Please delete Syc and me from the roster, already. I've made my position clear.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1109, Camelot Team17 cup
« on: April 17, 2021, 07:22 PM »
Lancelot, if you want to delete my games, go ahead. I will have no further interest in playing this cup if you do though, so go ahead and delete me from the roster while you're at it. I think Syc will want the same, as he agreed with me about the scheme you attached to the cup.

Orrrr you could just let us play using this better scheme. It's not a big deal, right? Would you rather have a fun cup where we get to play using a scheme we don't hate, or a rigid by-the-book cup in which some players have quit due to said rigidity? I do ask that I continue to be allowed to play using my preferred scheme though, please. And I'm not asking for any other of the rules to be bent, only that we be allowed to use this scheme (the one I've played 6 cup rounds on already) instead of the one attached to the cup.

Edit: I see you deleted the games anyway. Okay then, go ahead and delete me from the roster, I have no interest in playing this cup or any future cup (or event of any kind) that you host.

You could still redeem this, though. Allow me to re-upload the same games as already played and continue to play with that scheme instead of the one attached to the cup.

If anyone wants to watch the currently-deleted games who hasn't already downloaded them:
2021-04-13 06.28.13 [Online Round 1] Syc, @Deadcode.WAgame
2021-04-13 07.10.05 [Online Round 2] Syc, @Deadcode.WAgame
2021-04-13 07.36.52 [Online Round 3] Syc, @Deadcode.WAgame
2021-04-16 19.58.28 [Online Round 1] @Deadcode, SIBASA`.WAgame
2021-04-16 20.30.38 [Online Round 2] @Deadcode, SIBASA`.WAgame
2021-04-16 20.59.51 [Online Round 3] @Deadcode, SIBASA`.WAgame

Let's move on to the alleged "insult". Nobody forced you to enter the cup by force. Once you've signed up, play by the rules. I personally do not like the T17 league scheme, but this is not a reason for me to play the league according to a different scheme, because I am capricious for someone, and do not obey the system. The league scheme is shit. I say this officially. And the percentages don't interest me. I look at gaming experience and real facts, not statistics and theories. I'm not even saying that some of you know the game so well that you don't make mistakes in moves. Some, like the "developers", can use their written tricks to their advantage. This option may well be left as a theory. But I play the league even if I don't like the league's scheme. Because I like the whole circuit. And the whims of someone who wants to go against the system, I will not take seriously. It's very childish.
Aaand you didn't even address the actual issue. Your cup scheme doesn't have glitches disabled, as is possible in the WA v3.8+ scheme format. I have no interest in manually enforcing these as "rules" (no rope knocking, no roofing, no skipwalking) just to adhere to a rigid doctrine about using the precise scheme attached to the cup, especially after it was my own hard work along with CyberShadow's that made it possible to have them enforced automatically by the game. You also didn't address the issue about the Longbow damage. (There are also other things I didn't mention, like the BlowTorch and Drill power, which are best set to 3 stars, but in your cup scheme are 5 stars.) All you did was talk about aspects of the scheme I have no particular quarrel with (but nevertheless still prefer them being as they are in the WL scheme).

Note that manually enforcing no-rope-knocking, as a rule instead of a scheme setting, is actually really terrible, because rope knucking, where you swing your worm to fall through a worm that's blocking a passageway, into the other side, is a very legitimate move, and without rope knocking being disabled by the game itself, can't be done without risking breaking the no-rope-knocking rule. (Unless you play the game in #PartyTime or via wa:// URL.)

And I would like to point out that the WormsLeague T17 scheme is not this "T17 league scheme" you talk about being shit. The WormsLeague scheme was created along with WL on 2020-09-05. This year I've been playing T17s with almost exactly the same WL scheme, but fine tuned a bit; the banana crate probability is down a notch, the Longbow damage is changed from 15+15 to 22+22, and a slight bug in the set of disabled glitches has been fixed. Otherwise it's the same as the WL Season 1 scheme.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1109, Camelot Team17 cup
« on: April 16, 2021, 11:57 PM »
Well, I did not expect you to do this (hence my last line in that log quote), and I would have chosen my words with more tact had I known. But okay, since you insist, let's do this.

Yes, I forgot to check if there was a scheme prescribed by this cup before joining it. Had I had the presence of mind to check for a scheme before joining, I would have brought up the issue with Lancelot, and asked him to change the scheme.

But I only realized many days later, after the cup had already begun and I was just about to start my match with Syc, and when I looked at that scheme, I was repelled. Not only is it an extreme insult to my hard work with v3.8 to not include any glitch-disabling v3.8 features in this cup's scheme, and yet still say "standart team17 rules (no knocking, no roofing)" [sic], as if WA v3.8 doesn't even exist, but it also has the old-style 50+50 hp damage Longbows, which are absolutely terrible. They give anybody an easy, free 100 points of damage, which is totally unfair and unbalanced, and strongly discourages using the Longbow in creative ways. In contrast, every single detail about the WormsLeague T17 scheme has been carefully honed by huge fans of the scheme.

So yes, if Lancelot does insist that it's completely illegal to use a different scheme, I will have no interest in participating in this cup. Because of that, up until this point I chose not to confront Lancelot about it because if he insisted that his chosen scheme must be the one used, then I would not have even got a chance to begin playing the cup, and would've had to quit immediately. But at least now, if he still decides not to allow it, I will have had a chance to experience it at least a little before having to leave. I was really hoping it would just go unnoticed, and then next time a cup was created I could bring up the issue. But it appears SIBASA was not on the same page. (Frankly, I hadn't dismissed the possibility that Lancelot had already noticed I didn't use the provided scheme in my games with Syc, and had chosen to pretend he hadn't noticed. But even if that was the case, he has no choice but to say something about it now.) So now it's become a distinctly unpleasant situation with the potential to become quite a bit more unpleasant.

Assuming this *is* okayed, I do recommend that everybody else use the same T17 scheme I've been using, from now on, in this cup:  But that is just my recommendation, and what turns out to be done is not up to me to decide.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1109, Camelot Team17 cup
« on: April 13, 2021, 06:20 PM »
I still don't understand how a TUS cup works. It's not explained anywhere on TUS, so how does anyone know?

Is there a limit to how many games I'm supposed to play with each opponent in my group? TUS doesn't seem to enforce any. It let Syc and me report our games individually without giving us any complaint, but apparently it's not supposed to be done that way? Lancelot deleted them and asked me to re-upload, which I did. Which does make sense in retrospect, because this is a Bo3 cup. But why did the system let us upload as 3 separate matches then?

And where/when are we supposed to organize to set up these games? Some of those people I can communicate with on Discord, but others I have no idea how to contact besides sending them PMs on TUS.

How long does this stage last? How many stages are there? And what do the two numbers separated by a "/" in the "Won" column mean? It's all a mystery, and TUS doesn't explain it anywhere, except in a very haphazard, piecemeal way.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1109, Camelot Team17 cup
« on: April 02, 2021, 02:21 PM »
Okay, I'm in, but what is a cup? This site doesn't even explain it, it assumes you already know what a cup is. What's the difference between a tournament and a cup?

Leagues Games Comments / Game #226707, reported by Deadcode
« on: March 29, 2021, 10:05 PM »
if anyone is curious why this says "Round 2" in the filename: Round 1 was a funner.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #226663, reported by Deadcode
« on: March 26, 2021, 12:32 AM »
Chicken23 reported the wrong round as his win, so I've reported the wrong round as my win. Hopefully these can both get deleted soon so we can re-report the correct rounds.

General discussion / Re: Old replays and players through the years
« on: February 04, 2021, 11:53 PM »
Here is the FB (First Blood) replay archive I was given on 2005-12-03, with over 23000 replays. I put a significant amount of time into organizing it:

FB (First Blood) archive up to 2005-12-03.7z

Korydex identified a list of people whose replays were asked for in this thread and are in this archive:


Announcements / Worms Armageddon v3.8.1 Released
« on: December 23, 2020, 05:54 PM »
This "hotfix" release addresses most of the worst bugs introduced in v3.8, as well as some more minor issues. It was finished and ready for release on 2020-08-11, intended to be released soon afterward. That is the reason the changelog is so short. But then there were delays beyond our control, and I chose to rebuild it on 2020-11-08 to include some finishing touches to the set of translations.

Work is already in progress on the next release, which will probably be v3.9.

CD-ROM Edition: Download Here
Steam Edition: Update automatically through Steam.
GOG Edition: Update through GOG Galaxy, or by fully installing the game (must be logged in on GOG).

SHA-256 sum:
b33b3a1f0833cc41bb75a956f7c32fb277b464870fd0c720db114ee1be6beb29 *WA_update-3.8.1_[CD]_Installer.exe

v3.8.1 Update

  • [DC] Bug in a feature introduced in v3.6.28.0: If a .PNG file with more than 112 non-black colours was loaded in the Map Editor, it could then be resaved (using the "Save" button) without being reduced to 112 colours, resulting in a .PNG file with the W:A-specific chunk that was nevertheless not a valid W:A map.
  • [DC] Bug in a feature introduced in v3.8: If "RubberWorm anti-sink" was enabled, and "RubberWorm bounciness" was not, the anti-sink state would not be saved for instant replays, and thus would result in a desync if anti-sink was actively used during an instant replay.
  • [DC] Bug introduced in v3.6.29.0: In the Offline Multiplayer screen and the Options Menu, if the current scheme was intrinsic or "[ User defined ]" (i.e., "transparent select all" was active, such that typing anything into the scheme name box would clear/overwrite its entire contents), and then a scheme file was loaded, "transparent select all" was not deactivated as it should have been.
  • [DC] Bug in a feature introduced in v3.8: Tweening was completely inactive during playback of replays extracted from network logs (a special kind of replay file that currently only W:A developers can create).
  • [DC] Bug introduced in v3.8: In the Steam edition of the game, the hotkeys to open the Steam overlay (default Shift+Tab) and to take a screenshot (default F12) did not work while in-game. (Note that it is recommended to remap or disable the screenshot key, because F12 is used by W:A in-game, to select weapons in the bottom row of the weapon panel.)
  • [DC] Bug introduced in v3.8: When at least one player in an online game was using v3.6.22.0-v3.7.2.25, and a .PNG map with >96 non-transparent (i.e. non-black, if no tRNS chunk is present) colours was in use (which is supposed to result in the soil texture being fully transparent), and the game was not emulating a logic version earlier than, v3.8 would fill the soil texture with the colour at palette index 110 of that map (or if the map used fewer colours than that, one colour from the background gradient).
  • [DC] Bug introduced in v3.8: If a Super/Aqua Sheep detonated while in flying mode (without switching to falling mode first), or an Aqua Sheep disappeared off the ocean bottom while in swimming mode, then Home Lock (activated by pressing Ctrl+Home) would never work again for that team (but would still work for other teams) for the rest of the round.
  • [DC] The Reset button in Advanced Options (added in v3.6.30.0), and the registry script ResetRegistryOptions.reg (added in v3.6.31.0), did not reset the following:
    • The current pseudo-random number generator Logic Seed
    • The "Export Video" dialog box's remembered parameters (added in v3.8)
    • The "Assisted vertical sync" tuning parameters (added in v3.8)
  • [DC] Bug introduced in v3.8: Any PNG map saved using v3.6.28.0 or later (excluding those converted from LEV or BIT maps), when loaded, would have the cavern status in its W:A metadata ignored, and autodetected instead, as if loading a PNG image lacking W:A metadata. For example, if a regular (non-W:A) PNG image was loaded in W:A's Map Editor, such that W:A autodetected it as an island (with no cavern border), and the user then manually turned on the top cavern border and resaved the map, then this map, when loaded later, would have the cavern border turned off.
  • The Finnish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish translations have been updated by Juho Toivanen, LTK, schaf, Kaleu, StepS, OutofOrder, and Olle Settergren, respectively, encompassing all new strings added since v3.8. This also includes some corrections and improvements to existing strings.
    • [DC] A bug in the Spanish translation has been fixed by OutofOrder: The lines "Hold Shift for fine tuning" and "Hold Shift to change the amount" were missing.
  • [CS] Bug in a feature introduced in v3.8: When using the OpenGL (shader) Graphics API with a screen resolution with a width that is not a multiple of four (for example, 1366×768), the video output would appear skewed.
  • [DC] Fixes affecting game logic
    • [DC] An explosion happening anywhere on the map would nullify the horizontal velocity of all Frozen Worm(s), regardless of where they were. (A frozen worm may have horizontal velocity if it was moving in mid-air when another worm on the same team used Freeze.) Now, explosions have no effect on the horizontal velocity of frozen worms, affecting only their vertical velocity; this is indistinguishable from the previous behaviour when they already have zero horizontal velocity.

  • [DC] With skipwalking facilitation enabled (which was part of TestStuff, and is now an extended scheme option), it is now possible, during retreat time and after the first shot of a Shotgun or Longbow, to skip-walk by right-clicking the mouse (and not only by pressing the up/down/middle arrow keys).
  • [DC] The W:A v3.7.0.0 fix "When W:A is run under Windows 8 for the first time, it will offer to configure Windows compatibility flags which should improve compatibility and performance under Windows 8." was removed in v3.8, but because this compatibility flag is in fact harmful to DirectDraw performance, and may still be enabled if v3.7.0.0 or 3.7.2.x has previously been run under the same Windows installation, W:A will now check for its presence when started, and disable it if it is currently enabled (showing a dialog box to explain that this has been done).
  • [DC] W:A v3.7.0.0 and v3.7.2.1 set the default renderer to DirectDraw (32-bit), and this would be saved in the registry even if the user hadn't altered the setting from its default. However, due to increasingly poor DirectDraw performance in modern Windows versions, and the fixing of various bugs in the Direct3D 9 (shader) renderer, since v3.8 the recommended and default renderer has been the latter, so long as the necessary support is detected. The first time v3.8.1 is launched, W:A will therefore now change the renderer to Direct3D 9 (shader), if it would otherwise normally have chosen that renderer as the default, and if the renderer was already set to DirectDraw (32-bit).

Thanks for reporting this bug! I've fixed it for the next release that comes after v3.8.1.

Code: [Select]
Petrol Bomb power in stars  Minimum Petrol Touch Decay for a softlock
--------------------------  -----------------------------------------
11                           38
12                           50
 1                           55
 2                           60
 3                          129
 4                          138
 5                          146
19                          155
14                          170
15                          201

Your game had Petrol Bomb set to 1 star, so any Petrol Touch Decay of 55 or more would have potentially resulted in a softlock (with it being more and more likely the higher the value).

Note that this is a completely different bug than the one with high wind or low gravity which CyberShadow mentioned (which is documented in Known Issues in the v3.8 Readme).

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Tournament #1101, Island Team17
« on: August 14, 2020, 04:43 PM »
According to KRD, Mortar and Cluster Bomb are OP in Intermediate at 3 stars. The reason why T17 would have them at 2 stars is simply to have the same weapon powers.

In Intermediate, you have 3 Clusters to begin with, and that is in fact the only weapon in it that can predictably and easily do >90hp damage to a single worm in a common circumstance (a worm standing on a steep slope). So I can see the logic in limiting its power in a scheme closely based on [ Intermediate ].

But in Team17, you have to collect Clusters in a crate, and there are plenty of other weapons you can collect in crates that do about the same damage (Minigun) or much more. And experienced players will know to avoid making themselves vulnerable to Cluster Bomb when possible, anyway.

As for Mortar, I don't see the logic of nerfing it in either Intermediate or Team17. Even in the best of circumstances, which come very rarely, it virtually never does more than ~45hp damage in circumstances where you're not also damaging your own worm, or more than ~58hp damage (not including grave damage) when you are. And while it is theoretically possible to do 70hp or more damage to an enemy worm with Mortar, that is so exceedingly rare to happen in a real game that if you can pull it off, it should be celebrated, not nerfed. But if there is some way that Normal players discovered to predictably do a large amount of damage with standard Mortar, I'd love to know.

(Edit: On level terrain such as a bridge, the floating weapon glitch can be used to get Mortar damage of about 63.5 ± 10.8 hp (n=32). But that'd require using your only rope, and with worms starting at 150hp, that's not much damage to waste a rope on.)

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