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Messages - KoreanRedDragon

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Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Tournament #1101, Island Team17
« on: August 13, 2020, 03:43 PM »
Excellent. I don't know yet whether I'll be around on the day, but I'm keeping an eye on this. Complex island maps are so much fun for T17. :D

Oh hey Senator, is it too late to touch the Mortar and Cluster Bomb powers in the scheme for this? Bring them in line with Intermediate's 2/2 instead of the current 3/1, respectively? Or is that not one of the changes you wanted to be testing? I'm honestly okay with either for the tournament, but in general I do prefer 2/2 for all these ground schemes now, makes the most sense to me.

General discussion / Re: How do I use rubber schemes with 3.8?
« on: July 31, 2020, 09:40 AM »
now im trying to figure out how to use custom maps without hostingbuddy.... i put them in WormsArmageddon/User/SavedLevels, but there is nothing but default maps when i make a game....

You're probably looking at the drop-down menu under the map preview, instead of right clicking on the map preview (when it's showing a randomly generated .LEV terrain, which you do by left clicking on the map preview). That's actually where SavedLevels maps are! You can sort them into folders as well.

Right, I'm updating these proposed schemes with 3.8 rule enforcement once TUS starts handling v3 scheme files.

Sure, I don't see why not. If you think it's the best move available to you, you go for it, right? And at least sometimes, it is the best move, maybe even by far. As in any scheme that doesn't specifically forbid it as part of its design, there's nothing wrong with using all the tools available to you at any time.

But I don't think the 5 star Torch and Drill are even better than the 3 star ones for attacking... certainly they're not strictly better, better in every situation. So yeah, I don't think that reasoning for buffing their power holds much water. Maybe there are other reasons people can think of for doing it? Dunno, this whole thing is quite confusing for me.

Because there weren't enough things to agree on about Team17 already, I went and added another one that's been making me angry and confused over the past few years:

16. As it turns out, almost every modern Team17 scheme I come across these days has Blow Torch and Pneumatic Drill power set to 5 stars. Although I'm not sure, I think this may have its origins in either the 1Percent scheme that the #Team17 channel on WWP's WormNET used, or in some kind of official tournament scheme that Team17 (the company) had settled on around the time official rankings were taken down on WA... which then must have made sense for future leagues to keep, possibly because they liked the idea of these two utilities doing a bit more damage in situations where no useful weapons had yet been collected from crates. But I feel like there's a big problem with this, namely that the higher power setting makes both Torch and Drill knock a worm harder (farther away) than their 3 star counterparts, which in practice quite often means that the target worm gets damaged fewer times as a result, especially when torching. This is already weird enough on flat, open terrain and on slopes. But when you consider that it also makes it (almost?) impossible to trap a worm inside the torch tunnel that you're digging, which is otherwise a flashy play in other ground schemes such as Elite and Intermediate, I fear that there may just be too little logic and too many downsides to having the two F7 tools set to a power different to what players might be used to from other schemes. So, should we "standardise" their power to 3 stars, where all the rest of the weapons in the scheme are, and keep their knock power consistent with Elite and Intermediate? Back when I was first uploading these scheme proposals to TUS, I didn't even realise I may have been breaking tradition by having them at 3 stars, because that's just how my T17 scheme always was, it's what made sense to me. Am I alone in that? Hmmm.

Discuss. :P

Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon v3.8 Released
« on: July 19, 2020, 09:43 PM »
Yeah, I know. I wish nobody ever even considered those when looking for games to buy. :'(

Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon v3.8 Released
« on: July 19, 2020, 06:42 PM »
This sale is very much legit, going for another four days or so, and it gets you a Steam key:

I've been trying to keep track of these. There's a lot:!ing-out,3359984.html

Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon v3.8 Released
« on: July 18, 2020, 11:15 PM »
Yeah Dave, just use this or this to unlock Full Wormage for your WA team, which will be somewhere like here:

\Worms Armageddon\User\Teams\WG.WGT

General discussion / Re: AI
« on: July 17, 2020, 06:31 PM »
Yeah HHC, Balee did a lot of work on this a while back!

What was changed specifically regarding rope responsiveness? can you elaborate? Like a before/after comparison. And maybe some technicalities like how many ms is the difference etc. Would be appreciated. :)

So, the way render tweening was implemented in WA means that on average, you get to see your roping worm in its new, updated position half a frame* early compared to, all other things (like renderer, v-sync settings, number of buffered frames, desktop window manager messing with your games, etc.) equal. Some of the time it'll be exactly the same, other times up to almost a whole frame less input lag, depending on how the tween phase of the sprites works out, but distributed evenly so that it averages out to 0.5 frame. The difference from this alone isn't massive, of course, so people who aren't heavily into roping (or rope with v-sync enabled) might not even notice it. But lower input lag is just always good, and I think someone like you probably would be able to tell, actually. Although on the other hand, tweening just makes the entire roping experience more enjoyable because of the smoothness of motion, so I suppose it's tricky to say precisely what's going to be responsible for any perceived improvement.

We'll see, but I can't imagine anyone will actually want to go back once 3.8 is out. :P

Disclaimer: I'm going mostly by how I remember Deadcode explaining this a rather long time ago, in a discussion I can't find right now, so caveat lector.

*Not in-game (engine) frame as far as I can recall, but monitor (GPU) frame, where on a 60 Hz panel one frame corresponds to ~16.7 ms.

Schemes / Re: Shopper rules clarification
« on: April 20, 2020, 06:25 PM »
Hmmm, I don't think I necessarily agree that bazookas and petrol bombs not exploding when placed gently on terrain or on worms is "clearly a glitch and not intended behaviour."

For one, it makes logical, physical real world sense that a glass bottle (even one filled with petrol, with its fuse lit on fire) wouldn't break in that scenario, and explosive projectiles wouldn't go off. In terms of game logic, we know that the situation is accounted for by the existence of a hidden fuse present on every projectile in the game that makes them explode after a while anyway, so calling it obviously unaccounted for by the original developers is probably not entirely honest either. And further, if we were to go looking for every single event and scenario in the game that clearly couldn't have been anticipated by Team17 back in 1998, I imagine the list of what should be considered a glitch would grow alarmingly, and in some cases uproot literally two decades of tradition; purism might not be the way to go with these things.

Not to say that any of the above is alone a reason to allow this "glitch" to be used in Shopper in particular, but neither I think is the opposite the case. Even if this is ultimately considered a real glitch, it's the sort of glitch that can theoretically bring value to at least some schemes, so if Deadcode at some point were to "fix" it, it would be done as a scheme setting and likely by default, it would be set to the way things currently work. Rather, in the case of Shopper, it might be more sensible to be having the discussion of whether or not starting with infinite bazookas shifts the focus of the scheme too far away from, you know, shopping for weapons and making do with what you get from them. But that really is, and should be, a separate discussion... because it's extremely, extremely unlikely that the one thing keeping the scheme from being competitively fair and balanced even when played in a casual setting is this exact singular property of the humble bazooka weapon.

Hmmm, this is a tricky one. Out of the more prominent sound formats that appear in the second generation games, I feel like we have soundbanks (worm voices) the most explored, apart from obviously the Wormsongs themselves. Fanfares in particular might be among the least looked into...

There have been occasions I recall, especially with the background music tracks in Worms 2 and Armageddon, where people over the years have identified similarities with music from other artists, sometimes outright samples from notable libraries of the time, but I don't remember anything similar ever happening with fanfares, personally.

One thing you could do is look for interviews with Bjørn Lynne aka Dr. Awesome, the lead sound designer on most Worms games. There's some very old ones floating around out there on the internet, and maybe some of them go into more detail on his creative process at the time. Here's a couple I found myself reading pretty recently that don't, but they're kinda interesting anyway:

And here's some video interviews and other things that might potentially reveal some details, or at least point you in the right direction:

Good luck!

General discussion / Re: How long will W:A survive?
« on: March 22, 2020, 06:20 PM »
The WormNET record for most concurrent users (since the last server reset at least, which I think was in 2017 or 2018) got destroyed last night, by like forty:

There were a bunch of people in #RH and #PT as well, just like old times. Except they were mostly hosting Intermediates, even in #RH. But I'll take it!

Also notice the eight new HostingBuddies trying to keep up with the load, hah.

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