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Messages - j0e

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Schemes / Re: Parachute in Rope Based Schemes
« on: August 15, 2019, 10:30 PM »
Practically speaking, consistency means to some extent you're sacrificing risk and speed in favor of known, easily repeatable rope trajectories and angles. WA has a nearly unlimited skill ceiling because as the the rope gets shorter, you get more speed, to the point where it becomes imperceptible and impossible to consistently operate within those margins. It's possible to rope just as fast in zar, but people don't, because if you miss that wall-hugging pump outlaw it's 70 damage. You badmouth recklessness and praise discipline and consistency (its opposites (in this context- don't quote the dictionary)), but refuse to acknowledge the practical contradiction involved in producing "incredible speed". You aren't arguing in good faith. Komo has won this argument half a dozen times already with facts, common sense and logic while you rely on schoolyard bullshit like "I know you are but what am I?" Zar could be a superior league scheme but it reduces the role of the rope to utilitarian A to B transportation.

Just watch daina rope .. she never falls, but aside from her very admirable consistency her roping is boring and unimpressive. She takes no risks, always long ropes etc. That rope style often results in the fastest ttrr time, but it doesn't leave you flabbergasted asking yourself how that roping is even humanly possible like you do when Mablak is on his game; she makes it look easy. Yet she'd pretty much be the ultimate zar roper.

Schemes / Re: Parachute in Rope Based Schemes
« on: August 13, 2019, 07:22 PM »
All through this thread you've dogmatically repeated your flawed premises. It's easy to rope like a coward with no chute, choosing only easy angles and known trajectories. It's the difference between painting a barn and painting artwork though. Roper is garbage without some recklessness. Zar is too punitive so everyone ropes like pussies.

Schemes / Re: Parachute in Rope Based Schemes
« on: August 13, 2019, 05:45 PM »
My belief is that most people rope like pussies when there's no chute. The game becomes one of mechanical A to B transportation and attacking. Risks from elevated fall damage and no chute are too great for anything extracurricular. Best suited for league games where people already rope like pussies. In my experience funners rarely produce the same level of intensity and competition as league games.

RichUK and Godmax have a foothold of sorts too, but that isn't necessarily congruent with the amount of respect they hold. Zar is a minor iteration of an existing scheme, nothing more. Not a social movement, religion or grand invention. Come back down to earth man, put down the spork and be rational. The "zar is the greatest thing ever" schtick is played out and lame.

Off Topic / Re: Rope Clash Leaderboards
« on: August 10, 2019, 04:56 AM »
Tribal Sands: 16.52
Inca Mountains: 19.68
Lost Atlantis: 26.26
Immortal Snail: 29.39
Khafre's Pyramid: 29.26
Ancient Troy: 24.72
Level 8: 15.30
Level 9: 15.29
Level 10: 44.12
Level 11: 48.75
Level 12: 30.66
Level 13: 16.84
Level 14: 22.59
Level 15: 23.48

Make sure to check Play Store for updates. The game doesn't automatically look for updates, but there have been changes every couple days for a while now.

You yourself just said you didn't become a game developer because it's too hard to make any money..

No I didn't, I think you need to read what I wrote again  ::)

Why does it always have to be about money anyway? We're talking about keeping the game interesting for people who play the game, not making money for the person who made it.
Do you have any ideas? I thought you suggested DLC sarcastically ;)

Without progression, what will keep the game fresh?

I guess this is where you will be charged for additional content, DLC  ::)
There's already a feature to import your own custom maps, it's just not implemented very conveniently yet.

How else do you expect Mesiba to make any money? Should he work for free? Microtransactions and DLC is the only way. Nobody's going to buy a game upfront from an unknown games publisher. Nobody wants forced video ads. Banners don't pay shit. You yourself just said you didn't become a game developer because it's too hard to make any money..

I think the ghost system might have been recently changed to purge old replays like you said. Keep in mind the game hasn't officially released yet, so maybe when it does we'll have enough players that it won't be a problem. Right now most maps are polluted with those test guest ghosts, not actual players. You can go take a piss and come back and still win. It'd be nice if good runs were saved more permanently, instead of an indiscriminate wipe.

Currently there IS an endpoint - level 12, with the red white and blue rope fully upgraded, and Legendary ranking. I'm almost there and Sbaffo reached it weeks ago. Without progression, what will keep the game fresh? Hopefully there will be new timetrial chunks and new maps released periodically, or an improvement to the custom maps/sharing system.

What happened to all the ghosts? I'm getting matched against noobs almost every race now (Guest83393 etc).

General discussion / Re: Problems with RubberWorm
« on: July 30, 2019, 02:58 AM »
You probably have WA - downgrade to  There is no benefit to having

new update

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkGhostReplays
« on: July 27, 2019, 01:02 AM »
Sounds great Nonentity.. can't wait. This will be a revolution in rope racing!

Somehow I won this race even though it says I got a slower time than the guy in 2nd:

There's another update now, level 6 bug is fixed.

I updated and the same thing happened. In "career mode" or whatever I played Immortal Snail twice, then Level 6, which is empty.  Level 6 no longer shows up on the Time Trial screen, but it must still exist as a hidden level.

Level 6 works for me. Did your game get an update?

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