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Messages - shadymilkman

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Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 19, 2012, 08:02 PM »
for nino - not the greatest pic, will take a better one

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 14, 2012, 09:57 PM »
Good place to start is here:

It's sorta like a site map, as you read it, you'll follow through onto other links of articles he has written.  After that I suggest you go on and sign up to the forum there, start using the search function and using Lean Gains.

There are several different routines you can use while on the LG diet; you have to choose whichever one makes most sense to you - or adjust one to work with your daily schedule.

Any specific questions, don't hesitate on asking.  I'll do my best to answer :)

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 14, 2012, 09:38 PM »

i have no idea if this is legit, but this guy apparently testing the protein content of various powders compared to what they claim

shady... your myofusion is in the list and it says it only has 50% of the protein content that it claims to have. fack lol. one of em american pure whey doesn't even have any in lol.

i've been a bit demotivated to go to the gym recently. i've made progress but its so fkn slow, when i add up all the time i imagine i spent in there this year it just seems like a lot of time.

i agree its good for mental health so im not plannin on stopping, just hitting the gym everynow and then to hopefully maintain before i go in hard again.

Funny that you posted this recently.

A legitimate lab [not some dude doing home tests] tested a bunch of the proteins today, and Myofusion came out with some of the best results....  They uploaded it to their own website.

Check it here :

Results posted here:

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 14, 2012, 03:12 PM »
See but cardio follows the laws of diminishing return. Depending on what your RHR, WHR, and MHR is, and whether or not you keep your heart in its correct zones is what determines the type of results you have.

Usually the trick is to do low impact cardio at a brisk pace, keeping your heart rate slightly above RHR.  Most builders will only walk on a treadmill at 3-4mph with an incline.

Since I spin heavily, as well as stairs and run, I burn fat at a higher rate, but at the cost of burning muscle at a higher rate as well. So often I end up setting myself back on lifting gains, bc I burn away too much muscle.  That's why "most" cyclists are extremely thin, and not bulky/muscular. They end up burning through stored sugars and fats, and their body begins fueling itself with muscle.

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 14, 2012, 02:01 PM »
Ya I work out legs too... Usually twice a week at a minimum.

Only thing is that I do cycling/spinning, which is somewhat counter productive to putting size on in my legs. My calves are decently big, with veins popping out like crazy, and my quads and hammys are thick.

I'll post pics when I get home. Your legs def look far bigger than mine.

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 14, 2012, 03:19 AM »

edit:  had to make the pic lighter... for some reason when i upload from my phone to here it came out much darker...

hope this is better

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 13, 2012, 09:08 PM »
I haven't had a chance to really read in detail what all of you are saying; but I too do not agree with the 5-6 small meals a day method.

I don't think it's wrong, nor do I think that it doesn't provide results.... I just personally have personally had and have seen better results with IF diets.  I am on the leangains diet, and I rave about it.  I'll never do a 5-6 meal regimen ever again.

edit: misspelled 'think' lol.

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 12, 2012, 02:43 PM »
I mean, those are all the reasons why I do it as well.

It's a mixture of things, but it certainly isn't for the sport to look like Ronnie or any of those guys. I would never want to look like that, but for each their own.

I grew up playing sports as well, and working out is a good way to keep me mentally healthy as well.  I have a GF of 4 years who gave me an ultimatum to get married and I said nope... after that I was like "holy shit I am a fat f@#! now".  I was 198lbs and in the worst shape of my life.... That very day I joined the gym and have been working hard every day since.

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 12, 2012, 01:45 AM »
Guess I'm the only one here who lifts/diets/trains for fitness    :D

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 09, 2012, 03:46 PM »
Decent morning lift session then great run on the beach - recovery time now.

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 08, 2012, 05:49 PM »
Hahaha, oh yeah definitely not the same Jay Cutler I was referring to.

Nino - do you legitimately want to be a professional bodybuilder and look like Coleman??

I mean, everyone works out for different reasons - mine certainly isn't to look anywhere near that.

I'm pretty damn happy where I am at; ideally the only thing I would like is for my six pack to be more visible.  My top 4 abdominal muscles show blatantly, but the lowest 2 need more work..

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 08, 2012, 03:37 PM »
Oh, of course it takes roids to get big like Coleman etc...

I thought you were generally stating that to look good, you need roids...

Jay Cutler of the Chicago Bears??

Off Topic / Re: cars forum
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:35 PM »
Ah.. don't even get me started on cars...

Cars and watches are perhaps two of my favorite things in the world...

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:25 PM »
you look like you are sucking in, Walrus :P

shady, I was always under the impression that supplements were a huge waste of money... also read many articles saying that most of studies involving supplements were done by people who were hired by the supplement industry... doesn't sound very trustworthy. 

He posted a progress photo, which takes balls.  Who cares of what he is doing or how he looks.  It's motivation for him, myself, and others - ya know? 

As far as supplements being a waste of money... That's all relative to what you believe your money is worth lol.

As far as supplements being bullshit... some are, no question about it.  Those are the ones that don't do well and aren't reviewed by hundreds etc.  The supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar industry; there are bound to be thieves in there.

To go as far as saying all supplements aren't effective or do as promised is a blanket statement.  That's certainly not true.

Madog was pretty much on the money when it came down to breaking down my stack.

Everything I am currently taking [with the exception of OxyElite, which I haven't started taking yet], are all natural dietary supplements that you get from food.  The problem is when you're an athlete or working out in a gym, in order to receive the proper amount of nutrients and vitamins, you'd go broke based on cost of food, and you'd be sick as a dog to eat that much.

Protein, Creatine, BCAA's, and Glutamine have all been researched and tested for decades now.  They are effective; and they 10000% provide results.  That being said, the results vary from person to person - but they're all COMPLETELY beneficial to athletic training.  Protein and creatine work hand in hand to build muscle, and delivery hydration to your muscles.

BCAAs/Glutamine help with recovery of muscle [since working out is tearing/ripping muscle and letting it rebuild], as well as they slow down the rate at which your body burns muscle... So by taking these, the rate at which muscle burns becomes even slower even if the rate at which you're burning fat increases.

CLA is heavily researched, but results vary completely.  It typically comes naturally from salmon, but by increasing the dosage, studies show that it has anti-cancerous properties, and is a natural fat burner.

Optimen is in my mind, the best vitamin on the market.

Also I disagree with nino to an extent on roids; which I have no problem going into further detail to discuss when I have a bit more time.

I haven't ever taken them; but I wanted to and considered it in the past... I researched heavily, and know quite a damn bit about them considering a lot of my friends have taken them, and my extended family is comprised of all heart surgeons and gastrointestinal surgeons...

After extensive research I became against using gear like that and the only time I can sympathize and agree with people using them is when it's directly correlated to one's income and/or under the guidance of an endocrinologist due to a disability to produce sufficient hormone levels.

Edit:  Forgot to mention that fish oil is a completely proven supplement as well.  There is a laundry list of benefits that fish oil provides... Things such as keeping your joints lubricated, anti-cancerous properties, preventative of heart disease/alzheimers... the list is huge.  Def worth taking regardless of whether or not you burp up fish smells.

Optimum Nutritions fish oil pills do not have a taste or a smell whatsoever.  I never burp up anything like that.

Off Topic / Re: bodybuilding forum
« on: June 07, 2012, 08:21 PM »
Madog is correct and on point for the most part.

I haven't had a moment to respond to this thread from my computer, but will be back shortly and give a more detailed response.

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