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Messages - Kradie

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Leagues General / Re: Allowed modifications to league schemes
« on: June 04, 2021, 05:55 AM »
I have played a ZaR Ropers in TUS league, but that's only because my opponent agreed to it.

A ZaR Ropers, can easily last up to 20 minutes depending on map, as well as the player's rope & bazooka skills. Though, ZaR Ropers can end faster, which itself can also be a preferable option.

Imo,  people's attention span of today, is quite low. Example of this can be seen in youtube videos, tiktok, and removal of long movie introductions. People rather get to the point, get it over with, and move on to the next. This is where ZaR Ropers shine, games can be fast depending on map and skills, which is not a negative in itself.  Toss aside the crutches and shout ''I CAN DO THIS!''  :D

TUS Discussion / Re: @MonkeyIsland - Make a Discord server?
« on: June 03, 2021, 01:00 PM »
I think it is best to wait and see MonkeyIsland's input on this.

Without MI's recognition of this discord server, I will see it as unofficial.

TUS Discussion / Re: @MonkeyIsland - Make a Discord server?
« on: June 02, 2021, 04:07 AM »
I concur with Komito. I also would like to add that, SIBASA is in my honest opinion, is not the ideal choice to run TUS discord server. This is simply because of language barrier, & his lack of keen sense of understanding of communication, expression, & awareness, particularly in English. This is not a jab at SIBASA, he seem to be a good guy, he just wants to do right thing, and I am sure he is very capable in his own native language. But to take on a huge task managing a TUS discord server, as a infrastructure of TUS, he perhaps lack quality of language communication. This is why TUS staff excels, they know how to communicate, make unbiased decision to best of their ability. If I am wrong about SIBASA, surely then are we talking about instating him part of TUS staff? Well, either the case, I wouldn't mind if he is qualified. As longest it makes WA great....

Off Topic / Dual Monitors or Ultrawide?
« on: May 30, 2021, 07:35 PM »
Dual Monitor or Ultrawide? Which of these two in your opinion are the better option for you? Or just stick to one monitor?

Maps Comments / Map #18577, Tempature Heatmap RR by Big Billy
« on: May 30, 2021, 01:34 AM »
Hey you did it, you made a BIG RR map, good job man! :)

1. Summon Sudden Death with a tool.
2. Cancel Sudden Death with a tool.
3. Temporary Sudden Death X amount of minutes.
4. Firing something out of bounds comes from behind.
5. Clone your worm, clone worm acquires 50% of your worm.
6. Possess enemy worm for a X amount of seconds.
7. Immediately after firing a weapon (retreat or not), other player can move their worm.
8. Fire any weapons from a bazooka launcher, e.g: Donkey, HHG.
9. Multishot is limited by amount of values placed in options.
10. Upload own terrain, objects, backgrounds, and modify it in the level editor.
11. Collect mines & barrels with worms.
12. Worms have hats.
13. Draw land directly in game with a tool.
14. Air weapons can be summoned from the sides of the map.
15. Armageddon can be summoned from below.
16. Opt out to save replays, cancelling save replays if user joins other player.
17. Save replays off by default.
18. Bubbles, worm gets stuck in bubbles.
19. Bubbles can behave like a force field.
20. Bubble Gun.
21. Bubble Barrels, explodes, releases bubbles.
22. Some Worm hats, have own properties e.g: Auto parachute, lg, etc.

General discussion / Re: confusing of the rule KTL
« on: May 25, 2021, 01:36 PM »
I know for a fact based on my own experience, that Kill The Leader (KTL), is allowed, even if the leader is piled with the lowest health worm. If the host or anyone else, would get mad if you as a leader would pile their worm, even if it would endanger their participation of the game, then that's their own problem. Though, if anyone would pile a low health worm, it could be seen as a ''dick move'', but that's open to interpretation. Some just want to end the game fast, and some are genuinely not great people.

Off Topic / Re: Tetris community finally discovers finger roll
« on: May 18, 2021, 04:25 PM »
That's really cool. Didn't Masta play one time rope on WA with a Snes controller?

Could it be possible to rope just as good or even better with a controller?

Advanced, but also complicated and not possible ideas

1. Toggle on and off menu sounds.
2. Upload custom Worms Armageddon Themes.
3. Customizable in game backgrounds, terrains & skies.
4. Moving Fog/clouds that covers worms.
5. Auto Scatter Worms after each turn.
6. Adjust animation size of bullets.
7. Ridiculous damage size.
8. Inverted Arrows
9. Hide in game UI, & option to hide select UI elements.
10 Ultrawide Support.
11. Controller support.
12. Damaged area regenerates after turn, or x number of turns.
13. Build something with girder, and  move and place.
14. Girders can be placed anywhere, even in water.
15. Girders are can toggled to be fatter, & wider.
16. Placing girder on worm, makes worm immobilized.
17. Animals walk on water.
18. Worms can walk on water.
19. Water Rise CAN drown worms on water.
20 .Worms lose X amount of health on water.
21. Health pack can regenerate worm health per turn.
22. Pigeon works under water.
23. Dropping something in water, falls down above.
24. Earthquake only affect enemy team.
25. Scale of Injustice, removes 50% health of opposing team to your own.
26. Touching enemy worm, transmits poison to your worm.
27. Poisoned worm, can infect anyone it touches.
28. Tab, can also toggle weapons.
29. Selecting weapons with shortcut keys, shows thumbnail on middle of screen.
30. Animals passes through allies.
31. Animal retreat, cancel animal attack.

« on: May 11, 2021, 04:52 AM »
Hello there

Here you can download ZAR Mega Pack. The pack contains: ZaR Schemes, maps, hosting instructions, & Worms World Party Remastered rope sound. Instruction on how to install WWPR are in the pack.

Total size of the pack is 24.50mb.

ZaR Roper, ZaR Zero, Xtreme ZaR, Xtreme Water ZaR, WzW (w2w), Water ZaR, TeleZaR, Pro ZaR, Holy ZaR, HangZaR, Double ZaR, CaveZaR, BIG ZAR RR, 1831 ZaR, AND, Xtreme Pro Water Death Cave Hang ZaR Zero! ''Whew'' :D

WzW, Unreleased WxW, Unreleased Ropers, Bunch of Roper maps, CaveZaR Maps, Double ZaR Maps, 10 BIG RR Maps (family friendly). Xtreme ZaR, & Xtreme CaveZaR maps.

Have fun :)

ZaR / ZaR Roper Map Pack 2
« on: May 11, 2021, 04:28 AM »

dt / Re: Who already got the shot?
« on: May 11, 2021, 01:21 AM »
I found the discord incident quite uncomfortable at times due to the relentless bombardment from a select people. Indeed I tried to share and address my concern in a calm and civilized manner, but it was often met with immaturity, and toxic tribal thinking & attacks, often in a repetitive pattern. This inevitable lead to counter attacks on my side, which I am not very proud of to be honest. This sort of degradation is only recognizable in kindergarten.
The most ironic part of this incident is, I was called a trash loser repeatedly by a woman, who I a eventually referred to as a beach. Because of this, I was labeled as a sexist. How messed up is that? Only an SJW would believe this garbage.

It is True, I like Trump, but doesn't make me, and all of the 75 million voters, and Trump supporters around the globe a  nazi, fascist, and whatever more labels you have for us. Labels are political tool, to disenfranchise people, and their right to have & voice their opinion. The label wars, only promotes fear, and help exclude people from society. This is what FoxHound & TheKomodo are doing now. They feel that they are in control, because they believe I am in their box of toxic labels. This makes them feel superior, typically to avoid dialogue, and also eligible to carry out their heinous interpretation of meta political justice, while being the chastising arbiter of evil.

People who think Trump is a fascist are simply brainwashed by MSM, which I said earlier, leans heavily on the left.

Most historian leans left, so I recommend everyone to look up Giovanni Gentile, & Antonio Gramsci.
Also, please watch this video:
Be warned, SJWs, and the left will tell you this is dangerous.

Here is a Media Meltdown of Trump's 2016 victory

Here's my man AwakenwithJP. He's a comedian, but sadly his videos are true :D

The thing with the LEFT, is that they victimize people, make people weak, keep them there, and profit of off their misery with their politics. This is why America is so divided. If you ask me, the true racist are people on the left. After all, the left created the KKK.

And now we have this corona profiteering.... Sigh....

dt / Re: Who already got the shot?
« on: May 06, 2021, 11:08 PM »

Take a look here, if YOU can.

I really hope you understood that this is a joke video, right? Or are you that dumb to take this shit serious? Reading all the absurds you wrote on your conspiracy thesis, I really hope you are not that dumb and all we are reading here is a big joke only.

I made a gif of a part of this video. I laughed many times watching it.

So this is all but a joke to you huh? Alright then. Unfortunately it isn't. Sorry to disappoint you. If it makes you feel better, label me, put me in your box.

dt / Re: Who already got the shot?
« on: May 06, 2021, 08:46 PM »
You keep posting racist, fascist, conspiracy-theory bullshit. So long as you keep doing that, I'm going to keep calling it like I see it.
You have the right to say that, but I strongly disagree. I think personally, you are overreacting.

If you can do the courtesy to help me, walk me through what exactly in my posts are racist, fascist, and so on, then that could be useful.  If you choose not to, then that's okay. I just don't see much point to make an account, just to follow someone around on a forum to make snide remarks.

dt / Re: Who already got the shot?
« on: May 06, 2021, 06:53 PM »
This post doesn't aim to infringe  safety rules applying during the pandemic situation. Take it with a huge grain of salt.

As time moves on, covid pass will branch out to other digital mediums; bank, paypal, visa, passport, and so on. It would be basically a digital/biological passport. Why not get a chip in your neck then? Does this sound far fetched? Crazy?

You are misinformed on the medical aspects of this pandemic.

I can respect your disagreement on the way this pandemic is currently handled. I think you're flying off the cuff on your future prediction, but I won't pretend I can look into the future myself.

I cannot respect your opinion on vaccines because it is woefully misinformed and dangerous. This type of misinformation is the reason polio is still not eradicated and there are still plenty of people suffering as a result of childhood infection well into their adult life because of it. Look up what post polio syndrome is for more information.
Tbh, the fact that they are talking about vaccination passport for events is because of this type of misinformation leading to people not getting vaccinated.

This misinformation therefore leads to a longer effect of the pandemic and therefore longer lockdowns, longer restrictions etcetera. In other words, by spreading misinformation, you are the cause of your own fears coming true.
Vaccinations work. Time and time again, they prove themselves to work. What the hell do people need to know before they start believing basic facts?

None of the prediction I present here are far fetched. I predicted a year ago passports would become a thing. Now Governments around the globe, are discussing what more these passport can do.

In my opinion, disinformation, is a political weapon, meant to disarm and rob people of their beliefs, values, and other claims, in favor of a preferred and controlled narrative.

You continuously claim that what I claim is dangerous and wrong. Have you ever stopped to think about what you are sharing is basically the same? And that YOU are the catalyst of freedom fighters?

You do realize, that after approximately 70 year of influenza research, there has yet not been an effective vaccine against it. Unfortunately and yet understandably, this can be a reason why it is difficult to make an effective vaccine against Covid-19. Influenza virus has existed for millions of years. 

Polio may not be completely gone, but the same goes to Dengue-Virus, HIV, and Ebola. How on earth, can we produce a working vaccine against Covid-19 so fast? Plenty of variation and mutation are to come, and people will keep on getting their new fix.  It is basically corona profiteering. Big Pharma, have already devoured billions of dollars on FIRST DOSE ALONE. Who are the real winners here? None, it is an effective business strategy, not worth giving up.

Take a look here, if YOU can.

Of course noone wanted to pass for this pandemic shit, but if not with vaccines, what would be the other way to loses less lifes by the time?

thats the point too.
If we don't take the vaccine against Covid-19, what else is there to do? The answer here won't be so easy to digest, but I will try to elaborate a subjective answer.

One of the biggest obstacles of today are the MSM (Mainstream Media). Typically, MSM are more left leaning focused, and will label anyone that disagrees with them as far right extremists, & Nazis. Million of people in London marched for humanity's freedom on April 24th. Some, perhaps all? Were labeled as Extremists & Nazis by the MSM, heck, they barely covered it, just a blimp. That says quite a lot how divisive the media can be? Is it not allowed to have independent thoughts and beliefs? Should people be scolded and labeled if they don't think and do alike as other people? Why would anyone in their right mind favor medical tyranny over freedom?

MSM's role during this pandemic, have been to distill fear in millions of people, quite effectively too. But is it their will? Is there a profit? Don't know, but it is immoral and evil. They interview health experts, Government official, show statistic and graphs, just to keep you locked in fear as a law abiding citizen. They don't want you to know about ivermectin, which is also effective against Covid-19. They don't tell you because they wish for you to remain infantile and reliant on their narrative.

But what is the Covid-19 narrative? One of these things has to do with the carbon footprint that human leave behind. The pandemic, conveniently (imo), have stopped the normal flow of air travel, and vehicle traffic. You may have noticed depending on where you live, that cities are slowly making it impossible to operate motorized vehicles. This is done so that people must rely on, their feet, bicycles and electric scooters. Ergo, in a decade or so, cars, and aerial commercial travel may as well be a thing of the past. Unfortunately, this may not apply for aristocrats. They will still be their good old complacent greedy self, preach, shame, and travel with jets and limousine. While the rest of us live by their strict rules and guidelines, such as: curfews, social distancing, sanitizing, and use of face masks.
The face mask is becoming a cultural norm like a hijab or burka, where the mask becomes less about protection, but not just a symbol suppression & compliance, but also a part of the cultural fashion.

As a species, we are being institutionalized, but not just as a prison inmates & slaves, but as a horde of cattle & sheep waiting for new instructions, and fix of new labels and dosage of placebo vaccine. It is easier to choose what is convenient, when consensus as a collective are spoon fed fear and propaganda. This can be a reason why that some people choose to get themselves vaccinated, they may have faith in it, but foremost; to be a obsequious citizen, in a ongoing segregated society.

These vaccine against Covid-19 and its various future adaption, will further segregate humanity. You may have already heard e.g that: neighbors, random citizen, and surveillance technology and such, will alert a gestapo like force to arrest anyone who disobey and resist the established order. These practices are only going to intensify as more people submit to the authoritarian and panopticon system. It is basically like a prison system, if you fall out of line, you will be sent to the hole. The rest of the people are aware of what happens, but does nothing, quite like Auschwitz. This is why being institutionalized is so dangerous. Eventually, the means justify the ends, because fear trumps all reasons if the right narrative is applied.

So what is the right answer? What is the clear solution? In my honest opinion. Live life as you would normally do. People die, life's a bitch, and you keep on living. Even if you take the vaccine, you will have to wear masks, follow the dystopian rules in some places, heck, maybe even two masks? Look, I know it is scary, even a child is afraid to check under their bed, or closet in fear that there may be a monster lurking there. In the end, they find the courage to look, and there is no monsters.....

Also, Squirminator2k keeps offending.

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