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Messages - WTF-8

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 36
Promotion Project / Re: How to get WA back in the focus
« on: May 22, 2019, 06:57 PM »
Why do you take any criticism as big evil?

You need to move past shite like replay save files
Excuse me, what? How would I do gifs then? And how would a league function without replays? You're not going to say "just record the games", right?

I'm afraid to say that you are way off track here. Recording third-party software records video! A video file generated by a third-party software has no value to the community. Why?

1. The file size is large.
2. Not even %1 of the gamers will ever bother with recording their game. Not to mention if their machine is suited for such task.
3. It is only a video. No processing can be done on a video file.

What is a replay file?
The game itself records user inputs such as keyboard strokes, mouse movements/clicks etc. When the replay file is opened, the game simply plays it as if user inputs are coming off the recorded replay.

1. File sizes are small.
2. Game auto saves the replay file. The process happens in game and would be tiny. That allows us to ask anyone to provide their match replay.
3. Replay file could store what external modules the user might be using while playing. (catching cheaters)

the game needs to move with times
Yet you suggest moving backwards by cutting functionality.

Leagues General / Re: What the hell happened?
« on: May 22, 2019, 02:16 PM »
how instal WA at Windows 10
the same way as on any other Windows

Promotion Project / Re: How to get WA back in the focus
« on: May 22, 2019, 12:21 PM »
new versions come out it gives new content to stream
You seem to imagine the difference between the latest version and Team17 WormNET1's lowest allowed version,, bigger than it is. Content (maps, schemes, flags, ...) has always been community's responsibility; is the last version I remember that heavily expanded the possibilities for content, because big maps.

The "Keep everyone on latest version" way definitely has reasons behind it, but wouldn't that make the Elite Caste of Streamers appear even more disconnected from normal players, who'd be kicked simply because they have a different version that barely matters?

And don't bring up 4.0,
Work on it hasn't even begun
, especially when the much more likely 3.8 superfails its deadline.

Realistically speaking Backwards compatibility should not be a thing.
Replay files.

@WTF - no issue with you shooting down ideas
I'd say I merely voiced my concerns on certain points.

with being popular because it's the last version that works with Project X
Yet PX isn't anywhere as popular as; when I was playing PX on public hosts, I've only seen the same familiar faces again and again. I dunno, maybe they want to be on the same version as HostingBuddy, imagining this gives the least desynch chance. Or go "I'll try PX... someday" but procrastinate to.

Promotion Project / Re: How to get WA back in the focus
« on: May 21, 2019, 10:14 PM »
Everyone will need the same version
You'll miss a chance to showcase backwards compatibility!
On a serious note, I don't think last few old versions miss something super important that'd require banning them. It's also not a good idea if planning interactions with randoms in-game, as is rather popular for some reason.
I'm also assuming that and will be treated as one version, because AFAIK .2 is exclusive to Steam and doesn't have noticeable changes.

graphics turned on all the bells and whistles
I imagine blackground is pretty common among high level players, following the stereotype of pros disabling everything to reduce lag and distruptivity of visual effects. But yeah, it shouldn't cause major inconvenience in W:A.

Everyone who signs up to have a gaming Twitter page
People will also need a Twitch account and stream the game
I am talking 20-50 people
Sounds like an unrealistic goal in this small community.

Notify MonkeyIsland so he can fix it?

Here's the list of missing maps sorted by author alphabetically. If you have any of them, please send them to me.

General discussion / Re: 3.8
« on: May 15, 2019, 10:51 AM »
This was announced earlier today:
if this means HB and WormNAT finally became usable, I hope it'd also be announced somewhere where more people can see it

now only if it was possible to notify everyone who left because of the lag

General discussion / Re: whos online?
« on: April 30, 2019, 08:12 PM »
would you rather have those 120 visitors idle on snoopers?

General discussion / Re: Writing coloured text in game room
« on: March 18, 2019, 09:22 AM »
private messages only, WormNET and lobby
\k = Black
\b = Blue
\B = Brown
\n = Gray
\g = Green
\P = Pink
\p = Light Pink
\r = Red
\w = White
\y = \R = Yellow
\u = start Underline (compatible with any color)
\U = end Underline
\x = ignore subsequent color tags until line break & display them as text

for /h2so4: reminder that it messes up transparent (alt+del) infodisplay above blue team worms

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.8.7.2
« on: March 10, 2019, 01:59 PM »
new version is uploaded

Other worms games / Re: What is your favorite 3D Worms Game?
« on: March 02, 2019, 05:09 PM »
> 2019
> starting to mod Forts

stop it's already dead
if it ever was alive to begin with

Off Topic / Re: What are your thoughts on euthanasia & suicide?
« on: February 27, 2019, 11:47 PM »
<Neo-Tokyo> wouldnt you say suicide is a permenant solution to a temporary problem?
<`[6]> I'm a Buddhist, I'd say suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem.

Maps / Re: Big RR mega pack
« on: February 10, 2019, 08:12 PM »
Does that include Tower RR maps or Big RR maps with TTRR sections or whatever, or is that just pure Big RR maps?

both DC & CS have expressed the motivation to provide incremental update after the release of 3.8
Now it seems you're just saying things to say them. CS told us long time ago he's basically not even working on a game anymore.
It is really demotivating to implement a feature or even bugfix, then see it waste away for years in a row in secret alpha builds that only a few people see.

We are in agreement, though, that we need to get back to releasing updates frequently. Hopefully this can become reality instead of another "when it's done" deadlock :)

Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon 3.8.0 changelog sneak peek
« on: February 01, 2019, 12:13 AM »
Quote from: basically everybody
Well, it's settled. Update delayed until December 31, 2022. Pack it up, boys! I'm sure all 7 people still playing W:A by then will find the wait worthwhile.

Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon 3.8.0 changelog sneak peek
« on: January 29, 2019, 08:23 PM »
If a team uses a lot of super weapons and causes a lot of damage and kills, but also takes a very long time to perform their turns, then they can actually achieve both the Most Entertaining Team and Most Boring Team awards at the same time!
I'd assume worm-specific awards work the same way

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