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Messages - TheKomodo

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You get the picture. Like you said, using the points first is a better approach.


It really depends who played who... The reason why we have both points and win % is because they sort of go hand in hand to dictate who played better.

It's also different when comparing an individual scheme and multiple schemes.

You can have more points, with a lower win % because you played players you have or haven't beat at specific schemes...

Ideally, you would use both as a measurement to find out which player is more deserving, but to keep things simple, using points is better.

Leagues General / Re: Leagues Rules
« on: April 26, 2024, 08:11 PM »
I think there should be a rule if you play on custom terrain the map MUST be converted to png. Because if not people without the module can't watch the replay and the map isnt visible on game page!

some players prefer em not to be converted cuz the "league rules" say so (mutual agreement inbetween players ?????)

I have to clarify here, Lupastic isn't sharing the right information.

The league rules DO NOT say anything about custom terrains or custom terrains being converted. There is no rule that says anything about maps cannot be converted.

It's a personal preference for ME because maps converted to PNG look different to normal and I prefer normal, I don't like having to squint my eyes on PNG backgrounds when lining up BnG shots, that shit actually physically hurts when you do it long enough.

What I believe Lupastic is referring to is this general rule for players agreeing on maps:

Both players/clans need to agree on the map.

There is no rule or rules stating which maps are and aren't considered "valid" however there is a general rule that dictates you can refuse a map for any reason you want.

I think you mean the most points, not the best winning percentage, because people can have more points than other people with a lower winning percentage. The best example I can think of is Piki, Husk and Jago in the overall Darts standings:

Nah, I did mean highest win % however thinking about it yeah it's better to be using the points first, THEN win % to decide who makes the cut.

Though I don't know what the problem is with your example?

Piki - 257 played - 50.19% - 1,488

Husk - 86 played - 46.51% - 1,408

Jago - 76 played - 39.47% - 1,172

Piki has both more points and highest win %
Husk has 2nd most points and 2nd highest win %
Jago has 3rd most points and 3rd highest win %

What were you trying to prove there?

Ideally, having a win % wouldn't be such an issue...

Though, when you have a small handful of top players, and the rest are sort of average, this is what happens. If we had enough top players it would be fine everyone playing each other.

If we have no win % required, and that they only need to play the right amount of games, then all you do is if 13 people have more than 30 games played, the 8 with the best win % make the Playoffs, that seems fair!

This new league is a bit of an overkill atm. Even with win% removed, there's no 8 people that played 30+ games.

Alround and Free aren't any better, but at least players have variety of schemes to choose from.

If money didn't help, hardly anything will.

I'm not sure what issue you have exactly :D

For me personally TRL turned out even better than expected, and next Season is setup to be even better! All we needed was 4 players to reach playoffs, even by ONLY games played, and we smashed that, 4 legit players making the playoffs by both existing requirements, there will probably be 8 if we get rid of the win % requirement.

If more than 8 players make PO then it's the 8 with the highest win % - Simples!


They've asked not to reveal their name but someone from WA got in contact, and is actually going to sponsor the TRL League stuff I'm doing via their business, so long as I run a couple adverts for their business during TRL streams, they are adding another £100 to the prize pool for the next season. (Might increase over time).

So next Season, Season 33, there will be a £200 prize pool split between the top 3 players.

I always said I'd never sellout for adverts, but I'm quite happy to do it when I am not receiving the profits and the profits go to the players and the community!

You know, it doesn't usually bring me any satisfaction when people say "You can't do that" or "It won't work" and then it does happen and/or it does work... But this time it genuinely feels satisfying because it's not for myself!

It's a great way to stick the middle finger up and yell "LOOK HOW MUCH FUN WE'RE HAVING BWAHAHAHAHA!".

I agree, walrus for president!

With 4 days remaining the first season of Multi-TRL, 4 players have successfully met the requirements to play in the Playoffs:

It would be nice to have 8 players.

What is your general opinion if 4 others reach the games played requirement of 30, even with a lower win % we could let them into Playoffs as well?

Also, nice announcement for the next Season of TRL during the podcast this Sunday! Stay tuned!

Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« on: April 25, 2024, 05:56 PM »
As long as a for example a trick race challenge replay can't be voided because a mexican swoosh was performed by accident instead of a swoosh (unless it is clearly stated in the description of the challenge that a mexican swoosh doesn't count as swoosh) I don't have an issue. We seem to have a fundamental disagreement about the importance how rope tricks look to determine what that trick is and that's fine. If I was abrasive, difficult or a smart ass at points in the discussion I apologize.

Yeah, to be honest, it's pretty cool that we even have different ways of measuring these things. People have different ways of interpreting things, so the good thing is, you have a method you like, I have a method I like, we both together know and understand both methods and their differences so we can still agree on any particular event with absolute certainty and award judgement accordingly.

Sorry if I came across as a pain as well, but thanks for sticking in there and helping us out!

Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« on: April 25, 2024, 04:38 PM »
I'm asking you to be on the latest version of the game, press Shift + 0 + 9 and take an extra 5-10 seconds to check rare edge cases. You are asking me to always be unsure if I actually did a trick and having to restart mid-game to check. You are asking a lot more of me than I am asking of you.

Wait what?

You're asking me to take an extra 5-10 seconds to check, but somehow I'm asking more of you? How is something that takes longer actually faster lol? You're the one asking ME to do more, something that takes longer, and isn't as common.

It takes longer than 5-10 seconds because... You do realize that in Darts you don't have a rope shooting either direction as a signal right? So if the rope looks like it's on the wrong side we have to check anyway, and we want to check using frame by frame, not super slow motion tweening method.

How long it takes aside, why would you be unsure if the method I use is simple to understand and clear/visible to see? I don't believe you are "unsure" as you understood perfectly enough how I measure it to debate about it and specifically explain the difference between the methods.

Your measurement method takes slightly longer and requires an extra step as opposed to skipping to the time and just skipping frame by frame.

Not to mention it's not how long it takes that's important it's what you actually see, and as I've said before, your method involves "tweening". What you are seeing is something that's been added to the game more recently, which is why the method I use is more traditional, historic and authentic.

On the bright side, this is something that you are only ever going to have to use on very few occasions, and on those occasions it's up to the moderators of the event to decide which way to use so they can do it however they like.

Triad and I have decided that for Darts Challenges and dS Stuff we're going to do it the way we've mentioned. Interestingly enough, the result is the same in the end than if we did it your way anyway since the frame you personally think of as a swoosh is something we allow now anyway.

When it comes to Darts at least, you would have to check either way since you don't have the rope shoot direction to even see if it was an arch or a mexi. It just makes more sense to me this way.

Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« on: April 25, 2024, 04:00 PM »
In this case you can't see the grenade touching the wall. In your view does this mean the bounce doesn't count and that the red team didn't win the game? It looks like the grenade was repulsed by a magnetic force, perhaps you would like to say it was repulsed instead of bounced in this case? The replay is attached.

You can hear bounce off the wall and you can see that it changed direction.

Not sure what you are trying to achieve here other than trying to be a smartarse now?

We don't judge "tricks" with grenades or how they hit, we just use them to hit. It's not as relevant HOW they hit, unless you play BnG with rules like no sitters, but do you know what I mean?

A scenario where two players are playing trick race:
*Player 1 does a swoosh after 10 minutes of trying*
Player 2: That was kind of close to the edge, let's close the game and look at the replay frame by frame to make sure it wasn't a mexican swoosh.
*Turns out it was a mexican swoosh*
Player 2: You must try to do it again, you didn't do a swoosh. Now let's start the game, teleport back to our old positions and resume playing.
This is unreasonable and cumbersome to me. This scenario is one practical reason for why I'm arguing against the notion that how it looks is what counts. It's so this doesn't become the way we have to do things, as you say f that.

Do you think I have pity for 2 players who can't do a pretty easy enough move after 10 minutes of trying in a Trick Race lol? Sounds like they need to get better lol.

Try harder though Masta. It's not a good enough example to change my mind, the way I measure it is still more practical in my opinion.

If it's so bad, then just do what Triad and I did, allow mexican swooshes to count as swooshes. The way you do it is unreasonable and cumbersome to me, it literally takes longer to check it your way than my way. At least if you are watching in slow motion waiting to see the rope angle if you don't have access to TA.

Technically speaking we ARE actually using the information you reminded us of though, just in a different way from what you want, it was useful though, thanks!

If you ARE trying to convince me otherwise though, tackle it with this approach... Don't tell me what's more practical for YOU, think of something that would appeal to ME.

Right now, I see zero actual problems with doing it your way OR my way, they are both valid ways of measuring, it's just that the way I do it is more comfortable, feels more natural, it's faster to check for me personally etc. It also feels more traditional, historic and authentic to me.

The way you do it, you couldn't even check with the original game. So if you want to convince me you're going to have to think of something that appeals to me, not you since this is based on opinion.

Oh, one more thing!

Don't worry about it anyway, if you want to make a trick race and ALLOW it, then you are free to allow it in that Trick Race, you can say "This is what is considered a genune swoosh in this challenge" then define it any way you want.

Leagues General / Re: TRL Season 33 - Strategic Scheme Poll
« on: April 25, 2024, 05:21 AM »

5 days left to vote!

Leagues General / Re: TRL Season 33 - Physical Scheme Poll
« on: April 25, 2024, 05:21 AM »

5 days left to vote!

Leagues General / Re: TRL Season 33 - Artillery Scheme Poll
« on: April 25, 2024, 05:21 AM »

5 days left to vote!

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #242004, reported by Lupastic
« on: April 25, 2024, 02:41 AM »
what you linked there doesn't answer the questions though.. neither the terrains, nor converting to PNG is mentioned there, that's why I asked here.

It does answer the question Lupastic, it says specifically, "Both players/clans need to agree on the map.".

I'm not sure if you're aware but that means you can disagree for any reason, it means if they don't all agree on the map, then you can't use it, period. Regardless how the map is made, whether you made it, whether someone else made it.

I don't see why you don't understand this? The way it's written covers ANY reason to refuse a map. Which is why I said when we pick TTRR you can request a different map, something that you feel comfortable playing on, and that I'd rather not pick TTRR anyway since Zalo doesn't like it, but we were trying to save time.

You said Bo1 at first anyway, then changed your mind... I've openly stated I hate playing Bo3 games but I had no problem doing it for your clanner since you were in a rush anyway.

Then Zalo had to go anyway and we didn't get to play ours LOL! Which is fine by me we can play again later, it was a little annoying but stuff like this happens and we'll see you another day it's ok.

doesn't the original picker of the scheme decide if they wanna use wkterrains or not, convert it to PNG or not? since u cannot beg for it forever to be changed again and again.. sure if someone has problems with the map size, shape, format etc, that can be discussed. but wkterrains do have freedom to be picked I guess - at least that's what I thought so far. and I have never seen anyone asking not to convert the map to PNG, and manually place 100% objects on the map beforehand.. this only helps the map to be better quality. and that is not called mutually agreeing to something, it's called one player complains as long as the other changes it to sth suitable.. but my original question is: is this even legit, as one player is not the picker of the scheme?

Well for starters, custom terrains are not part of the official game, you need a module to use them, you cannot force people to use things which aren't even features of the standard game.

At least you have the option to use them with other people who like using them.

As for PNG maps, my personal reason for refusing to use PNG maps that have been converted like this is because the background has weird colours and changes how the destroyed soil is displayed on screen when you use the background that I use.

I've been playing default schemes the exact same way for over 20 years using the exact same background, that's what my eyes are used to, that's how I'm used to judging destroyed soil for pixel perfect shots and bounces. Then people started using this background in BnGs and it was affecting some of my shots because I couldn't see things the way they used to be and it was offputting to me I couldn't get used to it. So I stopped playing them.

Now, I cannot remember this word for word but Sensei said he likes using PNG only when he plays BnG and other schemes because it helps him see the destroyed soil better. So clearly there are people who have issues either way. It's a shame we can't have both, so you can use PNG map and I can see it as normal.

Anyway, those 2 issues that I have with custom terrains and PNG converted maps are issues that not everyone has, which is why it's optional to agree or disagree on the map. The point is that, if anyone isn't happy with the map choice, they have the right to refuse to play.

Now, if it's 2 fresh picks and you have first pick and you have 1 scheme and 1 map in mind to play and someone refuses, then you can just abandon the match and play someone else. If you've already played their pick, and then they refuse your map, if you aren't happy you can report a free win make a complaint I guess. Though if your opponent has a valid reason for refusing the map then it's likely you will have to pick another map and play the match anyway.

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #242004, reported by Lupastic
« on: April 25, 2024, 01:18 AM »
btw: are there any rules on the site/within the league about having the freedom to pick wkterrains? can someone force you to pick standard terrains only, even if its not their pick? what about converting maps to PNG, so you can seed full objects on the map? when it's your pick you can pick any terrains and convert it to PNG, nope?

I'm not talking about the maps in general, nor their shape, only asking about the terrains and converting/not converting them

Both players/clans need to agree on the map.

I've told you this before and I'm not sure why you don't believe me when it's directly from this page:

^^ Section 4 under 'Proceeding'.

This means you can refuse any map you want for many reasons, including, but not limited to:

It's too complex. It's too simple. It's custom terrain. It's PnG converted. It's too big. It's too small. It's uneven. It's biased. You know they've played it before. You just don't like how it looks...

Yes, you can play with custom terrains if both players/clans/parties are happy, but if someone says no, then just change it and find something you're both happy with.

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