May 01, 2024, 09:58 PM

a2b Weekly Tournament - Friday 23 March 21:00 GMT

Tournament #344, Viewed 1648 Time(s)

Basic Information
Chile Dead
4.75 / 5
Total Members Voted: 4
47 minutes
Name: a2b Weekly Tournament - Friday 23 March 21:00 GMT
Type: Public
Game type: 1vs1
Created: March 18, 2012, 07:46 PM

Tournament scheme(s): scheme a2bng
Click on the book to download the scheme. Click on the scheme name to view the scheme page.

Signups time: March 23, 2012, 09:00 PM


++++a2b Weekly BnG Tournament - Friday 23 March 9:00pm GMT++++

I got a new job so i had to change the time. I cant host it this saturday either  because ill celebrate my birthday that night so I also changed this one for friday.

Get your drinks and met in the channel of parties.

Channel: #Party Time

1 vs. 1 knockout style

a2b rules and a2b scheme to be used ONLY.

Remember a2b now includes Shotgun with infinite ammo and 1 star power, for use correcting hides or opening yourself so you have a better angle.

a2b Rules:

# No straight bazooka shots.
# No sitters.
# No repeat shots.

    * If you hit someone for 34 HP or less with a shot, you can't use that same shot again until you have either hit them with a different one, or you or they have moved.
    * If you hit someone for 35 HP or more with a shot, you can't use that same shot again until either you or they have moved.

# No 5 second grenades unless used with low gravity or max bounce
# All shots should be aimed to explode on impact with the opponents worm.
# Re-aim the crosshair between every turn, regardless of whether you landed a hit last turn or not.
# Don't teleport too close to your opponent's worm (try to stay at least half the map away).
# No notching unless you can't help it (ie, your perfect aim is 1 or 2 taps off vertical).
# No telecides (teleporting on your opponent when you have low health in order to inflict grave damage on them).
# No defensive girders, only use girders for bouncing nades.
# No Darksiding - You are not allowed to use a hide where you cannot aim directly at your opponent - If you are pushed into a hide and all you can do is zook/bank grenades, you may attempt up to 3 return shots and if any are successful you must move immediately to a hide where you have a direct angle to shoot towards your opponent, this prevents players hiding in such a way that their opponent has no means of a direct shot giving the "darksider" an unfair advantage.




Bronze Match




Shifty (slacker)
Shifty (slacker)

Author Topic: Tournament #344: a2b Weekly Tournament - Friday 23 March 21:00 GMT  (Read 1999 times)

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.

Offline Dead

Opened, sing up

When there's no more room in hell, the Dead will walk the earth.

Offline l7cx1Cl

bring it :)

Offline Shifty

so...who am i playing?
[Slacker`l3x] dude
[MIGHTY`tanerR] they are retarded
[MIGHTY`tanerR] dont worry
[MIGHTY`tanerR] f@#! u
[Devilagel3x`ea] f@#! u two n@#!!!
[Devilagel3x`ea] and f@#! ur 2 worm
[MIGHTY`tanerR] my left nut hurts for some reason
[MIGHTY`tanerR] these two are noobs
[MIGHTY`tanerR] feel the powa of my nutsack
[Slacker`l3x] gird me
[Slacker`l3x] wtf
[l3x`HusH`rOd] taner never helps
[MIGHTY`tanerR] slacker
[MIGHTY`tanerR] find me a better opponent

Offline Prankster

TUS tournament system on it's finest again :D
Dead you should think about a different system, and do it the good old way. I can help you making the fixings if you need :)

Hf, I'm sorry that I can't make it tonight :(

For some odd reason, the Bo3 final between Coste and me is taking a little longer, so it seems we'll finish it tomorrow or some time over the weekend. We're at 1:1, so is it okay if we report it as 1:1 now and then update the score when we've played the final round? Will the tourney page let us do that?

Now we may remain upnosed. I mean you.
Darn boomerangs!
<Ramone> we're just nicknames
<Ramone> isn't that sad..

<Johnny`> !fart
* Johnny` has farted out 0 Scoville units.
<Johnny`> Sonova

My W:A related channel:

Offline Dead

Slacker didnt play bronze match, so no bronze winner, can you fix it Monkey Island?

Grats KRD you did it! :D

When there's no more room in hell, the Dead will walk the earth.

Offline MonkeyIsland

Did slacker play any game at all?
If not, I can make this an 8-player tourney so Dead vs wormf00d in bronze match, or should I just close it?
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline Dead

Slacker didnt play any game, so just close... no bronze winner ;)

When there's no more room in hell, the Dead will walk the earth.