Challenges > Challenges

Challenge #796, DFW Challenge

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There are also other techniques that could be explored to speedrun this map. For example, using the dynamites without the baseball bat the way you were doing at the beginning when you were using v3.7 with RubberWorm. The dynamites could push the Stoned and the Driver to the hospital together. Another thing that could potentially work is to make Driver go get LG at the hospital first, use sheep launcher to go back to Boat on the same turn and use bat with LG at stoned to make it land on the hospital without using the dynamite. That's why there's a possibility to end this map in 6 min using tool assist.

One thing that is almost impossible to a human make without tool Assist, but could also work: use rope + super nana to make Driver go home really fast, skipping all that long ninja rope return part. This was tested and I think it's only really possible with TA. Driver can reach the flower branch or the GG missile spot with the Super Nana.

Obs: the reason DFW did not have teleport to go home is that usually when you give a ride to someone by car, you have to go back home alone. Roping home would add a bit more of Rope Race to the scheme, make players explore the map (and its graphics and details) in a different way (~100% of it using Driver) and still keep this aspect of being the driver, afterall the first prototype map name is "Ride to the Hospital".  The updated graphics version of the map transformed it really into a city.

1 day and a few hours left to end this challenge.

Congratulations to Danger135 for winning this challenge with an impressive time and also to Pinkman that took second place with a very good time, hard to achieve. You guys rock! Thank you very much for playing this challenge so bravely! This is not an easy challenge and to create it, it took more than one year of testings and work. sbs and I really apreciate your efforts.

I would like to also announce that Danger135 is winner 3 times. The official winner of the main category challenge (with extended deadline), winner for beating the map with an alternative ending (separate category) and also winner of the main category with the original deadline of 1 month. So I uploaded an honor medal as an attachment of this comment, because it's not possible to give Danger this medal with the TUS system. I also would like to give the Bronze medal to Danger. If could be possible, I really would like to remove the Bronze medal from my profile to give it to Danger135.

Thanks again guys!!!


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