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Author Topic: Electric Cigarettes  (Read 6716 times)

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Electric Cigarettes
« on: June 24, 2011, 08:53 AM »
I should have made this post ages ago but didnt have the motivation. I speak to people almost on a daily basis about these things as I use one and people are curious as to what I am smoking.

I'll try and keep this short and to the point. Do you smoke? Do you want to quit smoking or at least transfer to a FAR, FAR, FAR healthier way of getting your nicotine? The e cig is a god send, it really is a miracle invention and if you are a smoker it will probably be one of the best decisions of your life, this is no overstatement.

What are e cigs? Electric cigarettes are an alternative way of getting your nicotine in a remarkably similar way to traditional cigs. The difference is that e cigs heat up various flavoured "juices" with nicotine in them. Nothing burns, so there is no smoke. This means there is no tar and no carcinogens. This means you do not endanger your health. There are a huge variety of flavours you can buy, from tobacco flavours to coffee, ice cream, chocolate and fruit flavours (im puffing on a beautiful vanilla as I type). The number of different flavours is in the thousands and is ever increasing, thus there is always something new to try and the experience never gets dull. The liquids can be bought in a variety of nicotine strengths to suit your needs, they go right down to 0mg.

But what is this "e cig" like to smoke? It is beautiful to smoke. You get the same raspy harshness and hit at the back of the throat as you do with regular cigarettes, in fact the nicotine hit is even more apparent with the e cig. Its also all that more satisfying exhaling a huge cloud of white "smoke" with the knowledge that it isnt smoke and it isnt full of things that are going to harm you and those around you. The sensation of using an e cig is better than that of a traditional cigarette. Health benefits aside, the e cig is far more enjoyable to smoke and the experience is so much smoother. Even if normal cigs were harmless, I would still choose the e cig as it is so much more pleasant to use.

This is a truly life enhancing product and as an ex smoker I can honestly describe the device as a miracle in literal terms. If you are a smoker and want to stop then this is what you need. Even if you dont want to stop smoking, making the transition from traditional cigarettes to electric ones will probably be the most important decision of your life. Remember it isnt only your own life you play with by smoking, you also put the lives of everyone who cares about you in jeopardy. This thing is BETTER than smoking, you get all the enjoyment of puffing out clouds of smoke and getting your nicotine hit WITHOUT all the bad stuff!


- Cheaper (Initial investment is substantial, from there on look forward to having a fatter wallet)
- Tastier
- More fun
- Fingers dont stink
- Breath doesnt stink (hey ladies)!
- Room doesnt stink
- Clothes dont stink
- Teeth are not stained
- Breathe better
- Taste Better
- Become stronger
- Fitness level rises
- More energy
- Better skin
- Tar leaves the lungs
- Feel better
- No risk of giving yourself cancer
- No risk of giving those around you cancer
- You dont wake up in the morning with a bucket load of phlegm to cough out in the shower
- Can be used anywhere
- Good talking point


- The initial investment is quite expensive (although 50 quid for a life saving device doesnt seem that unreasonable to be honest)
- Changing batteries (every morning I replace it with one that has been on charge, you get 2 with the starter kit)
- Gets boring explaining to people what you are smoking
- Honestly cannot think of any more cons

I should talk about my personal experience with the e cig now.

A few months ago DubC told me that he had quit smoking by using them. After a LOT of research I bought one. I havent smoked a normal cig since the day I bought it and I dont want to either! How great is that? HOW FKN GREAT IS THAT?!! Btw thanks again Dub, it is no overstatement to say that you could have very well saved my life!

The best one on the market right now is the Joye Ego. The starter kit costs around £40. Go for this one, no point in buying a cheap one as they are prone to breaking and are not as efficient as this one.

I should say that nobody can conclusively say that these things are 100% safe as the device is relatively new and no long term studies have been carried out (they are in process now). However nothing bad has been found and what we can conclusively say is that these things are a FAR healthier (and more enjoyable) alternative way of getting your nicotine. Nicotine alone is a stimulant, relatively harmless. Its not the nicotine that f***s you up, its all the crap in the smoke and tar that gives you cancer. There is no tar in e cigs because there is no smoke, only vapour, delicious vapour!

I cant really say any more without waffling, I will say this though. If you are a smoker and have read this thread, then you would be MAD to not look into these things. Buy one, if it doesnt work for you I will personally refund you! I can say that because I KNOW that it WILL work for you and you wont look back. It will be one of the best decisions of your life!


-   Check these forums out. There is a ton of information on there from people far more clued up than myself.

-  This is where I bought my Joye Ego. Its the real deal and it came the very next day. Ive ordered many times from this company to stock up on supplies and almost every order has come the next day. There is also a .com version of this site for people in the USA. There are many other suppliers around the world, check out the vapor talk forums for recommended suppliers.

Right so now its all on you! If you have any questions then ask away and ill do my best to answer! I cannot stress how important this decision will be. I am not talking to you as a wormer right now. Forget this is a post on a worms forum, forget about NAiL, I am talking to you as a person. This will be the the best purchase of your life, do some research for yourself and buy one now! You won't regret it, that I can PROMISE you.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 10:14 AM by NAiL »
worm and learn

Offline THeDoGG

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 12:57 PM »
aw man, recently they made some investigations and found out that e-cig is actually dangerous, at least as dangerous as normal cigarets.. with cancer risks and stuff :(

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 01:16 PM »
I don't smoke but I still want one.

Offline Chelsea

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2011, 01:18 PM »
I don't smoke but I still want one.

I don't smoke and don't wanna xD

Just alco :D

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2011, 02:04 PM »
aw man, recently they made some investigations and found out that e-cig is actually dangerous, at least as dangerous as normal cigarets.. with cancer risks and stuff :(

Watch the last video bro, what you heard is a lie. The fda in America want these things banned, thats a whole other topic I wont go into now. Watch that video for an overview of the fda "investigation" and see what a load of bullshit is is!

As I said we cannot conclusively say that they are 100% safe right now as no long term investigations have yet been carried out. What we can conclusively say, is that there has not been one single death attributed solely to the use of an e cig, ever. We can also conclusively say that there is no tar in an e cig and compared to a normal cigarette the health benefits are unmeasurable.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 02:27 PM by NAiL »
worm and learn

Offline Alien

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2011, 02:16 PM »
if i want to smoke a cigarette without damaging my health, i just suck my trigger finger and it works too !


- Costs nothing...yea it's for f@#!ing free !
- Tastier (if you have washed your fingers)
- More fun (if you are a girl, little kid or just gay !)
- Nothing stinks ! i repeat nothing stinks !!!
- Teeth are not stained
- Breathe better
- Taste Better (same point as ''Tastier'' above)
- Become stronger - Fitness level rises - More energy - Feel better (if you suck hard and good)
- Better skin
- Tar leaves the lungs
- No risk of giving yourself cancer or those around you
- You dont wake up in the morning with a bucket load of phlegm to cough out in the shower
- Can be used anywhere and everywhere
- Good talking point (in the kindergarten)


- Gets boring explaining to people what you are smoking
- Honestly cannot think of any more cons except this one... D'x

lol sry NAiL just a joke :)
seriously, if this works i have to try that too !  8)

Offline LeTotalKiller

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2011, 02:28 PM »
But there is not the "addict component" (do we call that "nicotine" in English ?) in the fingers.

(PS: I don't smoke, and I can live without that. But my father does :-X, and he doesn't want to smoke with the electric cigarette - but we have one. Many money lost...)

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2011, 02:37 PM »
Yes. If you want to stop smoking altogether which is probably the best thing to do then dont buy one. I do not consider myself a smoker seeing as I no longer inhale smoke. I do however consider myself to be addicted to nicotine and still feel the need to satisfy my cravings!

I tried to convert my dad to the e cig too. He wasnt having any of it, too old and stubborn lol.

Also I should add some more about my personal experience with the e cig.

Ive had it for about four months now, my health has already improved vastly.

I no longer have a tongue coated in a lair of slime.

My teeth are getting whiter each day.

My breathing is better, I can exercise harder for longer.

My skin has got better, smoking was starting to give me dark patches under my eyes, they are no longer there.

I sleep better.

I taste food better.

I dont cough up a load of snotty green phlegm every 5 minutes, the list goes on...

Am I, and thousands of other e cig converts making all this up? Of course we aren't.

Do your own research and you'll find thousands of people giving the same testimonial as I have. Also look into the fda "investigation", it is bullshit man!

As Ive already said, compared to a normal cigarette there is no comparison. 
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 02:48 PM by NAiL »
worm and learn

Offline LeTotalKiller

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2011, 02:42 PM »
I know someone who was smoking 4 cigs/day, and I suggested to try to smoke only 3 a day. He did it. So I suggested 2...

Going very slow like that is a good way to stop.

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2011, 02:52 PM »
mmm, thats nice bro.

4 a day isnt really that much. That point is also kinda irrelevant to this thread. Of course, going cold turkey and stopping with nicotine altogether is obviously the best thing to do. However many people simply cant, or dont want to do this. They enjoy the act of smoking, which is understandable as its a fun thing to do (for many people). This device is the perfect compromise for health conscious smokers (normal people).

+dogbro, these vids shed more light on the false FDA claims:


...and this was a couple of months ago, the FDA finally gave in and agree to approve and regulate the product:

« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 05:04 PM by NAiL »
worm and learn

Offline THeDoGG

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2011, 04:02 PM »
aw man, recently they made some investigations and found out that e-cig is actually dangerous, at least as dangerous as normal cigarets.. with cancer risks and stuff :(

Watch the last video bro, what you heard is a lie. The fda in America want these things banned, thats a whole other topic I wont go into now. Watch that video for an overview of the fda "investigation" and see what a load of bullshit is is!

As I said we cannot conclusively say that they are 100% safe right now as no long term investigations have yet been carried out. What we can conclusively say, is that there has not been one single death attributed solely to the use of an e cig, ever. We can also conclusively say that there is no tar in an e cig and compared to a normal cigarette the health benefits are unmeasurable.

Ah yes man you are probably right !!! We can't not trust this f@#!ing World Health Organization anymore.. since they are corrupted and tobacco industry is so huge.. and lobbies got big power :O

anyway.. im smoking so much since im in Kiev.. and even worst when I go to party.. vodka makes me want to smoke more and more XD

Offline rash

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2011, 04:04 PM »
this would really helped me when i stopped to smoke but sadly it wasnt avaible 6 years ago. Anyway e-cig seems a really good way to stop smoking, always wanted to tried it for the fun but now i stopped i dont really want to addicted again to the nicotine héhé. So all the e-cig are with nicotine or is it possible to get one without it.

and indeed 4/cig a day isnt that much, some1 smoking less than 5 cig a day isnt really a smoker and can stop easily

Offline Alien

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2011, 04:22 PM »
and indeed 4/cig a day isnt that much, some1 smoking less than 5 cig a day isnt really a smoker and can stop easily

if you smoke your 4 cigs a day, because you are bored or you want to be cool, maybe then it is easy to stop.
but if you smoke 4 cigs to your daily coffee, worms game, tv show, after the sex or cause you are nervous or whatever...
then it isn't so easy anymore.

Offline rash

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2011, 04:37 PM »
yea for sure, we can associate smoking with certain activities or pleasures, but when you smoke 20 cigs a day its squarely a way of life

Offline Alien

Re: Electric Cigarettes
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2011, 05:02 PM »
sometimes i smoke so much a day but not often and that's why i need these electric cigs  >:(:D