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Author Topic: barman and his bng skillz  (Read 15569 times)

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Offline SPW

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2013, 09:02 AM »
I have that too under my monitor but it dont means that you hit 100%. Time is short and it needs a lot of practice to get masterered. And its not a cheat and its the same like using a paper for shotgun or a kamiroler vor kamikaze distance.

Its one part to master worms. Still there are 100 more.  8)

Totally legitim to use and just smart when you do it like barman.

Offline SPW

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2013, 09:03 AM »
plz delete, my pad went crazy xd

Offline Crazy

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2013, 09:15 AM »
SPW, I thought we agreed upon that visual aid like that was not allowed. Can anyone dig out the conclusion of that topic again?

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Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2013, 09:34 AM »
I have no problems with barman expecting us to believe he only uses to learn and or that SPW thinks of it as a method of training.

But you're still cheats, big skilled well respected well mannered lame f@#!ing cheats.

Visual aids do your eyes job for you. What about touch aids? Or memory aids? I can see how a macro wold fit directly to those categories.

It's like learning to rape by using dolls. You're still learning to rape.
MonkeyIsland, my friend, I know your english is terrible and your understanding of society limited. However, in real life, people attack and humiliate others without the use of a single bad word. They even go to war with lengthy politeness. You can't base the whole moderation philosophy of a community based on the use of bad words and your struggle with sarcasm and irony. My attack to Jonno was fully justified and of proper good taste.
Eat a bag full of dicks.

Offline MonkeyIsland

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2013, 10:03 AM »
If we were competing in real life in a big place where all people could see us playing, there would be no visual aid or anything else. It would be just you, keyboard/mouse and one plain screen.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline barman

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2013, 10:31 AM »
I'll clarifiy some more things. The monitor pic and notch table is 17 or so months old. I stopped using this ruler quickly. One can't simply rely on such aids as the skill level progresses. There are methods to estimate distances in game, which are on par with using a strip of paper, reliability-wise. A couple of wormers saw me playing in September, most notably Peja, whom I taught some of my methods of playing bng when he stayed in my house. There were no visual aids involved. In order to prove my point further, good luck finding any notched shots in any bng game I've played this year. If anyone thinks it's possible to count dots on the monitor and look up huge-ass tables before every shot, especially in fast-paced situations, I can quickly tell they have insufficient experience to speak on that matter.
If all it takes to become good in bng is having some paper glued to the monitor and some sheets of table-filled paper on your desk, why aren't there tens of wormers able to reach a very high level of playing as quickly as I did? I can only recall people like Impo and Easy getting very good in bng within a few weeks and I'm supposing they used the same learning method as myself for 3s, 4s and 5s LG grenades, but they didn't seem to move on any further than that. Many people don't understand that it takes a huge lot of effort to learn to notch. All the notching tables (and a lot of additional info) have been available in dt private for ages, yet the only dt member who can notch very well is Mablak, plus Avirex and Free on a basic level. It's not like one comes up with a way to estimate distances and can throw super accurate grenades right away. But it sure is easier to sit in front of your PC and throw cheating accusations at everyone who decides to put a lot of time and effort in order to get better at this game.
If anyone finds this paper method cheating/lame/offensive etc., I apologize for having used it during my early days of bng'ing. But I have nothing to apologize for right now. If someone finds a way to prove that I'm not using a screen ruler nowadays, I will do it ;)
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Offline Ray

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2013, 10:37 AM »
Holy shit, you people still take stuff way too seriously. :D

Still this topic? Really? Soon comes the "ban notching in bng" topic, then the "hey what about hysteria then?" topic, oh god. :D

Who cares? Although, for the record, that's a big ass job you did there barman, my hats are off, that is a level of commitment that makes you deserve your place on the ladders. I was experimenting with something similar, I was trying to work out a formula based on the full power shots about the winds, so if the distance is around 1.3 then what angle would that be with a 1 power wind, etc. Kind of came close, but nothing exact like you did, huge respect for that!

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2013, 11:00 AM »
... paper for shotgun or a kamiroler vor kamikaze distance...

Its one part to master worms. Still there are 100 more.

Since when paper is part of the worms? It feels silly already to use screen distance for notches, im not even gonna think about having 30 papers on your desk for a PC game
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Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2013, 11:00 AM »
is there dots each 100 pixels? because if so then its not perfect enough since every next notch have smaller length.

Here's perfect notch map by me. Top numbers show pixel distance, and the down numbers shows amount of notches

If you want to make thing like barman got you have to start game on this map and redraw this map into paper, but keep in mind you gotta use the same resolution all the time after that

Offline Rogi

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2013, 11:32 AM »
i waited your post impo :DD but...
but keep in mind you gotta use the same resolution all the time after that
lol! xd
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Calm the hell down.|

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2013, 11:36 AM »
if you draw it for 1920 pixels it wont work with 1680. Also if you change your display you gotta make another bar except the case both monitor have the same size of the screen

Offline Rogi

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2013, 11:49 AM »
i have 1366 :(

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Offline Prankster

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2013, 12:28 PM »
I don't really think you can call this cheating, barman haven't modified the game engine, nor used any scripts that simulate physical activity (key pressing). Everyone uses some kind of visual aid in bng, that's common sense. You have to be able to measure distances to something. To your screen size for example, map objects and whatnot.. Of course, if TUS would be a professional league, there could be professional events where every player would play on same setups, but it isn't.

It's simply meaningless to ban visual aids, because it's not possible to monitor them.

I myself try to play bng with the least visual aids, because I like to think of that as a more noble way of playing it, but I don't have ambitions in the league. If I had, I'd probably do something similar like barman (and others, of course, he's not the only one). Or maybe not, because I'm a lazy ass.. :)

Offline rU`

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #28 on: June 08, 2013, 12:31 PM »
what this game turned into...  sadness.
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Offline avirex

Re: barman and his bng skillz
« Reply #29 on: June 08, 2013, 12:48 PM »
leroy, its what the game has always been...

bng has been hijacked by notching since forever... you think barman if the first person to use an alternative method to determine distances other then guessing, and memory?

the only thing that bothers me is, in mablaks thread asking if visual aids should be legal, no one really said much... but now that barmans outed for it, everyone is  all "oo i do that too" *high five*