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Author Topic: KEY REMAPPER  (Read 13207 times)

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Offline Bonhert

« Reply #60 on: May 01, 2013, 11:12 AM »
Bonhert can we FR on that? If not, that's a deal breaker for me :(
Only finger-troll ;).
That's how I call the technique described above.

Sure we could rope slower but it's not sexy!

Offline Free

« Reply #61 on: May 01, 2013, 01:53 PM »
Well you talk about that if you want, your point is irrelevant to me wanting to see the best roping possible  ;D

Either way, you still need fast hands, good hand-eye coordination and experience, I still disagree, because even with this pressing space while space still active thing, you still need to have good timing to do it the best way possible.

You need less faster fingers, less hand-eye coord and less experience with this script compared to fr. I've tried the script actually, I'm not just making assumptions.

Offline TheKomodo

« Reply #62 on: May 01, 2013, 02:27 PM »
Free, the faster you can tap, the faster you can do it, the better hand eye coordination you have, the better tricks etc you can do, the more experience you have, especially in ropers/ttrr you can move around easier.

You are still not getting the point.

Offline avirex

« Reply #63 on: May 01, 2013, 02:49 PM »
komo, you really need to learn how to just bow out gracefully at times...

Offline Free

« Reply #64 on: May 01, 2013, 03:11 PM »
Free, the faster you can tap, the faster you can do it, the better hand eye coordination you have, the better tricks etc you can do, the more experience you have, especially in ropers/ttrr you can move around easier.

You are still not getting the point.

Your absolutely right on that, I have no clue what ur trying to say.

If this is your "reasoning" could you then also clarify why not just allow xspeed also? You also pull nicer roping with that.

Offline Bonhert

« Reply #65 on: May 01, 2013, 03:44 PM »
@up and discussion:

Totaly no reason for not allowing xspeed with this logic. Moreover it should be not only allowed but even required  :-*.

Edit: Ah yes, for clarifying: </sarcasm>

Sure we could rope slower but it's not sexy!

Offline Anubis

« Reply #66 on: May 01, 2013, 04:53 PM »
If you want to see the best possible roping, like I said PM Deadcode or watch the numerous available replays.

Offline TheKomodo

« Reply #67 on: May 02, 2013, 05:35 AM »
If you want to see the best possible roping, like I said PM Deadcode or watch the numerous available replays.

That isn't human though, sorry I will clarify and say "best possible roping from a human". As a sidenote, that shit is awesome, I love it ! If people could rope like this - YEEEHAAA !

Your absolutely right on that, I have no clue what ur trying to say.

If this is your "reasoning" could you then also clarify why not just allow xspeed also? You also pull nicer roping with that.

Basically, people are saying it requires less skill, less timing etc, and I disagree, too many of you are looking at this as if the standard of roping would the same, but obviously with this script, the bar will be raised, so the top players will have to try just as hard. I don't get why people can't understand this...

To me it's a huge difference from slowing down the game speed by 1/2 (is that right?) & taking away the spacebar limit.

To "see the best roping possible" you are right, but Anubis is even more right lol, I can't argue with that, but I do think there is a difference in FR with this script and the game actually being half the speed so you don't even need to have fast fingers or good hand-eye coordination & as much practise to do all the complex moves, like, perfect shadows, mexis, arches, pumps, outlaws, inlaws etc...

Watching Xspeed in realtime yeah fair enough, but playing the game that slow, well, that's kinda boring for me... But your point still stands I guess.

Offline Ryan

« Reply #68 on: May 02, 2013, 06:42 AM »
We are not saying that the standard of the roping goes down.
We are saying you have to do less -> it's easier -> less skill

AHK is like playing a driving game with assists
Xspeed is like playing a driving game with a faster car
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 06:46 AM by Ryan »

Offline TheKomodo

« Reply #69 on: May 02, 2013, 07:00 AM »
Ryan, you ONLY have to do less if you plan on roping the exact same way you have before this script, this ADDS possibilities, it doesn't take them away, it makes it just the same, if not make it even harder to be the best... Think about it carefully please?

If no one understands this by now, well, they never will... I've said it the best it can be said really...

It was only a general "thought" anyway, not something I actually desperately want done, afaik, it has 0.01% of ever happening.

Offline Random00

« Reply #70 on: May 02, 2013, 07:21 AM »
komo, with your reasoning a program that would you allow to play the game frame by frame should be legal as long as the player is giving all the key input. But I'm pretty sure that with some practice you could achieve a roping level pretty close to Deadcodes replays...
so where do you wanna draw the line between legal and illegal?

I think the line has to be drawn right here at this point as many others already stated.

Offline MonkeyIsland

« Reply #71 on: May 02, 2013, 07:23 AM »
Roping does NOT have infinite possibilities.

Take shadow, it needs 3 space shots in correct time, depending on your rope length. Many times people fail to do it and they miss a turn. (e.g. in roper) Your space may get stuck, your fingers may not react in time, etc etc. the AHK script which we are against, makes this timing much easier. Because now the second space is automatically releasing the first one. That is the place where the script is doing a part that were supposed to be done by your skill/timing.

Now if I'm playing Roper with someone who is using AHK, there's a chance I fail that shadow. Is this chance equal for my opponent too? no. A script is reducing that chance.

The point is where to draw that line. So if my opponent is using such easing script, why not I make a macro for my shadows? Why not make a double-tap macro as well?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 07:26 AM by MonkeyIsland »
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline KinslayeR

« Reply #72 on: May 02, 2013, 07:58 AM »
i always thought worms is 1 of the games where everyone has same chances coz there are NO cheats, actually i see how wrong i was, i played a lot with "good" players who lagged much  in their turns (i will not say here nicks) and i thouught it was their connection problem, now i see they just used poor xspeed, why ppl must cheat even in game like worms, it is sad.. I understand if someone will simply remap (as I remap my f8 to 0) but using double spaces etc really sux imo, if u fall or smt u say "omg f@#!ing space" yes u say space u dont say omg f@#!ing x z etc..  space was made for tapping not othery keys, even if it sux as mine xd

Offline Husk

« Reply #73 on: May 02, 2013, 08:00 AM »
I made a macro for jp lg zooka in hyst :D:D:D:D

Offline TheKomodo

« Reply #74 on: May 02, 2013, 08:11 AM »
komo, with your reasoning a program that would you allow to play the game frame by frame should be legal as long as the player is giving all the key input.

That isn't my reasoning though, i've already said slowing the the physical appearance of the game is completely different to letting multiple spacebars be hit at the same time, on top of that, playing frame by frame, that's just boring really...

so where do you wanna draw the line between legal and illegal?

You can't make everyone happy, this just comes down to opinion I guess, each to their own lol.

Roping does NOT have infinite possibilities.

Take shadow, it needs 3 space shots in correct time, depending on your rope length. Many times people fail to do it and they miss a turn. (e.g. in roper) Your space may get stuck, your fingers may not react in time, etc etc. the AHK script which we are against, makes this timing much easier. Because now the second space is automatically releasing the first one. That is the place where the script is doing a part that were supposed to be done by your skill/timing.

Now if I'm playing Roper with someone who is using AHK, there's a chance I fail that shadow. Is this chance equal for my opponent too? no. A script is reducing that chance.

The point is where to draw that line. So if my opponent is using such easing script, why not I make a macro for my shadows? Why not make a double-tap macro as well?

1st, I never said it had infinite possibilities...

If your spacebar doesn't work then tough luck, get better equipment or blame the idiots who made such crap equipment, that doesn't mean YOU done it wrong.

I still disagree it makes the timing any easier, playing WA at the normal speed, if you have better hand-eye coordination than your opponent, doesn't matter with or without this script, you will pull off more precise moves than them. Get it into your heads already please, this is a FACT, not an opinion.

The script doesn't reduce the chance an opponents space will fail, it could still fail, but the 2nd press would work, it just means he has a "backup", this is a good thing lol, both players can use it.

Macros are completely different, you aren't physically pressing anything(physically doing the work yourself) if you do that, I shouldn't need to explain this, so I won't, but if you want me to, I will, just ask.