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Messages - j0e

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General discussion / Re: Perfect Targets
« on: August 13, 2020, 03:24 AM »
This sounds very interesting, but you forgot to attach the attachments and pictures!

Tech Support / Re: major screen tearing and micro-lags
« on: July 29, 2020, 11:15 PM »
Maybe your TV was plugged via hdmi into your graphics card before, but now it's plugged into your motherboard (onboard video) or vice-versa?

Might be good to try with a different display just so you can rule out the TV causing the issue. Did you try disabling motion smoothing on your TV? On my LG it's called TruMotion.

I believe great snooper has not been updated yet for 3.8, but you should be able to host with websnooper.

A nice bonus, websnooper works really well on your phone too. It has changed quite a bit since last time I used it.

Other worms games / Re: Do you guys like Worms W.M.D?
« on: July 24, 2020, 11:07 PM »
Steam charts don't include all the CD versions, pirated versions, and GoG players.

Tech Support / Re: major screen tearing and micro-lags
« on: July 24, 2020, 11:05 PM »
If you just updated your graphics card drivers, make sure there's no Vsync options enabled in the graphics software (AMD Catalyst Centre / Nvidia Control Centre or whatever they're called). 

Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon v3.8 Released
« on: July 24, 2020, 12:16 AM »
if only I still played 😅
happy to see this game is still alive.
Easy way to fix that! You surely want to log in for a few games to try the improved ninja rope at least. And try some roping at 1.18x speed.

General discussion / Re: Let's talk about the ninja rope
« on: July 23, 2020, 03:16 AM »
Make sure the TV itself doesn't have its own motion smoothing crap enabled. That'll cause input lag if it's on.

This scheme is flawed:  sheeps don't fly forever (same flying time as a standard game). Also turns are only 30 seconds and you lose control after that.

cgar has found some broken files. Not sure whether these will cause crashes or not. They will be removed in the next version.

Counter Strike {Bot}/BYEBYE.wav
Cs Guy/BYEBYE.wav
Patricia Wagon/Ohdear.wav
Patricia Wagon/Oinutter.wav
Patricia Wagon/runaway.wav
Patricia Wagon/Takecover.wav
Patricia Wagon/victory.wav
Sonic Adventure {Eggman}/leavemealone.wav
Star Trek; The Next Generation/jump1.wav

./Mortal Kombat {Shao Khan}/ow3.lnk
./Mortal Kombat {Shao Khan}/revenge.lnk

Files / Re: Big Rope Race Generator (BRRG)
« on: July 16, 2020, 04:19 AM »
Amazing work LEGi0N. This thing makes great ropable maps, nice styles, and the arrows mean you don't get lost.

It's not impossible to set up, just a bit harder without the auto installer. StepS or someone might still have a copy of it.

I had typed up some instructions for the manual installation method (creating ISO from Steam version) but I don't think it will work. There is no installer in your Steam folder, so you're left with a copy of, not version 1.0 or 3.0 like you need to install the patches and then PX.

If you look around less scrupulous places on the internet you might find a pre-installed PX WA verison ready to play..  it's technically illegal, but as long as you've paid for the game on Steam already it's not really unethical imo.

General discussion / Re: How to enable antisink in HostingBuddy?
« on: July 13, 2020, 04:08 AM »
Create the scheme you want using SchemeEd, upload it to, then use the !wsdb command to retrieve it with HB. I imagine it will be easier very soon once 3.8 is released.

Respectfully, I disagree on some points.

While it can be argued that it's never too late for an update, as far as I am concerned, it is already far too late because the best era of W:A is long gone and the vast majority of the most interesting / fun / skilled players no longer play and likely will never be active again. Had this update come out years ago it could have possibly enticed people to come back to the game, or stay active, or at the very least stay active longer than they normally otherwise would have due to life. My opinion on the matter is that at this point the update will do little to nothing in terms of getting older players to come back, and tbh that's all I really care about. I'd take a bunch of old buddies being consistently active again over this update any day because W:A is ultimately all about the community. No matter how well the game gets updated, it really doesn't matter to me if AG is full of afk snoopers and random noobs every time I log on.

I also don't believe that those who were active with ranked play were doing so only for the money. In fact I'd bet that the money had little to nothing to do with it, especially when we are talking about such small prizes. Besides, people were playing ranked for years and years before any sort of a cash prize was ever offered. As far as Asbest goes, who would possibly deign to know the mind of a sad, Russian troll?

I think that 'buts' are entirely permissible because we are talking about personal opinions and feelings. I absolutely respect the hard work of everyone who maintains W:A to this day. However, I think it's too little, too late. That's just my opinion though, and to state or even infer that people shouldn't be allowed any 'buts' on this topic is just an attempt at controlling behavior, or at best shaming people.
The particular people you miss may or may not come back, but you can still log on most times of the day and find a decent match. Your opponent might not speak English, and you might not recognize their nicknames, but there are lots of good players who still play. You sometimes have to be willing to face noobs in order to find them - there are a lot of aliasers, or simply good players with plain and unfamiliar nicknames. This is fine with me since I play for the game itself, not the social aspect. I think with 3.8 this activity can only improve. I think seeing such a big update will instill appreciation and commitment into the minds of many players, especially those who had not tried Rubberworm before.

One possible next step I've mentioned before: if someone were to make an auto-translate wormkit module using Yandex's free translate API, we could fully remove those communication barriers and really open this game up to the world. Unicode support (for Chinese etc) could be added by replacing the native chat window with an identical-looking overlay, which should be possible now that W:A is windowed.  Or hot-swapping character-set sprites might be possible with a wormkit module. Either of those would be so offensively hacky they would disgust Deadcode enough that he might add it officially in the next patch :).

People looking for other skilled players can also join the Discord server or use Steam friend lists to organize games. Gotta give props to Sensei for making that server and for his leadership with organizing games. Also remember that just because the game has become boring for you doesn't mean it's actually dead. This new update should spark lots of creative new schemes, especially with StepS' scheme creation contest (with cash prizes).

Other worms games / Re: Worms Rumble
« on: July 03, 2020, 01:53 AM »
They market this as having cross-play, but they're only releasing on select consoles. I'd bet money they will release it later on the other consoles (xbox etc), without cross-play. In typical Team 17 bait 'n switch fashion.

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkKawooshKick
« on: June 27, 2020, 03:44 PM »
Downgrade your version to  There is no benefit to having, and it breaks certain wormkit modules. was released on a whim/error with literally nothing new ..

Version 3.8 will be released soon, so this downgrading nonsense will be a thing of the past.

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