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Messages - skunk3

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No, in MHW you literally cannot prevent a monster from running away. You just can't. You can trap it for a very short period of time but until it is super weak and close to death you can't ACTUALLY trap it completely.

As I said before, this is the only MH game I have experience with so I know absolutely nothing about the other games. They might be better. I dunno. All I know is that this game has no depth. At first it seems pretty awesome but you quickly realize it's all window dressing. The game LOOKS cool and that's it. Graphics mean very little to me. I want substance, and MHW just doesn't have it.

As far as using the various weapons goes, I'm a good gamer and can use anything if I wanted to. There's just no point, however, it dedicating myself towards becoming great with a weapon that sucks due to slowness/clumsiness/etc. It comes down to dps and a little bit of debuffing and the more often you hit, the more damage you're going to do, period. I've tried out all of the weapons extensively in the training area and there's some that are simply crap compared to the others and if you had played the game you would see for yourself how hardly anyone uses those crappier weapons. Learning to play really well with a bad weapon is like learning how to throw a bent frisbee really well. It's stupid and pointless.

Anyway, long story short, this game just isn't my cup of tea. Played it, beat it, done with it. 

Gaming Central / Re: Gaming industry
« on: September 08, 2018, 03:51 AM »
There is a vast difference between 'having fun' and 'doing you' and having a problem. Playing video games for 12 hours a day for a month straight is indicative of a serious mental health problem, and I don't say this as a joke or an insult.

Think about it: 24 hours in a day. Slash that in half from the top due to game time. That's 12 hours per day NOT gaming. The average human being sleeps approximately 8 hours per day, but for the sake of charity let's assume 6 hours. That only leaves a person with 6 hours of each day (likely less than that) doing things other than gaming and sleeping. That's only ~6 hours per day spent doing normal, productive things.

I like gaming, but I know a problem when I see one. When my gaming was at its heaviest, I was deeply depressed and had substantial mental health problems.

Personally I feel like there's so many better ways to spend one's time than sitting in front of a screen vegging out. I work, go to school part time, make various kinds of art, read, play other types of games IRL (poker, D&D), do household chores, AND game. I just think it's weird how a lot of people with gaming problems would rather invest more time into 'leveling up' their f@#!ing video game character than 'leveling up' their real life. I can understand being an obsessive gamer somewhat if you're a kid/teenager, but as an adult? No way.

As I said, I'm not trying to sound like a jerk here, I'm actually genuinely mildly concerned. People these days need to get away from the computers and tablets and game systems and interact with real life more often.


Gaming Central / Re: Gaming industry
« on: September 07, 2018, 08:04 PM »
I'm so grateful for growing up during the best era of gaming there will ever be, seeing friends I grew up at school with playing Fortnite makes me cringe so much...

People just follow trends, it's lame as f**k!

I've played 336 hours in DayZ, that was all within about 3-4 weeks as well.

I started playing it earlier this year, then they brought out the newer patch, and I absolutely hate it, I cannot stand the new user interface, I loved it the way it was, minus the double carry bug.

I had the most awesome collection of gear and bases on the server I played on, I was basically a TISY tour guide taking people on loot runs by the end, going on hunting trips, I never even killed a single player, although I stalked so many people to make sure they played fair, could have easily got a few hundred kills if I wanted to, but personally wouldn't ruin someones fun like that.

When I get used to something, and grow to love it, and they change it, pisses me off beyond belief... Sure, improve graphics, fix bugs, but why the f**k did they have to change the user interface? And I used to love reading the little messages that popped up saying "I am thirsty", "I am hungry", "My leg is in pain" etc, just like in real life you talk to yourself in your head when you feel/need things.

Quite a few things I didn't like about the new patch, tbh, but I won't go there.

There are 672 hours in 4 weeks. 336 hours (of gameplay time) is fully half of that time. Do you not have a job or any sort of a life? I'm not trying to sound insulting here but f@#! man. That's 12 hours of game play every single day for a month straight. If what you've said is true you have a problem.

You seem to keep comparing real life to a video game for some inexplicable reason.

I'll go through some of the things you've said and respond:

1. If people don't like attacking huge monsters and think it is "gay as f@#!" then why even bother wasting their time with such a title, newcomer to the series (like me) or not?

2. About optimization. The UI is crap in various ways (play it for yourself), lots of graphical settings are not available, including bloom, DoF, advanced res options, motion blur, etc.
I haven't played any console versions nor do I even own any consoles anymore because, well, PC master race.

3. By limited depth I mean that the game itself is shallow on all fronts. The story is limited. The gameplay is limited. The amount of unique monsters you fight is limited. The level of uniqueness for each monster is limited. The gameplay literally doesn't change from the start aside from having access to a couple of extra buffs along the way, and slightly better gear, which really doesn't matter because unless you go back to low rank areas you never feel that increase in power at all... if anything you constantly feel more and more behind in power as the game progresses unless you intentionally don't progress through the story mode and instead grind out the same quests/investigations/events over and over and over again, but even then it barely helps. The game is eye candy really and has nothing to offer aside from that. Younger gamers probably love it but I of course am from the generation by which a game had to have some substance. It is very similar to a MMO, and I f@#!ing hate MMOs. Grinding is NOT my thing.

4. The fact that out of the 14 weapons available in the game, you typically see half or less of them actually used by people goes to show you that the balance is all wrong. Where is the incentive to practice with a weapon that is slow and clumsy to use when you can be just as effective with another weapon that is far more efficient? Also, not only are these heavy weapons slow to use, if you do whiff an attack (which happens often regardless of skill level) then the weapon gets stuck in the ground, which costs precious seconds, or there must be a slow animation in which the character has to hoist it back up into the air. You can get away with using some of these shittier weapons against certain monsters but against other monsters you might as well not even waste your time because they will be well out of harm's way by the time you can hit them. For me, slightly lower base damage and far more attacks actually landing and doing damage is better than a weapon with high base damage, but is slow and rarely connects, and this isn't because I'm some incompetent scrub who can't play video games... it's a simple observation of efficiency.

5. Many gameplay elements in MHW are needlessly punitive and make it far less fun. At best these punitive elements add more stress and drama to the situation but at worst they are a kick to the balls straight from the game devs and serve no purpose whatsoever aside from artificially inflating the difficulty of the game. For example, in one area there is a monster called Odogaron that spawns in certain spots and the monster itself is tough enough, but on top of that there's this toxic gas in the area that is constantly doing damage over time, and on top of that the monster inflict bleeding damage which is more damage over time. The way to stop bleeding? Crouch for like 3 seconds or use a certain item. Either way you basically have to stand still for a few seconds mid-fight, and if the anything even barely touches you, that process is canceled and you have to do it again. On top of that, there are often other smaller monsters that swarm you while fighting the Odogaron, so it basically is just layer upon layer of cheapness that you have to deal with while playing a game with shallow, boring combat. No thanks.

6. I don't know anything about any other MH game but in MHW you're always broke or next to broke unless you never forge or upgrade gear. The only way to not be broke is to grind and kill the same monsters you've already killed a hundred times just to get enough money to become slightly more powerful/resilient... and as I said before, I hate games that rely on grinding like that. There's no fun in it and it's just a time sink of you doing the same things over and over again. For many that's probably not an issue but for me I have better things to do with my life.

7. Until you hit end game grind-time you always feel horribly undergeared for whatever challenge you are presented with. Obviously the monsters in a game such as this are supposed to invoke a sense of power and ferocity, but once again, comparing this to real life is about as pointless as comparing anime to real life. Now that I have beaten the game I feel basically no incentive to keep grinding at all any my interest in the game has sharply declined.

8. The combat is extremely boring, and I don't care how popular the game is. You basically have two attacks and sometimes a special attack. You just spam the same thing over and over again while dodging out of the way until the monster is dead. There's no creativity involved at all. There's no real skill involved IMO either. You just wait for the monster to telegraph their move and get out of harm's way... then go back in and continue hacking. You just continue this cycle over and over until you win. It's boring, brute force, repetitive gameplay with no subtlety and very little individuality. There's lots of games with far less repetitive gameplay out there, or at the very least that version of repetitive gameplay is more cerebral.

9. The storyline of MHW could take up maybe 2 printed pages of text at the very most. It might as well be non-existent.

10. If you are playing a quest that you haven't done yet, you can't even join someone else or have someone join you until you go through the cutscene... so if you and a friend are playing through the game together, there are tons of times in which you guys will have to separately start quests on your own until you trigger the cutscene, watch it through, then cancel the quest and restart it so you can both attempt it together. It's idiotic and not like, say, Borderlands at all. I don't mind unskippable cutscenes THE FIRST TIME. However, after I've seen it once I want the option of skipping. I hate being forced to watch something I've already seen several times. (This is why I love how one of the W:A patches let us boot straight to the main screen so we didn't have to skip through shit to go online.)

11. Life is a grind in certain ways I suppose but once again, not relevant to this game. The older I get the more I value my free time. When I play a game I don't want to feel like I'm wasting time. I never feel as though Worms is wasted time. Games like MHW on the other hand = lots of wasted time. Games that involve a high degree of grinding simply just aren't good games, and I say this as a RPG nerd.

12. I haven't touched the game since beating the main storyline and seeing what the game has to offer. It seems to me that you're actually more upset about all of this than I am. I am just here sharing my opinions about a recent, high-profile game in an appropriate sub-forum and you're challenging me at every turn as though hearing the opinions of another is so abrasive to you that you feel compelled to defend it and insult me in the process, which is precisely what you're doing.

13. Basic game elements/mechanics shouldn't be kept a mystery from players. That is stupid. Of course there are aspects of games that could be discovered as you play through it, but to simply just not explain how something works intentionally or due to oversight? Come on man. Supporting that kinda dumb shit makes no sense. MHW is a game that REQUIRES players to look up things on the internet all of the time because you simply don't get the info you need in game. That's just bad design.

14. You CAN 'specialize' to a degree in the game but your options are seriously limited and to be actually effective and well suited for that role you want to play, it's not something you can really attempt to do until you are well into that end game grind phase... and by that point it's like why even bother? You've done everything you can do in the game. Everyone has their own tastes but I can't justify grinding unless there's a substantial and clear reward for doing so and my time is worth more than that.

15. Worms is skill and strategy based and ever-changing. You can see your gains clearly, and they come from actual skill development and not grinding. You can know exactly how and why you're doing better or worse, and the game doesn't Jew you at every turn. If you f@#! up it's your fault. There's an actual reward for persevering in Worms and it takes more brain power. It's infinitely more enjoyable than Monster Hunter.

16. When EVERY monster runs away at a certain point EVERY time and you have to chase it down and do the same thing over and over it's not realism. It's just an artificial game mechanic implemented to make fights last way longer than they should. Sure, in real life some animals might run away when injured, but others will fight to the death and not even think of running away. I would be fine with the running away if it made sense, like it was in reacting to a particularly devastating burst of damage and it was afraid for its life, but when every monster is programmed to run away after taking "X" amount of damage and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it from doing so and you are FORCED to chase it down many times over, it's lame as f@#!. At first I thought it was kinda cool but as with many aspects of MHW, it quickly lost its novelty. MHW is a flashy, good looking game that is utterly hollow on the inside. Also, how could my points not be based upon opinion? Isn't that what discussion about a game typically is, aside from actual game-breaking bugs/defects? Game reviews are just that - opinions. I'm not solving an equation here or offering a philosophical proof.

You seem to keep comparing real life to a video game for some inexplicable reason.

I'll go through some of the things you've said and respond:

1. If people don't like attacking huge monsters and think it is "gay as f@#!" then why even bother wasting their time with such a title, newcomer to the series (like me) or not?

2. About optimization. The UI is crap in various ways (play it for yourself), lots of graphical settings are not available, including bloom, DoF, advanced res options, motion blur, etc.
I haven't played any console versions nor do I even own any consoles anymore because, well, PC master race.

3. By limited depth I mean that the game itself is shallow on all fronts. The story is limited. The gameplay is limited. The amount of unique monsters you fight is limited. The level of uniqueness for each monster is limited. The gameplay literally doesn't change from the start aside from having access to a couple of extra buffs along the way, and slightly better gear, which really doesn't matter because unless you go back to low rank areas you never feel that increase in power at all... if anything you constantly feel more and more behind in power as the game progresses unless you intentionally don't progress through the story mode and instead grind out the same quests/investigations/events over and over and over again, but even then it barely helps. The game is eye candy really and has nothing to offer aside from that. Younger gamers probably love it but I of course am from the generation by which a game had to have some substance. It is very similar to a MMO, and I f@#!ing hate MMOs. Grinding is NOT my thing.

4. The fact that out of the 14 weapons available in the game, you typically see half or less of them actually used by people goes to show you that the balance is all wrong. Where is the incentive to practice with a weapon that is slow and clumsy to use when you can be just as effective with another weapon that is far more efficient? Also, not only are these heavy weapons slow to use, if you do whiff an attack (which happens often regardless of skill level) then the weapon gets stuck in the ground, which costs precious seconds, or there must be a slow animation in which the character has to hoist it back up into the air. You can get away with using some of these shittier weapons against certain monsters but against other monsters you might as well not even waste your time because they will be well out of harm's way by the time you can hit them. For me, slightly lower base damage and far more attacks actually landing and doing damage is better than a weapon with high base damage, but is slow and rarely connects, and this isn't because I'm some incompetent scrub who can't play video games... it's a simple observation of efficiency.

5. Many gameplay elements in MHW are needlessly punitive and make it far less fun. At best these punitive elements add more stress and drama to the situation but at worst they are a kick to the balls straight from the game devs and serve no purpose whatsoever aside from artificially inflating the difficulty of the game. For example, in one area there is a monster called Odogaron that spawns in certain spots and the monster itself is tough enough, but on top of that there's this toxic gas in the area that is constantly doing damage over time, and on top of that the monster inflict bleeding damage which is more damage over time. The way to stop bleeding? Crouch for like 3 seconds or use a certain item. Either way you basically have to stand still for a few seconds mid-fight, and if anything even barely touches you, that process is canceled and you have to do it again. On top of that, there are often other smaller monsters that swarm you while fighting the Odogaron (that can also inflict paralysis), so it basically is just layer upon layer of cheapness that you have to deal with while playing a game with shallow, boring combat. No thanks.

6. I don't know anything about any other MH game but in MHW you're always broke or next to broke unless you never forge or upgrade gear. The only way to not be broke is to grind and kill the same monsters you've already killed a hundred times just to get enough money to become slightly more powerful/resilient... and as I said before, I hate games that rely on grinding like that. There's no fun in it and it's just a time sink of you doing the same things over and over again. For many that's probably not an issue but for me I have better things to do with my life.

7. Until you hit end game grind-time you always feel horribly undergeared for whatever challenge you are presented with. Obviously the monsters in a game such as this are supposed to invoke a sense of power and ferocity, but once again, comparing this to real life is about as pointless as comparing anime to real life. Now that I have beaten the game I feel basically no incentive to keep grinding at all any my interest in the game has sharply declined.

8. The combat is extremely boring, and I don't care how popular the game is. You basically have two attacks and sometimes a special attack. You just spam the same thing over and over again while dodging out of the way until the monster is dead. There's no creativity involved at all. There's no real skill involved IMO either. You just wait for the monster to telegraph their move and get out of harm's way... then go back in and continue hacking. You just continue this cycle over and over until you win. It's boring, brute force, repetitive gameplay with no subtlety and very little individuality. There's lots of games with far less repetitive gameplay out there, or at the very least that version of repetitive gameplay is more cerebral.

9. The storyline of MHW could take up maybe 2 printed pages of text at the very most. It might as well be non-existent.

10. If you are playing a quest that you haven't done yet, you can't even join someone else or have someone join you until you go through the cutscene... so if you and a friend are playing through the game together, there are tons of times in which you guys will have to separately start quests on your own until you trigger the cutscene, watch it through, then cancel the quest and restart it so you can both attempt it together. It's idiotic and not like, say, Borderlands at all. I don't mind unskippable cutscenes THE FIRST TIME. However, after I've seen it once I want the option of skipping. I hate being forced to watch something I've already seen several times. (This is why I love how one of the W:A patches let us boot straight to the main screen so we didn't have to skip through shit to go online.)

11. Life is a grind in certain ways I suppose but once again, not relevant to this game. The older I get the more I value my free time. When I play a game I don't want to feel like I'm wasting time. I never feel as though Worms is wasted time. Games like MHW on the other hand = lots of wasted time. Games that involve a high degree of grinding simply just aren't good games, and I say this as a RPG nerd.

12. I haven't touched the game since beating the main storyline and seeing what the game has to offer. It seems to me that you're actually more upset about all of this than I am. I am just here sharing my opinions about a recent, high-profile game in an appropriate sub-forum and you're challenging me at every turn as though hearing the opinions of another is so abrasive to you that you feel compelled to defend it and insult me in the process, which is precisely what you're doing.

13. Basic game elements/mechanics shouldn't be kept a mystery from players. That is stupid. Of course there are aspects of games that could be discovered as you play through it, but to simply just not explain how something works intentionally or due to oversight? Come on man. Supporting that kinda dumb shit makes no sense. MHW is a game that REQUIRES players to look up things on the internet all of the time because you simply don't get the info you need in game. That's just bad design.

14. You CAN 'specialize' to a degree in the game but your options are seriously limited and to be actually effective and well suited for that role you want to play, it's not something you can really attempt to do until you are well into that end game grind phase... and by that point it's like why even bother? You've done everything you can do in the game. Everyone has their own tastes but I can't justify grinding unless there's a substantial and clear reward for doing so and my time is worth more than that.

15. Worms is skill and strategy based and ever-changing. You can see your gains clearly, and they come from actual skill development and not grinding. You can know exactly how and why you're doing better or worse, and the game doesn't Jew you at every turn. If you f@#! up it's your fault. There's an actual reward for persevering in Worms and it takes more brain power. It's infinitely more enjoyable than Monster Hunter.

16. When EVERY monster runs away at a certain point EVERY time and you have to chase it down and do the same thing over and over it's not realism. It's just an artificial game mechanic implemented to make fights last way longer than they should. Sure, in real life some animals might run away when injured, but others will fight to the death and not even think of running away. I would be fine with the running away if it made sense, like it was in reacting to a particularly devastating burst of damage and it was afraid for its life, but when every monster is programmed to run away after taking "X" amount of damage and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it from doing so and you are FORCED to chase it down many times over, it's lame as f@#!. At first I thought it was kinda cool but as with many aspects of MHW, it quickly lost its novelty. MHW is a flashy, good looking game that is utterly hollow on the inside. Also, how could my points not be based upon opinion? Isn't that what discussion about a game typically is, aside from actual game-breaking bugs/defects? Game reviews are just that - opinions. I'm not solving an equation here or offering a philosophical proof. 

Well of course my opinions are subjective. I didn't get into detail because I didn't feel like typing for an hour.

I am sure that there's probably thousands upon thousands of people who absolutely love MHW, but to me it is a perfect example of how and why gaming sucks these days for the same reasons people talked about in the other thread about league play.

I went to the hospital for a few days and just got out 2 days ago and I'm all f@#!ed up on antibiotics and pain medication, so I'll try to be brief and probably repeat myself a lot:


-great graphics
-decent sound but not stellar
-overall art/aesthetics on point
-it just looks cool attacking huge monsters


-Not very well optimized for PC.
-Numerous bugs that are slowly being patched, including lots of multiplayer connectivity problems, which is super annoying.
-Very limited depth
-Monsters are largely recycled and share a lot of similar traits and actions
-a lot of the weapons are pure shit and ridiculously slow/awkward to use
-tons of gameplay elements are needlessly punitive and frustrating
-you NEVER have enough money
-most of the gear sucks and the gear set bonuses are a joke in most cases
-you never feel 'powerful' in the game at any point
-combat is boring and repetitive
-the end game is nothing but a grind and relies on a ton of RNG, which wouldn't be so bad if there was actually an incentive to do so... but there isn't
-the storyline is so stupid and weak, and the final fight of the game isn't explained whatsoever and makes no sense... it's just "All of a sudden this big crystal dragon thing appears and you have to kill it!" and then you're a hero and inexplicably go up like 15 hunter ranks
-non-skippable cutscenes
-lots of pointless side quests that are just time-wasting nonsense and don't offer any sort of a substantial reward or incentive for doing them
-intentionally annoying monster AI that TRIES to f@#! you over at every turn, rather than being 'natural'
-the bow and arrow weapon has a range of maybe 15-20 feet at most and is useless any further than that
-certain mechanics of the game are not explained whatsoever and unless you look things up online you will likely never figure it out
-there's 'skill' involved in the game, but the skill really revolves around having a knowledge of the bogus AI and how to best prevent it from f@#!ing you over, although there's many cases in which you will be utterly unable to avoid it as though it were decreed by god
-lots and lots of gathering of materials required, which is not even remotely entertaining
-nobody uses the in-game chat at all
-although there are ways to play a specific 'role' in a group, hardly anyone actually does that and everyone is basically just a general purpose DPS character
-the armor and weapons that you can craft from killing a certain monster is usually specifically tailored for being better at killing THAT monster, or being more resilient to it... If you can grind out that many fights then why do you even need gear that makes you more efficient at killing that particular monster? wtf
-certain weapon types in the game are clearly much better than others and although there's 14 to pick from, like half get used most of the time
-fighting a particular monster for the first time is pretty fun but it quickly loses freshness
-the fights are annoying because what happens every single time is that you deal a certain amount of damage, and then it runs away and you can't stop it. you then catch up to it later, deal a certain amount of damage and it runs away... over and over again until it dies or you trap it. It should be called Monster Chaser World

Basically, it looks nice. Everything else about it weak and has no depth, just like many other games released these days.

Oh, and Denuvo.

Gaming Central / Why gaming became worse
« on: September 06, 2018, 08:58 PM »
Everyone is playing their gay ass Rocket League, Fortnite, etc.


It's not our fault, it's the way the world works, the younger generations don't want to copy the same sh*t their predecessors did. Because it's "not cool enough".

So they end up playing easier simple games with no depth like Rocket League, PUBG, Fortnite etc.

I really want to know how gaming got so bad.

Today it sucks. SUCKS!

I'm a life-long gamer and these days there's hardly anything good released. Steam is full of shovelware trash and even the "triple A" games that come out end up sucking balls. The only party that seems to consistently come out with decent games is Nintendo and their platforms, but even Nintendo is slipping a bit. (Breath of the Wild was kinda shit if you ask me.)

IMO Worms is one of the most interesting gaming concepts I've ever come across and for the life of me I cannot figure out why it isn't more popular. I am becoming really disenfranchised with gaming in general because I haven't found ONE single game in a very long time that I consider to be stellar - at least a multiplayer game. All of the MP stuff I come across seems like it MIGHT hold promise at first but I quickly find out it sucks dicks like everything else. At this point I am starting to consider whether gaming is really getting worse or if maybe it is simply losing its appeal as I get older.

Gaming Central / Re: Ice Age World
« on: September 06, 2018, 09:56 AM »
I don't even understand how shit like this even gets classified as a game. If there's no element of competition, skill, or strategy, how is it even a game?

An update: Finally beat the game, at least progressed through the entire story. This game is such a f@#!ing joke. Seriously, it's SO bad in SO many ways that I honestly can't understand why people get a boner over it.

The storyline is weak as f@#!, lots of elements of the game are absolute trash, and once you beat the storyline (with the end fight not being explained at all) you magically jump up like 15 hunter levels and now all there is to do is just grind. Grind for what? Well, not much. The amount of gear that's actually worth a damn is pitifully small, the skills you can get from gear and decorations is small with a lot of it being near pointless, and also a lot of the decorations that you might want for a certain build are completely up to RNG...

I also hate soooo many decisions that the devs made that I'm no longer even mad about it. I've gone from dismayed, to annoyed, to mad, around to thinking it's pretty funny how stupid so many things are.

All in all I wouldn't say it is a god awful game but I wouldn't say it's a good game by any stretch. I'd give it a score of 3.5-4 out of 10. I've also heard that this particular MH game is 'easier' and 'more accessible' than previous titles, and if that's true I can only wonder what is wrong with people for being into such shit. (No offense.)

Seriously, f@#! MHW. The only good thing the game has going for it is the aesthetics. The gameplay sucks, the story sucks, the content sucks, the AI is gay as f@#!, and lots of gameplay mechanics are intentionally made punitive / awkward. If I owned a physical copy I'd be tempted to take a shit on the disc and take a photo of it.

General discussion / Re: Current status of the League
« on: September 06, 2018, 09:39 AM »
Honestly I don't think anything f@#!ing matters in terms of TUS / leagues / etc. Hardly anyone plays anymore.

Every time I log on to WormNET it's just the typical people on snoopers or IRC and a handful of random noobs. Players of note RARELY ever play. I'm tired of it. The past few weeks have convinced me that W:A is f@#!ing dead. Revamping the league won't help. This game is done. Earlier in the summer it wasn't quite as bad but now it's like there's no point of even booting up the game. There's no competition. Everyone is playing their gay ass Rocket League, Fortnite, etc.

General discussion / Re: Current status of the League
« on: August 31, 2018, 04:15 AM »
Agreed with all of these points.

Seasons should be no longer than quarterly.

Off Topic / Re: ALL Hip-Hop & Rap FANS POST HERE!!!!!
« on: August 27, 2018, 08:13 AM »

As far as younger/newer rappers go, I've been f@#!ing with BONES a lot.

Off Topic / Re: ALL Hip-Hop & Rap FANS POST HERE!!!!!
« on: August 27, 2018, 07:50 AM »

back when yak was still doing the shit I loved

Off Topic / Re: ALL Hip-Hop & Rap FANS POST HERE!!!!!
« on: August 27, 2018, 07:46 AM »

Pretty much the anthem of my mid-20's. I used to have the 12" and scratched a lot over the instrumental.

Off Topic / Re: ALL Hip-Hop & Rap FANS POST HERE!!!!!
« on: August 27, 2018, 07:43 AM »
yak ballz is cool since my last name = dyball :) been a fan of his for like 11 years

I'm not a huge fan of Yak's newer stuff but his early shit was awesome, and the album "My Claim" is still really solid today. (His "Missing Cassettes" early mixtape shit was dope too.) He got a little too hipster there for me for a while though. Nowadays I think he barely even raps and instead is focusing on his 'real' career. I've been friends with him on Facebook for a long ass time and he barely makes a peep these days.

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