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Messages - Xrayez

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 87
Hopefully there will be new timetrial chunks and new maps released periodically, or an improvement to the custom maps/sharing system.

This feature alone could take several month to implement, not sure if Rope Clash is going to invest so much time at beta stage where feature set is frozen basically. But nothing prevents a good old rewrite. :D

Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #713, TT Big RR #24
« on: July 27, 2019, 05:48 PM »
My personal preference is the sound of the worm on impact. I don't think the game engine produces the sounds 1 frame AFTER the hit is done. Hit and the sound must happen on the same frame, so even though the animation may indicate collision, the actual collision is happening when we hear the sound.

Yeah, unless the sound is played on a deferred callback for some reason (likely W:A is not multi-threaded).  :)

Trick race would be more fun without too steep learning curve. I'd like to learn about more tricks but there's little to no information about those, but I have to admit that I haven't really tried to research, though that's the point I want to make really, nobody bothers to learn if it takes too much to even find tutorials on this.

Off Topic / Re: Do you believe in the existence of aliens?
« on: July 22, 2019, 10:04 AM »
It therefore seems rather likely that, among the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets (count ‘em) in the observable universe, and an unknowable number beyond, there is at least one other with a significant biosphere, with complicated native organisms.

I second this, I don't think we're that unique and important as we think we are.  :D

Maybe we’ll figure out cryogenics instead, that sounds more plausible.

I'm afraid the consciousness might not survive even at cryogenic state, so if you do wake up, that's not going to be the real you anymore.

ExZo, I guess Sensei meant to express some empathy combined with admiration in a way. ;)

Off Topic / Re: Facebook?
« on: July 19, 2019, 09:57 AM »
I'm not gonna bother taking the time to check multiple sites every day.

Use news feeds (RSS), TUS has one:, so you have it all in one place.
For popular news reader you could take a look at web-based news aggregators like feedly, but I personally use RSSOwl for desktop (you can filter out the news you're not interested in).

Off Topic / Re: Intelligence
« on: July 05, 2019, 05:53 PM »
Yeah I don't want to deny that some species show signs of having some cultural aspect of being as they can evolve with the tools they invent to write history. The brain development (namely ability to memorize and recall stuff on demand from "the past") largely determines the probability of such species to create culture I think. Traditions develop as they prove to be important for survival.

I would say humans have more impact on Earth than any other species

I think the impact is interpreted by humans themselves according to how they make the world they live in better or worse. To an ant the impact made by humans would be negligible in this case.

So think of the same quote, but change wage to living conditions, and that's how people run the world "successfully"

Animals try to exert the least effort to preserve energy and avoid pain at all cost, and for most animals that would qualify as "success". I don't know what happened to humanity but in order to survive, you have to do the opposite now. Seeking pleasure might lead to "self-destructive behavior" as they call it, so you're forced to plan and think through your intentions. Most animals have less memory span so they forget about stuff and react to the present. I say some history should be forgotten as there would be less cultural friction and wars. Animals don't have such problems, hence they could be more intelligent than us in this regard.  :D

Off Topic / Re: Intelligence
« on: July 05, 2019, 03:13 PM »
I think we often confuse intelligence with something else.
  • Intelligence vs skills. Intelligence is mostly useful in specific domains. I could play chess and become good at it, but this doesn't make me an intelligent person if intelligence to be interpreted as mere skill alone. Some part of intelligence could be transferred and adapted to other skills, but a domain overlap is usually very small for this to happen.
  • An intelligent person could also be wrongly interpreted as a person with good morals/ethics. If I'm a professional serial killer, I could still be quite an intelligent person.
But perhaps intelligence means all of the above. Yet this wouldn't apply to animals then because they don't really have morals/ethics. But as there are many animals which are social in nature, I think they could as well have some sort of morals and ethics, it just doesn't involve cultural aspect because animals can't write, hence make history from which traditions/laws could be created and inherited.

Having said that, I don't think we can compare intelligence across species, as we all have different environment to mold our intelligence against.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1084, Nermal Cup #1
« on: June 09, 2019, 07:05 PM »
And came up with a very original schemename.

Almost abnormal  ;)

Promotion Project / Re: How to get WA back in the focus
« on: June 09, 2019, 01:11 PM »
Replay system is crucial indeed, it's what allowed the whole community to grow, some other modern games implement this functionality successfully. Creating replay system is not easy if not available out-of-the-box, which makes it a valuable feature in games. And I think W:A's replay system is one of the most convenient ones, not a lot of games allow you to simply click on the replay file to watch it any moment.

Files / Re: Big Rope Race Generator (BRRG)
« on: June 03, 2019, 06:59 PM »
Looks good!

Found a bug: when start and end match, the generator produces a solid map without any track. Should probably just disable duplicate options in UI.

I'm always looking forward to read Komoposts, he makes up for the whole community. :)

I wouldn't say microtransactions are particularly bad, if I were in position of needing to survive I'd have to come up with similar tactics... But if the stuff discussed here is true, this kind of thing reminds me of gambling which doesn't add to Olympic aspect (in terms of fairness) of gaming and the competitiveness that comes with it, which defeats the whole purpose of playing games for me, personally.

As we move out from real and into the virtual worlds and the survival activities being automated for us, does that mean that in-game microtransactions might be a way to compensate for survival in terms of social status? I'm not sure. If we're moving in this direction, I think we'd rather stay in the real world, why do we have to repeat the burden of survival all over again, even if it's just on a social level?

I'm almost sure the gamedev industry is going to be soon regulated by laws because of this, if not already.  :D

So as a developer, I'm asking to take this information into account, and lets make our best to create games that make people liberated. Cheers!

Off Topic / Re: hb TheMadCharles!
« on: May 31, 2019, 09:02 PM »
Happy Madday!

Sorry for being offtopic but you might find the following hilarious about microtransactions. :D

Background: an actual developer makes a simulator game that allows you to make a virtual gamedev company (something like SimCity) and someone files a feature proposal about it, so don't be confused:

Quote from: BIGEYES92
Being able to add micro transactions and loot boxes to games And deciding if they are cosmetics or pay to win, You could control the loot box percentage too. This could be great also if the competitors are being very greedy and Putting all of this stuff in their new games, and you could become the only developer the fans trust by making games, that don't give in to these greedy tactics, and maybe fans will start boycotting these greedy game developers and eventually they try not being greedy. Just a thought but it would be fun to play out

Promotion Project / Re: How to get WA back in the focus
« on: May 21, 2019, 06:18 PM »
I'm all for promoting W:A in many ways, directly on indirectly. By indirectly I mean that I'm developing a game which should share a lot of what W:A provides currently under different sauce. As you said, the community is demising, and is actually one of the main reason for the development. The novelty factor plays a huge role, and people feel reluctant playing something what seems to be an old game. W:A is like a frog that needs to be kissed.  :-*

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